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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max squeezed Will's hand tightly again as another contraction started in on her "Get a doctor....please....I think its time.." she whimpered to him

Noah nodded and held her "Ah I see, well hopefully all is well." He murmured watching her a bit "Take a nap love, its been an eventful day."
She hummed quietly, drifting off with him. She ended up feeling better over the next few days and was on and off over the time he was away, spending what time she was feeling better dealing with the house stuff and working.

He nodded when the midwife finally started listening and went to get a doctor. “You got this, I’m gonna be here the whole time alright?” He murmured.
Noah called up Carmen after sound check and smiled softly "Hey beautiful, hows your day going?" He asked her. He had been so worried to leave her alone for this tour, but so far she seemed to be doing okay and he was happy about it.

Max nodded and took deep breaths. Once the doctor was in she sat up just a bit and lifted her legs as needed. She cried out a bit as another contraction hit but felt a wave of fear wazh over her when he said it was time to push.
She sighed a little and frowned. “Hey, I’m not tryna yell at you but I’m gonna be shitty for a minute.” She gave him a moment to hear that before continuing. “Your finances are making this process so fucking complicated. I need you to get an accountant or you can do the house stuff but it’s got a deadline of this Friday. So by tomorrow I need an answer on this…. Secondly… I swear to god if Kelly comes banging on our bedroom door one more time with her shitty laugh and whining about me being in bed sick one more time I will be losing my shit with her cause I’m so done with her. If you don’t talk to Orie I will and I’m angry, so it would be better if you mentioned it to him so he can get his girlfriend in check.” She muttered, “right… how’s your day going?” She asked, feeling a little better with it all off her chest.

He nodded and moved to be a little behind her, taking her hand so she could do what she liked. “Almost there beautiful, you got this.” He promised her, just trying to be supportive through everything.
Noah listened to her and frowned deeply "Well, its been good. Sound check went well. What do I do about an accountant?" He asked biting his lip some "Do you know any good ones? I don't want to fuck up and get someone to screw this up you know?"

Max took deep fast breaths squeezing his hands tightly "What if...what if I can't do this?" She asked him quietly while the doctors and nurses got everything ready.
He frowned a bit and shrugged. “It’s a bit late to back out now.” He told her “but they’ll work something out then. I’m right here, not going anywhere I promise you.” He told hee quietly.

She sighed a little. “No it’s more… when you get home we gotta sit down and deal with your income stuff. Cause it’s all technically freelance and self employed it’s complicated dealing with our mortgage lady.” She told him. “I’m gonna email you what information I need from you and if you can send that back to me as soon as possible that would be amazing, how is Europe?” She asked him, smiling a little.
Max gave a small frown "Thanks thats assuring." She muttered before taking deep breaths as another contraction started and they told her to push. It was another 30 minutes before the room was soon filled with the sounds of a baby's cries. She fell back against Will and sobbed quietly as the pain subsided and she heard the baby "She's here.....she's here." She said quietly.

Noah nodded and smiled "Alright I promise to send you everything and when we finish we'll get it sorted." He said before getting himself a water from the green room "Its really beautiful over here. I want to come here with you sometime, have us a vacation." He said happily
She nodded and smiled a little. “Maybe we can plan that for next vacation… but we need to go on a mini one to New Jersey when you get back cause will texted me to say the baby is on the way.” She told him, frowning a little.

He nodded and just kept kissing the top of her head. “Oh you did so good.” He murmured, taking the damp towel from a nurse thanking her quietly and gently dabbed away the sweat for hee. “You hear that? Got her dads vocals already.” He chuckled quietly.
Noah gave a small smile "Oh thats wonderful news." He murmured but frowned when he heard her sigh "Babe? You alright?"

