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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah held her tightly to him for a second before taking a deep breath "I just.....I'm not in a good spot mentally. I can't put into words fully." He admits before kissing the top of her head repeatedly "But I don't want to burden you with my problems right now."

Max laughed some and nodded "I hope they like her, I don't want them swiping at her." She said quietly while she buckled up in the back seat.
She frowned and looked up "I know, I can tell puppy.... But I'm here and it's not burdening me... I plan on marrying you some day Mr. Davis... We're a team." She told him quietly, "And I'm gonna keep reminding you that I'm here as many times as it takes for you to believe it." She told him quietly. "Until then, we keep moving forward each day." She told him quietly, "I might not be running on 100% right now but I got enough in the tank to help you too." She told him quietly.

He nodded "That's why they're being introduced slowly." He told her, starting their car to drive home, "I got a couple calls that I gotta take for work this afternoon by the way but if I'm needed I can hang up and get them to call back." He assured her "Just trying to pin down some scheduling stuff." He explained, driving more sensibly than he normally would
Noah smiled softly and nodded "I love you so much Carmen, I dunno what I'd do without you." He murmured before kissing her gently. "Come on, lets go inside." He said quietly as he took her hand and led her inside the coffee shop.

Max nodded and smiled some "Okay, that shouldn't be a problem. Would you mind helping me with a shower later? I don't think I'll be able to stand that long for right now." She explained just watching Maya intently.
He nodded "I think I can manage that." He chuckled, "I can't wait til she fits into the Lorna Shore onesies I got made for her." He chuckled, "But no growing too fast young lady." He told her as well, getting them home after twenty minutes and helped them both out the car, holding onto Maya's carrier with one arm and Max's arm with his other "come on hop along." He teased her a little.

Carmen smiled and nodded, heading inside with him, sending him to find a table while she got their coffees but sighed a little when she heard his voice and glanced over to see he'd been stopped by a couple young boys, just keeping an eye on him in case he needed a hand escaping them
Max stuck her tongue out at him and gave a small laugh "I'm going, I'm going." She murmured smiling when her mom opened the door for the two of them "Hey mom, thanks for being here."

Noah gave a tired smile to the guys and chatted with them a minute before sitting with Carmen "Atleast they were nice." He murmured quietly "Had a chick try and ask me to marry her at a meet and greet."
She handed him his coffee and shook her head "Aren't you glad I wasn't there." She winked at him, "I'm pretty sure that person was in my DMs though now you mention it. I got a message from someone saying they'd done that and if I cared about you enough I would let you go so you could have someone who appreciates you." She muttered, rolling her eyes a little "I just told her that you fart in your sleep and your morning breath is awful so she can have you." She giggled.

Will chuckled and took Maya inside while her Mom went straight for Max to help her out, going to set her carrier on the kitchen table while he checked on the cats, setting one of the blankets they'd had Maya cuddled in on their bed so they could sniff her out before they met her
Noah chuckled and sipped at his coffee "Is morning breath really that bad?" He asked with a pout as he watched her "I don't understand why people think its okay to do that though. It makes no sense to tell someone's significant other that."

Max smiled and talked with her mother as she made her way inside. She sat down as Will came back into the room "How are the fur babies?" She asked softly
He nodded and smiled "They're good, a little confused but good." He told her, going to get Maya out of her carrier, lifting her up to lay against his shoulder and kissed her head "Here we go, you wanna meet grandma?" He asked, carefully passing her over for a cuddle and went to grab drinks.

Carmen rolled her eyes and shrugged "I really don't care to be honest, I just like messing with them. Most people are cool though. I like the edits I've seen people have done of us. They're so cute." She told him, showing him a couple before getting up to take their coffees with them to go look at couches. "So I'm gonna head over to storage tomorrow with Jolly to grab my TV out and the bedroom furniture thagt I got in there." She told him, "He's got his friends truck we can use."
Max smiled widely and took a few photos of the two of them together "Is Dad going to come by and meet her too at some point?" She asked softly while she watched the two of them.

