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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She kept it up, still not turning to him or answering at all until she heard him get up off the bed and she was spun around to face him, still looking anywhere but at him except now she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

He frowned and just held her to him, kissing her head. “Listen, the only way that’s gonna happen is if you kill me yourself. Which I hope I don’t piss you off to that point.” He murmured, swaying a little with her and trying to soothe her. “You wanna go get ihop?” He asked hee, lifting her chin and wiping her tears
Noah spun her to face him once he had enough and gave a small glare seeing the smile on her face "Oh you think this is funny huh? Got me here with blue balls all goddamn day and now you think its cute to ignore me?" He asked a slight growl in his voice smirking as he forced her to look at him "Well then I'm just gonna have to make you acknowledge me." He said before lifting her up and tossing her onto the bed.

Max sniffled and nodded "Uh huh, some french toast sounds really good right now. And orange juice. " She murmured as she reached for a tissue so she could blow her nose.
She squealed a little at the sudden movement but was soon helping him get his jeans off … she curled in close once they were spent, kissing him once more. “Mmm welcome home babe.” She murmured, watching him while he got up to pee and get re dressed.

He nodded and stayed rubbing her back. “We’ll come on then. You gotta drive for one more week but let’s go get you some French toast sweetheart.” He smiled, going to get changed into going out clothes
Max gave a small nod and got her shoes on as well as grabbed her purse. She took his hand once he was ready and walked with him to the car "So what are you hoping for? Boy or girl?"

Noah came back with a towel and started to gently clean her up smiling some at her "I'm glad to be home." He murmured softly starting to gently massage her legs once he was done cleaning her up.
She watched him, content in the afterglow until he moved to lay with her again, slipping her arms around him gently. “So max is pregnant… do you think you’d want kids one day?” She asked him quietly, tracing his chest tattoo.

He shrugged a little. “I’ll be happy whatever we have. Did you want to know as soon as we can?” He asked her, getting in the car and leaned back a little. “They said I can drive again in a week. So only one more of you chauffeuring me around.” He smiled.
Noah thought about it for a minute and shrugged "Um I dunno honestly. I hadn't really thought about it. My childhood was fucked, definitely wouldn't want to even give a possibility of it repeating." He explained to her "But, I think with you? I'd be alright with having them."

Max smiled a bit and nodded "I know, I can't wait." She said giving a small laugh "Honestly, I think I want to do one of those little gender reveals. Doesn't have to be a party, maybe like those ones where they cut the cake and find out." She said happily as she thought about it all "Do you want to make an annoucement on social media about it?"
He made a face at that and frowned. “I dunno. They’re so … yeah they don’t sit right with me. Plus I’m not putting anything out there until we have to… my family is private.” He pointed out. “I won’t subject my kid to some of the stuff that goes on on socials.”

She frowned but nodded. “It’s not something I’m wanting right this minute but… eventually.” She smiled. “I’d like to give a kid a better life than what we had growing up.”
Max nodded some "Well I was thinking of that just being us two and we send it to family. But I agree I don't want our kid posted. I just thought maybe we post us with the bump." She explained giving his hand a small squeeze "But if you want it all to be completely private then we can keep it that way."

Noah gave a small nod and smiled "I think that sounds nice. We get a house, then maybe we start looking towards all that. Hows it sound?" He asked as he kissed the top of her head.
She hummed in agreement, “can’t keep my eyes open babe.” She mumbled, starting to drift off snuggled up to him, not waking up until he was nudging her and she opened her eyes to find he’d ordered them takeout. “Oh what did you get?” She asked, sitting up and grabbed her computer tray to set down like a table.
He nodded, “I can agree to that.” He told her quietly as she parked, frowning some as he went to get out the car but felt like he’d dropped two levels of energy doing that, rubbing at his face some before finally getting out and headed inside with her.
Noah smiled some as he started to hand her the food "Thai, been craving it like a bad habit." He said smiling a bit "And, I got you a bubble tea too." He said sweetly as he handed her the drink "How have your headaches been doing?"

Max smiled some and nodded as she got out once they were parked. She frowned though seeing how he took a minute to fully stand "Babe? You okay?"
He nodded. “I’m fine. Just worn out.” He told her smiling a little, taking her hand and headed inside, giving it a little squeeze.

She nodded and took it happily, unpacking everything while he got comfy clothes on smiling when the round glasses got put on as well. “This is how I know you are truly comfy cosy.” She smiled at him
Max gave a small nod and walked inside with him "Okay....you'd tell me if something was wrong right?" She asked as they waited to put their name down.