Max nodded happily and pulled her gown down a bit as they brought her over to do skin to skin. "Oh hi, hi there beautiful girl." She murmured looking over at Will as he moved to sot beside her and look at them "Look at her, she's perfect."
She nodded and frowned "Yeah I'm... I'm alright, I gotta go Noah, I love you though and hopefully when you get back we won't be far off from actually moving." She smiled a little "Have a great show tonight." She told him before hanging up. She felt like she was starting to spiral a little and it was terrifying her. She'd had a couple instances like this while they were together but they had been before she'd moved in with him and now she was just trying to ignore it so she could enjoy the steps they were taking together.

He smiled and just stared at her, starting to cry a little "Oh there's my little girl." He murmured, reaching over and taking her hand "You gonna give us so much trouble huh?" He smiled, "What about Maya? She looks like a Maya." He murmured to Max, kissing her head again.
Noah frowned deeply as she hung up and looked over at Nick as he came in. "Dude I don't know what to do. Carmen, she's going through it man and I'm doing everything I can to be there for her but I don't know if its working." He vented while collapsing onto the couch.

Max smiled happily and nodded as she stared at the little baby in her arms "Yeah, definitely a Maya, not an Elizabeth." She said quietly before letting the nurse take her back to do her weight and length "Go take photos Dad." She said quietly giving Will a big smile.
He smiled and kissed her cheek”be right back.” He promised, going over and taking as many photos as he could have hee until they finally let him hold her, going to sit down with her and just stared. “Oh she’s perfect.” He said quietly, letting them take her away again after a while just for a little bit so max could get some rest while he stepped out to go find his mom in the waiting room. “She’s here.” He smiled.

He sighed a little and sat down, “just keep doing what you’re doing. Cause it’s not you that she’s got a problem with… not that you know at least, listen we got two more weeks on this tour before we get to go home and have a break from travel.” He pointed out. “Not long now and you guys get a whole six months at least to settle into your house and hopefully she gets to feeling better.”
His mom smiled widely and hugged her son tightly "Oh let me see her, did you get photos for me?" She asked excitedly letting tears fall as she saw the photos "Oh Will, you two did so good. You let me know if she needs anything at all okay? I'll be back in a few hours, she only had a pack of diapers and she'll definitely need more." She murmured before giving him big kisses on both of his cheeks "I'm so proud of you, you know that?"

Noah nodded and gave a heavy sigh "You're right, just gotta keep focused on the positives." He murmured before glancing at his phone as it lit up. He gave a small nod to himself seeing the text from Carmen telling him all that she needed from him for finances "Alright, I gotta go get some stuff done for the house, shouldn't be too long."
Kelly called him next, frowning. “Hey Noah… sorry to bother, just wanted to see if you knew that your girl was taking drugs? Cause I’ve had enough of her pretending that she’s sick in bed. Deal with her. Cause she’s not pulling her weight in the house right now.” She muttered.

He smiled hugging her tightly. “Her name is Maya. Thank you for bringing her though.” He told her and let her go so he could go get a little sleep on the couch in there after the stress of all that driving,
Noah frowned deeply as he heard Kelly and shook his head "Kelly she is fucking sick so leave her be. Yes I know about the pills and I am working with her to fix the problem but right now just leave her alone." He told her seriously, hopeful that she would listen and back off.

Max woke up when she heard the door open and smiled seeing the little cot being wheeled in "Is everything good with her?" She asked the nurse quietly while she picked up Maya as she started to fuss "Could you help me feed her?"
“I don’t care if she’s sick. She’s still going to work so she could at least do her share of the chores t keep the house today.” She muttered, failing to mention that Carmen spent 95% of her time at home in their bedroom and the other 5% in the bathroom.

Will woke up with a grumble but stood and stretched, looking over and smiling at his girls. “I can’t believe how tiny she is. I mean I knew she would be but… still.” He murmured going to sit on the edge of the bed. “Do I get some cuddles with her when she’s filled her tummy?” He asked her quietly
Noah gave a heavy sigh and frowned more "Alright Kelly, bye." He muttered hanging up the phone and calling Orie to see what the hell was actually going on right now.

