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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She smiked a little and nodded, getting out to go inside with him and go straight up to their room, starting to feel a little off and by the time they were settled in with some snacks and Crunchyroll she was starting to get a migraine, laying with her head pressed against a pillow to try and alleviate the pain, closing her eyes as well just resting with him.

He stepped out once they asked him to and glanced down the hall to max. “Hey, he’s had another fit.” He told her. “They’re helping him now.” He mumbled.
Noah gave a small frown and held her close seeing the pained look on her face "Headache? You need some medicine?" He asked softly making sure their lights were turned off aside from the color lights they had around the ceiling.

Max frowned deeply as she sipped her water giving a heavy sigh "Shit....okay." she said quietly running a hand through her hair.
She gave him a thumbs down. “Not gonna so much at this point. Just let me use you as a pillow.” She mumbled, snuggling in close to him. They usually had to for warmth because he kept the AC up so high but she just needed the warmth to feel a little better. “I love you.” She mumbled tiredly, closing her eyes to try and sleep it off while she listened to the sound of Naruto in the background.

Will came to a short while later and glanced over at max frowning some. “I think it’s a girl.” He mumbled, “can we ask for another ct?” He asked her quietly.
Noah gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Alright beautiful, I love you." He whispered he murmured before turning his attention to the TV.

Max gave a small nod and squeezed his hand "Already have, they're talking with the doctor now to see what can be done." She said softly before kissing his knuckles "A girl huh?"
Jesse poked his head in a little later after knocking. “Hey, we’re having people over tomorrow. Party. I’m gonna go to Walmart now to pick stuff up, you guys need anything?” He asked.

He hummed quietly and smiled. “I’m sure of it… how you feeling?” He asked her quietly, trying to scoot over so she could sit with him.
Noah gave a small frown and shook his head as he paused the show "No we should be fine. If she needs anything I'll get it for her tomorrow."he said quietly worried that she might be upset, especially if her headache got any worse.

Max smiled softly and moved to sit with him a bit "I'm okay, worried about you but okay other than that." She murmured before pecking his cheek "You know we have the first sonogram here soon, you excited to finally see the little bean?"
He nodded tiredly. “I’ll be alright. Whatever it is, we’ll make it work.” He murmured, watching her happily. “I can’t wait.” He smiled.

Carmen slept through most of the afternoon and woke up feeling sick to her stomach, just trying to stay settled as much as possible. “Babe…. I’m really sorry… but can you… could you go get some coke? Please?” She mumbled. “Or sprite. Either will do.” She told him quietly
Max nodded and smiled some doing her best to stay positive "I know we will, they'll figure it out and we'll get everything sorted." She said softly just watching him.

Noah nodded when she asked him for a drink and paused his show "Yeah sure, you need anything else?" He asked gently as he got up. Once she told him no he made his way downstairs and back up quickly with a coke in hand "Here you go, one coke." He said quietly giving her a small smile "So they said tomorrow they're throwing a party, you want to rent a hotel if your head is bad?"
She frowned and gave a thumbs down. “It should be okay… but I’ll just get my headphones out.” She mumbled, snuggling in close again and glanced at the tv. “Where are yo- sandals on the bed? Really?” She mumbled, sighing a little while she cuddled the bottle after a couple sips.

He smiled tiredly and held onto her until they came to get him for the second ct scan, giving her hand a squeeze. “See you in a bit.” He smiled waving as they moved him out.
Noah quickly kicked off the sandals and chuckled some "Sorry, still trying to break that habit." He murmured before kissing the top of her head "You need anything else?"

Max kissed his cheek before he left and gave a small sigh as she went to sit down to wait.
She shook her head and pulled their blanket over them. “Just you. Headaches ruined my plans for tonight.” She mumbled. “But at least we got one more quiet day before I’m back at work.” She smiled a little.

They brought him back around an hour later and they only had to wait a few minutes before the doctor was coming in to talk to them. “Good news is we think we’ve found the problem. Bad news is it’s gonna be another surgery. There is the smallest amount of leftover bleeding that’s happening. Slowly, which is why we’ve caught it on this second scan but we can fix it easy but it is another surgery which I know isn’t ideal.”
Noah nodded and gave a small smile "Yeah that is nice indeed." He murmured before starting his show again and just letting her cuddle up close to him.

Max gave a small nod and bit her lip as she looked to Will "You okay with surgery again?" She asked quietly
He frowned a little and just squeezed her hand. “I don’t have much choice do I?” He pointed out and got the paperwork signed to agree to it for first thing tomorrow morning.