Noah chuckled as he sat beside her in bed "Mmmm its what I miss most when touring aside from you. Can't always get this comfy." He murmured before pecking her cheek and handing her the remote to put something on the TV.
She got settled comfy to be able to eat, putting dead pool on but sighed a little hearing how everyone downstairs was gaming, just turning the tv up a little more to drown it out.

He nodded. “Promise…. I’m not in the habit of terrifying you.” He told her.
Max smiled softly and gave a small nod. After their food they found themselves bsck at homr and cuddled up in bed with the cats watching some trash TV. "My mom wants to see us when you're feeling up for it. She says she misses us."

Noah held her close to him and sighed softly "I'm sorry about the noise." He told her quietly before kissing her temple.
She frowned and moved to be cuddling with him once they’d finished eating. “It’s not the noise babe. It’s the never having full privacy that frustrates me.” She told him. “I just would like us to have a little more space.” She told him, taking his hand and playing with his fingers.

He frowned a little but nodded, holding her close as he tried his best to stay awake. “Why doesn’t she just come to us? It’s a two hour drive now for us to get there and she thinks we should be going there right now?” He asked.
Noah gave a small nod as he cuddled up close to her "I know, but we'll find a place. I've already talked with them about it." He said quietly before kissing the top of her head "I just want you to be happy."

Max sighed heavily and shrugged "I got no idea, I'll bring it up to her again. I think she keeps forgetting that we have an entire house now and not a small townhome." She explained before yawning "Mmm nap time."
“I don’t dislike your mom babe and it would be good to see her but I can’t do a two hour car journey right now.” He told her gently, pausing their show as they both started drifting off.

She rolled over to straddle his hips, leaning forward and kissing him gently. “I am happy Noah. Very. I just think that both of us are much better off than two years ago and it would be nice to finally upgrade.” She told him. “I know you struggle to believe in yourself. But I can do it for you.” She told him quietly, kissing him again. “Mmm I love you.”
Max nodded a bit "Neither can I really. I'll talk to her." She murmured glancing up and seeing he was already asleep. She smiled softly before drifting off herself.

Noah smiled softly and kissed her lovingly "Mmm I love you too beautiful, more than anything." He said quietly holding her to him "I don't know where I'd be without you."
She hummed quietly before moving to cudddle into his side, resting her head on his shoulder. “You wanna stream this weekend? I’ll beat your ass on smash bros.” She suggested while they watched the movie.

He got up after an hour and went to grab a drink and take the meds they’d given him to avoid infection. He’d be glad to be finished with it and also to feel like himself again. He glanced at his phone as well when it pinged, leaning against the kitchen counter to respond to it until he heard max come in the room.
Noah chuckled and nodded at her suggestion "That sounds like fun, but I'm gonna be the one whooping your ass." He teased as she squeezed her side affectionately.

Max came down not long after he had woken up and smiled softly "Hey babe, how was your nap?" She asked quietly
He smiled and glanced over at her. “It was good but it’s getting hot up there. We should turn the AC on…. I have an interview tomorrow now. I’m gonna take it in the study, it’s not a serious one so I don’t need silence or anything. When are you back at work?” He asked, reaching over to her.

She rolled her eyes and just got comfy, ending up drifting off halfway through the movie.

Jolly glanced up when he heard Noah coming to the kitchen. “So you’re moving out?” He asked him frowning a bit.
Max nodded and sighed softly "Next week. I gotta stop doing festivals, I don't want to risk anything with the baby." She said softly

Noah gave a small nod as he threw out their take out trash "Yeah we are, not immediately but here within a year or so." He said softly
He nodded and sighed a bit. “Well as long as she isn’t dragging you off halfway across the country.” He told him. “But maybe you guys can have more space…. And the rest of us won’t have to listen to your reunion nights.” He chuckled and grabbed his bowl of food and drink to take to his room.

Will sighed a little and rubbed at his face. “Babe. You’re not in the crowds. You’re working. Your backstage. There’s a difference.” He pointed out. He’d noticed she’d started getting a little neurotic about what she could and couldn’t do while pregnant and he could see it could easily turn into a slippery slope
Noah rolled his eyes and laughed some "No definitely staying in Cali." He said before making a drink for himself. He yawned softly as he made his way back up to Carmen smiling softly as she slept and he got in a bit of work answering emails on his phone.

Max nodded and bit her lip "You're right, you're right. I'd only need to stop once I'm really far along." She said giving him a small smile. She knew how difficult she was being lately about tip toeing around the pregnancy, but after the loss she was just scared.

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