Max gave a tired laugh and nodded softly "Yes of course." She said tiredly while they helped get Maya latched on. She took a deep breath at the uncomfortable pain that was now coming through her breast.
He nodded and frowned. “You alright?” He asked, rubbing her shoulder gently, “you want me to get someone?” He murmured frowning a little while he worried.

Orie frowned a little and sighed as he listened to him, glancing over at Kelly sat on the couch with him. “Yeah, I’ll uh, I’ll talk to her. No she’s been fine. Well not done but you know what I mean… dude she barely comes out your room except to pick up her dinner…. No I know…. Hey try not to worry I’ll deal with it” he assured him, rolling his eyes as he hung up. “Lay off her. Please. I don’t care if you don’t like her, she’s not my favorite person either but they’re gonna be gone soon anyway and she is sick. Last thing any of us need is Noah getting ill from the stress as well.” He pointed out.
Max shook her head giving him a small smile "No, I'm okay. Its natural, I'm just not used to the feeling." She said softly before looking back at their daughter "I can't believe we actually made a tiny human."

Kelly rolled her eyes and sighed heavily "Yeah thank god its soon. I can't believe he is really just letting her continue to take those pills." She muttered
He frowned and kissed her head "Yeah we did.... Shit we're responsible for this child." He smiled, "You wanna text everyone with her photo?" He asked her quietly, going to pull his shirt off and reach for her once she was done feeding, wanting cuddles.

Things were fairly quiet for the rest of the time that Noah was away and she was sat with Jesse on the couch watching a movie when him and Jolly returned, frowning at how exhausted he looked. "Hey, here, let me get your bags." She coaxed, helping him carry stuff up to their room before turning to face him and just hugged him tightly "You okay?"
Max nodded softly and handed her over to him "Shit I need to call my mom." She said quietly grabbing her phone and dialing her number while Will cuddled her "Don't forget the blanket over her while she is on you babe, she can't have a bath if she is too cold." She murmured quietly to him while the phone dialed.

Noah held her tightly to him and took a deep breath just staying silent for a few minutes. When he finally pulled back he gave her a small nod and kissed her gently "Yeah, I just really missed you." He said quietly not really wanting to burden her right now with how his mental state had started to decline.
He smiled a litte "Already did that beautiful, right before I went to talk to my mom, yours is on her way down tomorrow but going to ours, gonna meet us there." He told her quietly, not once taking his eyes off of Maya, listening to Max talking to her mom.

Carmen frowned and nodded, "Alright... You tell me when you're ready." She murmured, "You wanna see something exciting?" She asked him, stepping over to her nightstand and picked up her keys, holding it by the unfamiliar one "I picked them up this morning." She told him happily, "I thought we could start moving big stuff in in a couple days, after you've had some rest."
Max smiled widely and thanked him before she turned her attention to the phone as her mom answered. She stayed on the phone for another twenty minutes or so now even more exhausted. "Make sure to keep the blanket on her, she has to stay warm before they can let her have a bath." She whispered doing her best to try and stay awake.

Noah gave a small smile seeing the key and nodded "That sounds great babe....we'll be out of here soon enough." He murmured before burying his face in her neck.
She nodded and just held him. “Lay down babe.” She murmured, going to lay with him and just snuggled in close. “Did you get any sleep on the plane?” She asked him, pulling their weighted blanket over them both.

He sighed a little and frowned, not wanting to say anything yet but sighed a little again and shook his head, just looking back down at Maya, humming quietly to her and trying to decide who she looked more like
Noah shook his head starting to feel his eyes get heavy as she pulled the blanket over them. Soon enough he was asleep and snoring loudly, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

Max watched them until she finally fell asleep. It was about an hour later when she woke up to hear Maya crying. She frowned a bit and immediately reached out for her "She's hungry..." she murmured

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