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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She ended up sleeping through the rest of the afternoon and night, waking up early in the morning to go take a shower and taking a couple pills before stuffing them back in her bag and made her way back to the bedroom finding Noah sat up, just going to get dressed quietly.

He gave her a salute and hung up, getting some sleep for tomorrow, texting her most of the day until soundcheck and then called her after while he was grabbing some lunch. “Hey beautiful… how was work?” He asked her, putting his AirPods in so he could sit in the cafe he’d found and chat with her while he ate.
Noah watched her as she got dressed smiling some "Good morning, did you sleep good?" He asked softly as he got up and wrapped his arms around him.

Max smiled as she saw his face pop up when she answered her phone "Hey, work was good. They gave me a shoot to do tomorrow so that should be fun." She said happily while she ate her lunch as well "How was sound check?"
She nodded tiredly and leaned into him a little, “can we go get breakfast?” She asked him quietly, not wanting to be around the others who were likely to start noticing what was going on

He nodded. “That’s good. No heavy lifting though you explain to Lauren what you want moved where… don’t think I won’t find out either.” He chuckled. “Yeah it was good…. Just itching to get this first one over and done with.” He told her sighing a little. “I know it’ll feel better after that.”
Noah gave a small frown and nodded "Yeah we can, where do you want to go?" He asked softly while he swayed some with her.

Max gave a small laugh and nodded "I promise to tell Lauren when I need things moved." She said happily "I know you'll do amazing, I wish I could be there to see you."
He smiled and shook his head. “Not til our daughter is out and safe and then you can both come down.” He told hee. “Thems the rules.” He winked at her. “Did you pick a name yet?” He asked

She shrugged a little. “IHOP, cracker barrel, wherever you like.” She told him quietly, leaning into him some more and sighed quietly. “I missed you.” She mumbled. “I think I’m gonna leave the touring up to you. Not for me.” She told him
Max gave a small laugh and smiled "I was thinking what about Anna?" She said biting her lip hoping he liked the name too.

Noah gave a small nod and smiled as he kissed her cheek "Oh yeah? Well I think we can do that. Oh, the guys wanted to know if you's be up for doing the makeup for our song Dethrone?" He asked quietly
She nodded and frowned. “Uh, yeah when?” She asked him, nodding when he said tomorrow. “We’ll shit, bit late notice.” She sighed. “But fine, yes.” She told him, pulling away so he could get dressed and they could head out.

He nodded. “Anna is nice. You gonna give me any other options?” He asked her, taking a sip of his drink.
Noah got dressed and sighed a bit "I'm sorry, its so last minute. Its going to be at the house though, you wanna know the ideas have in mind?" He asked as they made their way out to the car.

Max nodded and smiled more "Yes, I liked the name Iris, Elsabeth, Rose, maybe even Angela?" She suggested watching his reactions "I just liked Anna the most."
She nodded and leaned back once they were in the car, “I really hope this house is the right one today.” She told him, fiddling with her nails.

He nodded and made a bit of a face at each one. “I don’t like any of them.” He told her sheepishly. “They all sound like old ladies at the bingo centre.” He told her. “What about Anya?” He asked her, sighing as she just started crying. “Babe I’m sorry, I just don’t like em.” He mumbled.
Noah gave a small nod and continued driving "Yeah...I uh...I hope so too." He murmured taking a deep breath "Been kinda sinking in on me that we're moving. Crazy huh?" He said while biting his lip.

Max frowned a bit and felt her emotions get the better of her as she started to cry "I'm sorry....I didn't pick any good names." She said before taking a few deep breaths "I....its just hormones, I promise I'm okay." She said when he tried to apologize more.
He frowned and shook his head. “Honey… they’re not bad names, I just can’t picture myself calling our kid any of those.” He told her quietly. “What about lily?” He asked her quietly.

She nodded a little. “I’m just ready to have a place where it’s just us. Like we can go see everyone when we like but it’s quiet.” She told him.
Max sniffled and gave a small nod "Anya and Lily are nice too.." she said as she wiped her tears and did her best to calm down "What about Elizabeth? We could, we could call her Elle or Lizzy for short."

Noah nodded some and pulled into the IHOP parking lot "Yeah it would be nice to be able to walk around naked if I wanted too." He said with a small laugh but frowned when she didn't laugh at all.
He smiled some. “I like Elizabeth.” He told her, going to doordash her some of her favorite ice cream at the minute and kept her on the phone without telling her it was coming, feeling bad for making her cry. “Aw man you got your boyfriend coming over?” He teased as he heard their doorbell go on the other end.