She frowned a little and closed her eyes, hee hand rubbing up and down his torso slowly for comfort until she was out for the rest of the night.
Max sighed softly and kissed his cheek once they were alone again "I love you." She murmured quietly letting his hand rest on her stomach.

Noah woke up the next morning groaning softly as he stretched out. He frowned though seeing Carmen already awake and looking in pain "Good morning beautiful. You okay?"
She shook her head and frowned a bit. “Still bad.” She mumbled, closing her eyes again and just tried to relax, “should call the realtor to reschedule.” She mumbled, “I swear, maybe I’m just allergic to you.” She smiked a little

He smiled at her some and kissed her cheek. “Love you too babe.” He murmured. “They’re gonna make you go home tonight. I let skip that we aren’t married.” He mumbled.
Noah gave a nod and chuckled softly "I really hope thats not the case." He murmured before getting up and ready for the day "Whats the realator's number?"

Max frowned a bit and gave a heavy sigh "I don't like leaving you here alone. Maybe your mom can come up, I gotta call her anyways to tell her about the surgery."
He frowned a little and shook his head. “No… no I’ll be alright.” He mumbled, “can you… can you call hee once I’m in?” He asked her quietly, closing his eyes and starting to breathe a little heavy again.

She smiled over at him. “Puter.” She mumbled pointing at her tablet half heartedly trying to tell him it was on there, unlocking it for him and pointed at the number already on the screen.
Max gave a small nod and pressed the call button when she noticed his breathing change "Alright I'll do that." She said softly

Noah gave a nod and dialed the number once he got it. He talked with the realator for a few minutes before hanging up and turning his attention back to Carmen "Okay they said it would be fine and to call when we want to reschedule."
He frowned a little and nodded, “you gonna sit with me til you gotta go?” He asked, reaching for her hand but frowned when a nurse came in and got him to sit up so she could check him over.

She hummed in approval but groaned as someone had started playing music downstairs and got up to find her headphones, going back to bed.

Jesse glanced over at Noah when he came down and shut the speakers off. “Morning… her head still bad?” He asked him frowning some.
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Max nodded and smiled "Of course I will." She murmured before kissing his knuckles and letting the nurse look him over.

Noah nodded and sighed heavily "Yeah, I think she may need to see a doctor about it now." He said while making himself a drink.
He nodded and carried on setting up. “Well we got people arriving at about one so hopefully it’s better by then.” He told him

Carmen glanced up as the door opened, sat in his gaming chair now, resting her head back. “I took the strong painkillers, I might go down to urgent care if it lasts past twelve though. They aren’t ever longer than 24 hours.” She sighed, leaning her head against his chest when he moved to stand in front of her.

“They gonna let you come early tomorrow morning? So I can see you before I go in?” He asked her quietly, giving her hand a squeeze while the nurse said it just seemed like a bit of muscle strain from the seizures and left them to it
Noah got up to her and gave a small nod "Party starts at one per Jesse." He said softly before kissing the top of her head "I think you should go to the doctor even if it goes away. You shouldn't be getting them as frequently as you have." He said quietly while rubbing her back.

Max nodded smiling at him "Yeah I'm sure they will. I'll make sure to ask them." She murmured squeezing his hand gently as the nurse left "You know I love you more than anything in this world right?"
He smiled and reached for her to come closer. “Mmm I love you too beautiful….. right at the same level as the cats…. And our daughter.” He smiled, kissing her gently.

She nodded and frowned a little. “You go have fun with them babe. I don’t expect you to stay up here with me.” She told him quietly, frowning for a moment before getting up and rushing to the bathroom closest to their room, throwing up in the toilet.
Max gave a small laugh and kissed him gently "We'll be home soon enough." She murmured to him just praying that everything went well during the surgery tomorrow.

Noah gave a small nod but frowned when she rushed to the bathroom. He went and got her some water and sighed softly as she came out "Here beautiful, got you some water."
She frowned and just started crying a little, "It hurts so bad Noah." She told him, shaking a little by this point, "It's like someone is stabbing me in the head." She whimpered, holding onto him, still stood in the hallway, not noticing Jolly and Orie sticking their heads out their rooms.

He smiled as he watched her "One more and home." He murmured, "You make sure my babies get cuddles tonight.... Lots of them." He told her, kissing her once more before she had to go

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