Noah nodded as he sipped his coffee and opened the car door for her "Thats good, glsd he was able to secure the truck." He murmured quietly
She nodded "I thought you could do with an extra day to rest but then after we've got all my storage stuff to the house we'll know what we still need... Andthen we can do an Ikea trip." She smiled, looking excited, getting in the car with him and leaned back, letting him drive them to the furniture store in relatrive peace and quiet, fiddling withhis fingers.

She nodded and smiled "Oh he can't wait to come meet this little one, just... dealing with your sister at the minute y'know." She sighed some, shaking her head and thanking Will when he brought her some iced tea

"Hey I'm gonna go get those phone calls done so I can be done sooner. Shout if you need me." He told Max, pecking her cheek and went to get those bits done and out the way so he would be fully on leave for the next few months, just glad he had a job where that was possible
Max gave a small nod and rolled her eyes a bit "Yeah I know, just hope they can get it together so they can meet her." She muttered before turning to Will and kissing his cheek "Alright babe I will." She said softly before he went off "I'm so happy to have him." She murmured

Noah nodded and gave a small smile to her excitement. He was doing his best to stay positive about this, but moving was freaking him out still. He wanted to be excited, but he was scared to be honest.
-3 weeks-
Will grumbled a little as he got up and glanced at the clock reading 3am, hearing Maya screaming her little head off while he went to boil the kettle and make tea. The past couple days she'd been crying for hours and after a late night ER visit because they were both worrying they'd been told it was probably just colic and she was otherwise absolutely fine. "I hate this for her." He mumbled to Max as he brought their tea up, setting hers next to the rocking chair for her while Maya fed, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching them both.

The noise of Noah getting ready for the gym had woken Carmen up late into the night and she groaned quietly, looking at her phone for the time then back at him "Babe.... it's almost midnight... You sure that's a good idea right now?" She mumbled. They'd been in the new house for a couple days now and she was more worried than before about him. He'd barely been eating or sleeping, let alone talking. Their leaving party at the house the other night he'd spent the whole time sat in a corner, nursing a single beer and not speaking to anybody. "You want me to go with you?"
Max gave Will a tired smile as he brought in the tea and nodded. "Yeah me too, hopefully it'll clear up soon." She said quietly holding a towel to her other breast as it leaked "You can go back to bed if you want to love, I'll be okay."

Noah frowned deeply and shook his head "No, I'll be okay. Just need to let off steam." He whispered before kissing her gently. His mental health was on a rapid decline right now, he was trying to adjust to the new move but the quietness was a bit much at times. He wasn't hungry much these days, and he knew he was going to be in a bad way if he didn't get help, but he couldn't bring himself to get it.
She frowned but nodded and reached up, grabbing his arm for a moment, "Hold on." She mumbled, getting up and going downstairs with him to grab him a couple snacks to take plus some electrolytes, putting them straight into his gym bag "Don't argue, it makes me feel better that you've got them." She murmured, kissing him again "Be safe okay?" She murmured, heading back up to bed with a sigh and listening to his car pulling out the drive. She was worried sick about him at the minute but he would hardly accept her help.

He shook his head and yawned "I don't have any plans tomorrow, I'm good." He smiled, watching their little one "Those used to be my boobs." He pouted a little "They've been stolen." He winked at her "Plus... I want baby cuddles before I go back to sleep." He told her "Her newborn smell is starting to go." He mused, coughing a little. He'd been coming down with a chest infection the last couple days and the cold of winter definitely wasn't helping
Noah sighed heavily but gave a nod before kissing her cheek gently "I'll see you later." He murmured before heading out. He was back about 2 hours later and was up at 7 when her alarm went off. He sat in the kitchen watching as she made herself some coffee "How did you sleep?"

Max gave a small nod and smiled some "Alright, just remember your mask." She said softly as he coughed. They'd been handling her as delicately as possible and they did were doing everything could to make sure she didn't catch the chest infection he was getting. Once she was done feeding she handed her over to Will to burp and smiled softly sipping at her tea "She is so lucky to have you as a Daddy."
She frowned and glanced over at him. “I uh, not great… there’s been a family emergency. My grandmas not doing too good. I need to go up and see her back in Virginia…. I know that it’s a big ask under normal circumstances but if you can’t go with me that’s okay I just need to know so I can book my flight for today or tomorrow.” She told him frowning.