She nodded slowly, glancing over at him and just stared at him a little blankly. “What are we doing here again?” She mumbled, frowning a little.
Max smiled some when he said he liked Elizabeth "Okay, you pick the middle name for her." She said softly. She frowned deeply when she heard a knock at the door "Huh? No, no one should be here." She said before getting up and going to the door. She gasped as she opened the door seeing the doordash on the porch "Awww babe...you didn't have to do that." She said before starting to cry again "I'm so lucky to have you." She whimpered

Noah looked at her completely confused "We're getting breakfast. You asked to get breakfast." He said seriously with a frown pulling at his lips "Babe? You sure you're okay?" He asked worriedly as she continued looking him blankly.
He smiled and shook his head. “You are something huh?” He told her quietly “I gotta go babe but I’ll call you tomorrow alright? I love you.” He told her, waving before hanging up and heading back to the venue.

She nodded slowly and frowned. “Yeah, just… I think I’m getting another migraine but without the headache.” She told him, playing it off as that.
Max nodded and gave a small smile "I love you too, I'll talk with you tomorrow." She said softly before going to put the ice cream in the freezer while he hung up.

Noah kept the frown on his face and nodded "Uh alright.." he said quietly before getting out with her and going inside.
She got seated with him and smiled a little, finally seeing the outfit he’d put together. With his grass sliders, shorts and hoodie and his pink sunglasses she couldn’t help the giggle. “I gotta get you a stylist hired.” She told him quietly, shaking her head some.

He sighed a little and rubbed at his face, getting up to head back to the venue and start getting ready for the show, sat in the Green room chatting with Austin for a while thoigh
Noah pouted some and looked at himself up and down "Why? I think I dress fine." He said before kissing her hand gently while he looked over the menu.
“Babe… oh whatever makes you happy.” She smiled, shaking hee head some and leaned back, watching him. “You know I love you don’t you?” She asked.

Will sighed a little as his taxi pulled up outside the house, getting out and paying the guy before heading up to the front door. He hadn’t spoken to max for a couple days now since he’d let her know he was only gonna be home for a couple days now that the tour had been extended, she hadn’t answered a single one of his calls and he knew she was pissed. He wouldn’t be home permanently until three weeks before due date now.
Noah nodded and gave a small smile "Yes of course I do, and you know I love you too right? I dunno what might be going on, but I'm here for you no matter what okay? I promise." He said softly reaching to take her hands in his.

Max opened the door when she saw him on their doorbell camera. She gave a small frown before flinging her arms around him and hugging him as tight as she could. She was beyond upset that he was having to go on tour for so long now but she just prayed that it really would be done before she was due and that she didn't deliver early.
She smiled and watched him, shaking her head a bit. “Awhn… awhn.” She giggled. “You just say on so funny.” She teased a little, glancing at the waiter when he came over, ordering some eggs and a juice, just watching Noah some, gently fiddling with his fingers. “So what uh, what’s up with the video tomorrow?” She asked.

He sighed quietly and moved to stand by her side to hug her, kissing her head. “I love you, this is the only extension they’re making okay? It’s gonna be helpful for once baby is here too cause it’s more money coming in and it’s helpful to the guys too cause they weren’t working either while I was incapacitated…. It’s gonna be okay, you wanna let me in the house so I can see our other children?” He asked her quietly, still kissing her head over and over while he held her.
Noah gave a small smile as she asked about the video "Oh! Its really cool hold on." He said before pulling out his phone and getting his inspiration photos before explaining what he wanted to do for the video.

Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded before letting him into the house "I know, I know. I just want you home is all, just being selfish." She said softly as she closed the door and locked up "But atleast its not like you get back the week of my due date."
She nodded and looked over everything with him. “Alright. I’ll take a look and see what I can do…. Are you gonna be covered in mud?” She asked him raising an eyebrow. “Like coated coated?”

He sighed a little and shook his head. “It’s not selfish honey, I understand why you’re worried.” He murmured, picking up the cats and held them close for a minute til they wriggled away. “I wanna be here as well. But it’s a short one and I’ll be home before you know it and we’ll be ready for our little girl to get here.” He told her.
Noah nodded excitedly "Uh huh, I think its gonna be sick." He said happily while he took a bite of his food as it got set at their table "Hopefully the guys don't kill me for making a mess of the house."

Max nodded and made her way over to him placing his hands on her bump where she was kicking feeling a wave of comfort wash over her as he started to rub circles "I know, and I can't wait. Did we settle on Elizabeth for her name?"
He nodded and smiled. “I like Elizabeth.” He told her quietly, kissing her forehead. “You want me to take you for ice cream later?” He asked her quietly, gently moving her with him so they could go lay down for a nap.

She smiled at him and nodded. “I think to be fair, it is you and jolly who are the neat freaks anyway in the house.” She pointed out, eating quietly and watching out the window a little.

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