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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She frowned a little, rubbing at her face when she woke up at around 2:30 in the morning and he wasn’t in bed, glancing over to find him at the desk, getting up and going to rub his shoulders. “What are you doing?” She mumbled

He sighed a little and glanced back at his phone. “So when do you go aaay next?” He asked her, just confused now
Noah jumped a bit and laughed some "Sorry, got caught up making a beat and then I switched to gaming. What time is it?" He asked quietly as he turned to face her.

Max looked at the calendar on her phone and sighed "Next month thankfully, everything else is local." She said before going to make herself a drink, giving him a peck on the cheek in the process.
She frowned and reached for his hands “it’s 2:30 babe. Come to bed.” She coaxed, tugging on him gently while still half asleep herself. "I was having weird dreams." She mumbled, yawning again "You left me for an avocado." She told him frowning.

He nodded and made a note in his calendar, going to get showered and cleaned up, feeling a little out of it but not wanting to cause anyone any unecessary stress if he could avoid it so he kept quiet on the matter
Noah gave her a confused look and chuckled to himself "An avacado? Nah, you're way tastier than avacados." He said with a smirk on his face as he moved to lay down with her pulling her in close to him.

Max got started on dinner while he got his shower in deciding on some easy wraps for the night. She smiled softly as he came down and pecked his cheek "Mmm don't change that body wash ever okay? It smells amazing." She said happily before handing him a drink "Dinner is ready in the kitchen whenever you want to eat."
she hummed quietly, snuggling in close. “Mmm I want cake pops.” She mumbled as she fell asleep, forever making zero sense when she was in that weird halfway point between actually awake and passed out.

He saluted her and went to grab a beer, “did I hear you on the phone with Carmen about them coming up for a visit?” He asked her, going to take a seat with her
Noah smiled some and started to drift off as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Max nodded happily as she came to sit with him again "Yeah, she was talking about coming next month." She said before sipping her drink.
He nodded and yawned a little. “Might finally be back to normal by then…. Or maybe we need to make a trip down to sunny California?” He suggested. “Better weather, little holiday after all that stress. You got any time off to take?” He asked.

Carmen woke up early to the sound of everyone downstairs in the kitchen, pulling herself out of bed to go clean up and get dressed, wandering down there to grab some coffee and go sit with her laptop to look through an email their realtor had sent her
Max smiled happily and gave a nod "I think that would be great. Maybe get some pool or beach time?" She said before digging into her food.

Noah smiled when he saw Carmen come down and handed her a cup of coffee "Good morning beautiful. You want some eggs?"
She shook her head and just put her headphones on while she sat at the breakfast bar, scrolling through the listings they’d sent her, moving one ear off when she’d booked a couple viewings. “We got two viewings this afternoon, one is a couple blocks away from here and the other is a fifteen minute drive.” She told him.

He nodded. “Why don’t you arrange it with her?” He suggested. “You got my tour dates to work around.” He mumbled. He went to bed right after dinner but was up early the following morning to get showered and go start getting the space set up for a streaming interview.
Noah moved over to look at the listings and gave a small nod "Ooo those look nice. Got a good yard? What do you think of getting a dog?" He asked happily before kissing her cheek.

Max was up later than he was that next morning just enjoying the lie in. She smiled softly when she heard him in the gaming room doing the interview and quietly made her way downstairs to make herself some breakfast.
She nodded and smiled. “Mmm cats baby. Such low maintenance.” She pointed out, relaxing under his touch as she felt him scratching her back a little. “I figured we go look at these. They’re a little different from each other and see what things we do and don’t like, helps us narrow things down.” She told him. “Also don’t forget we got a meeting with the broker lady tomorrow morning.” She smiled some.

He came out to see her around an hour later and went to grab some water. “Mmm morning beautiful.” He murmured, kissing her head on his way past to go grab some breakfast out the frodge as well. “Sleep good?”
Noah nodded and said it all quietly to himself to make a mental note "Sounds good to me babe." He murmured before kissing her temple and still scratching her back "You sleep alright?"

Max smiled some and nodded "Yeah I did, how about you? Did your interview go well?" She asked happily
He nodded and grabbed the milk out to make some cereal, “yeah it was good. Nick is a nice guy I think. His interviews are fun at least.” He told her.