He waved her off a bit while he stretched out a bit and eventually took her into his arms for burping and cuddles. “I hope she ends up feeling the same when she grows up.” He murmured, watching her happily. “She got your grumpy face.” He told her once she was asleep again and he got up to put her in her crib, going back to lay down again, having to catch his breath halfway there, “babe can I get… top drawer… blue inhaler.” He wheezed to her, moving to sit on the edge of the bed
Noah frowned deeply and gave a small nod "I'm sorry to hear about your grandma..." he said quietly before biting his bottom lip hard as he thought. He hadn't been to Virginia in a long time, was definitely not on his bucket list to go back either, but for her? He knew he would. He gave another small nod as he took her hand in his "Count me in okay? I'll go with you."

Max got up and grabbed his inhaler as quickly as she could before handing it to him. She sat by his side and rubbed his back gently while he calmed down "You okay?" She asked quietly.
He took it a couple times and held a hand up. “Give me… a couple cycles.” He grunted, going through another couple rounds of using the inhaler until he finally felt alright again. “Alright… I think I can relax now.” He mumbled, kissing her cheek. “Sorry sorry, not tryna scare you.” He smiled a little, moving to lay down to go back to sleep, feeling better but wasn’t able to get up for the next couple rounds of feeding after that.

She nodded and hugged him tightly. “Thank you.” She told him, kissing him gently. “How was the gym last night? And do you want bacon and eggs?” She asked. She’d managed to get a grip on hee drug usage again before it had gotten too out of hand and was feeling a lot more back to herself finally which certainly helped her to help Noah.
Max was up early that morning and downstairs doing tummy time with Maya when Will came down "Say good morning Daddy!" She said happily looking up at him "You sleep alright after your coughing fit?" She asked as she picked up Maya carefully.

Noah nodded and yawned a bit "Yeah eggs and bacon sound good. Gym was good, nice and empty." He murmured while rubbing at his eyes "Could I have some juice?"
Will had woken up feeling like his body was on fire, managing to pull himself up and out of bed, seeing through blurry vision and made his way downstairs, looking over at max and nodded slowly… “I think.. I should go… to the doctors.” He mumbled, going to get some water, shaking badly.

Carmen smiled a little and nodded, pulling it out the fridge and handed him the carton while she got started on breakfast. “You’ve been going a lot lately… gotta get you eating more to balance it out.” She told him slowly,
Max frowned deeply when she saw the state of him and gave a small nod "Okay, do you want me to drive you up there?" She asked worriedly as she layed Maya in her little travel bassinet and went to check him.

Noah gave a heavy sigh and shook his head some "I'm fine, promise." He murmured before taking a swig of the juice straight from the carton.
She just gave him a look when she saw him drinking out the carton. “We have glasses. We have really cute glasses that I picked from home goods.” She reminded him, reaching for him to come closer once she had plated their breakfasts, “I could call max, see if they’re up for us to visit after we deal with my family stuff.” She suggested. “Only if you want to though.”

He nodded slowly. “I shouldn’t drive.” He mumbled, “but I don’t really wanna take Maya there…. I could call… my m… my…” he moved to sit down and hunched forward feeling the start of another asthma attack.
Noah gave a nod and soon made a glass instead "That sounds nice, see the baby." He said softly and kissimg her cheek as she set the plates down "Thank you beautiful."

Max frowned deeply and rushed to get his inhaler. She rubbed at his chest and called his mom asking for her help.
“You’re welcome.” She murmured, sitting down to book their flights and send max a message to ask if they were up for a visit and explaining what was going on, “right we go this evening. I’ve booked a holiday inn as close to the hospital as I could. I’m not making you stay with my family.” She muttered.

He heard Maya start crying again, wanting to go over to her but after another couple of cycles of the inhaler nothing had changed and he could hear maxs voice starting to panic
Noah gave a small nod and sighed softly "You uh....you think they'll like me?" He asked quietly while he ate a small bit of the breakfast she made.

Max frowned deeply as she noticed him not getting better "Hey, can you come over? Will is having an asthma attack and its not getting better." She told his mom quickly before she went to grab Maya holding her close as she put his mom on speaker and she still tried to help Will.

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