She nodded and smiled. “Yeah not too bad. Weird dreams though.” She told him, not remembering that she’d got up to bring him back to bed at all.
Max smiled some and nodded "Well thats good at least. I'm glad you had fun." She murmured before getting up and pecking his cheek before making herself some more water "Do you have any other plans for the day?"

Noah chuckled some and nodded "You have any about cake pops?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her "You don't remember? You woke up and brought me to bed, then said you wanted cake pops."
She shook her head. “No…. But maybe… maybe we should go down to the bakery and you can get me a cake pop?” She smiled, rolling her eyes listening to Jesse fake gagging. “Oh shut up Jesse. I can’t wait for the day you find someone and get just as mushy.” She laughed.

He shook his head. “Nope. Not back in the studio til I can scream without my head splitting. Might pop in tomorrow just to see how everything is going though. You wanna go do something?” He asked.
Noah flipped him off and smiled happily at her "Mmm sure thing, cake pops and how about a Target trip? Get you a new outfit?" He suggested happily.

Max smiled some and nodded "I was thinking of going to get some tights to wear, wearing pants just sounds horrible right now." She said with a small giggle.
She frowned and looked over at him suspiciously. “What did you do?” She asked him, “plus I don’t shop for clothes at target.” She muttered, watching him carefully while she went to put her computer away and get dressed for the day.

He nodded and yawned a little, munching on his cereal. “Yeah we can go do that. Did you talk to your mom about her coming here yet?” He asked her, putting his dishes in the sink once he was done and stood to go get ready for the day but paused in the kitchen doorway, swaying on his feet a little.
Noah chuckled some "Okay okay fine, what about books then huh? Or some house stuff? Let me get you a present." He said kissing her cheek before letting her go get ready.

Max nodded some "I did, she agreed to come out next weekend. Wants to cook for us too even though I said she didn't need to." She said with a small laugh but frowned seeing him swaying "Babe? You alright?"
He frowned a little, not answering while he stood there just breathing laboured before falling forward into the lounge and starting to seize, lasting for five minutes.

She smiled and shook her head as she went to get dressed, coming back down once she was ready and put her keys and wallet in her purse. “Right, I’m ready.” She smiled at him.
Max went wide eyed and immediately rushed to his side getting him turned over while shw called 911 to ask for an ambulance. She was still on the phone as he came out of it a worried frown etched on her face "It looks like he is coming to now, no I'd still like the EMTs to come look him over just in case. Thank you." She said down the line while she rubbed Will's side.

Noah gave her a small salute before grabbing his keys and sunglasses "Alright then lets go." He said happily as he opened the door for her.
He frowned a little and tried to sit up a couple times, not sure what was going on, not really registering what was happening with her pushing him back down everytime until things went fuzzy again and he stiffened up, going straight into another one, still in it by the time the ambulance arrived.

She smiled and headed out with him, getting in the car and leaned back. “Oh to be driven around again.” She smiled, yawning a bit.
Max rushed to the door when she heard the knock and quickly opened the door "He's straight through in the lounge, he's slipped into another one!" She said as she led them through to him making sure to stay out of there way the best she could.

Noah rolled his eyes and laughed a bit "Is that all I'm good for?" He teased dramtically while they made their way down the road and towards the shopping strip that Target was in.
He was in and out until the ambulance, looking around confused and glanced over at her, hearing things like he was underwater while he tried pulling out the iv in his arm, really confused.

She nodded and smiled. “Most definitely.” She giggled, putting her sunglasses on. “You can take me to barnes and noble after coffee…. But I promise to be good.” She smiled.
Max stayed out of the EMTs way as they got him to stop pulling at the IV "Will, babe stop its okay. We're in the ambulance its alright." She said doing her best to keep him calm.

Noah chuckled and nodded "Alright fine sounds like a good plan. Hey have you heard from Max? Hows the baby doing?" He asked as he tapped on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song.
He groaned quietly, starting to fight against them a little until he managed to get them off and pull the IV out but they managed to get him strapped down just a couple moments later. ‘Sir? Can you hear us? I want you to squeeze your partners hand for me okay?’ He told him slowly while he got the IV set up again, nodding as he watched him do it., slowly explaining what was going on.

She smiled a little. “Yeah they’re good. We’re tryna work out a weekend where either we go up to them or they come to us for the weekend. Sounds like they’re excited for the baby though.” She smiled a little as they pulled up to a stop light, frowning at the person in front of them who had pulled up a little but was clearly regretting it now and reversing towards them. “Oh dear.”

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