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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah frowned deeply when he noticed the curl of digust in her mother's upper lip as she looked at him again. He stood up straighter when he saw a tall man come from behind and speak telling her what hospital and the other information they would need.

Max laughed lightly as she watched him "Go to sleep babe, I'll see you in the morning." She said as he started to wake up a bit. After she hung up the phone she made her way into the kitchen smiling as she saw her mom and Maya cooking "Hey, she okay?"
She sighed quietly looking at her younger brother, "Thank you Josh." She told him quietly, heading back to the car and got in the driver's side, her hands shaking while she tried to get the key in the ignition, not noticing that she'd been crying until she saw Noah get out the car and go round to her side of the car "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry." She was sobbing by this point, vaguely aware that her mother was still watching them from the front porch as she got out and into the passenger side instead..

He hummed quietly and mumbled an i love you as he conked out.

Her Mom smiled and nodded, "She's being a super helper, keeping me company, how's your fiancé?" She asked her, "Oh... so your father and I were talking, we were wondering where you three are going to be spending Christmas?" She asked her tentatively, hoping she would say with them but knowing things would start being tricky from here on out about where they would be spending their time.
Noah shook his head and held her "No, no don't you dare apologize to me." He said quietly rubbing her palms "I promise its okay, let me drive." He said softly before kissing her forehead.

Max frowned a bit and raised an eyebrow "Huh? Well I mean we're common law married sure. But he is doing good, tired but he'll be home tomorrow."
She smiled and shook her head "Oh don't be silly, I know he proposed, he called up your father and I a couple days ago and let us know he was asking you on your date that night." She told her, unaware the date had been cancelled cause he had started not feeling good. "Honestly I thought you would call us straight away."

Carmen just nodded slowly, spending most of the car ride over to the hospital trying to calm down until they had eventually parked and she looked over at him, still sniffling a little "I'm sorry." She mumbled again "I knew it was bad, it always has been... But I didn't think she'd slam the door in your face." She told him quietly, "I hate that Josh is still stuck in that house until he's 18." She mumbled, leaning into his touch when she felt his hand on her cheek
Max frowned deeply and shook her head "No, no we never had the date. He was getting sick and we stayed home." She said taking a deep breath "He was going to propose?"

Noah shook his head a bit and cupped her face in his hands "You don't have to apologize for anything Carmen. What happened doesn't change the way I feel about you, I still want to spend my life with you." He said softly giving her a small smile "Now come on, lets go see your grandma."
Her Mom just stared at her for a momentr and shook her head "Oh... Oh no... No definitely not... Definitely didn't just say way too much." She told her quickly, not making eye contact and finished up making their dinner.

She nodded slowly and checked in the mirror to tidy herself up a little, not wanting to stress her gran out at all, before getting out of the car, hugging Noah tightly for a minute "Thank you." She told him quietly. "For being here even with how shit you're feeling." She told him, kissing his cheek gently and finally started heading inside with him. "You wanna go get dinner in Richmond tonight?" She asked him, "Go to Bottoms Up?"
Max stood there in a bit of shock for a moment before breaking into a huge smile "Do you think I should pretend I didn't hear that? Or tell him?" She asked as she went to take Maya for a bit.

Noah hugged her back tightly before they made their journey inside the hospital "Yeah I think that will be nice." He said quietly giving her hand a small squeeze "You want me to wait outside the room for a minute? So you can have some alone time with her?"
She nodded and sighed a little "I'll see how she's doing before you come in." She told him quietly, gripping his hand until they got there and she gave it one more squeeze before stepping inside and smiling a little seeing her grrandma sat up and looking fairly lucid "You feeling up for a visit?" She asked her. She hadn't seen her since she'd left the East Coast almost three years ago now, "Josh called me, told me what was going on." She told her, going over to hug her. "Has Mom come down much to keep you company?" She asked her worried.

She sighed a little "Oh... Honey I'm so sorry... You should probably just tell him but I feel awful," She told her, getting their dinner plated and got the cutlery out to sit down with her "You want me to watch Maya in the morning while you go pick him up?" She asked her
Her grandma smiled some seeing her come in "Oh Carmen, you look so good baby." She said softly reaching out slowly for a hug from her "I'm so happy to see you." She whispered as they hugged "Your mother is your mother, she came up once. Josh has been here a few times. Been more your Aunt and Uncle."

Max nodded as she placed Maya in her little swing "Yeah that would be great actually. Be easier to get him." She said as she sat with her to eat "Thanks for coming by Mom, this has been really helpful."
She hugged her and smiled a little. “I’m gonna be here for a couple days alright? I brought Noah with me too.” She told her. “You being taken care of good?” She asked her, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Josh said that you wanted to be here and not at home. You sure? I could organise someone to come help you out at home instead?” She asked her, just wanting her to have what she wanted after being more of a mother to her than her actual mother since she was little.

She nodded and smiled. “My pleasure sweetheart.” She told her, heading home after they ate and leaving her to it for the night. She made sure she was back there for 8:30 though so she could watch Maya while max picked up Will

He was sat up and eating breakfast slowly when she arrived, reaching for hee tiredly. “Hey, where’s our little nugget?” He asked, glad she came in person and he didn’t have to get a taxi.
She shook her head and gave her a small smile "No I think here is just fine, your mother won't bother me as much here." She admits before kissing her cheek "Oh you brought him? Well bring him in, I need to meet the young man who has made you so happy." She said happily as she watched her. While her actual daughter had become a nightmare of a person, she did everything in her power to make sure Carmen and Josh were both decent humans and grew up knowing someone loved them.

Max smiled some as she came into the room seeing him awake "Hey handsome, she's with my mom. How are you feeling?" She asked softly while she sat beside him.
She smiled a little and nodded, double checking that she was comfortable and didn’t need anything before sticking her head out the door. “Hey, she wants to meet you, you gotta be a little louder but she will tell you off if she knows you’re shouting.” She smiled, bringing him in. “Grandma this is Noah. He even dressed up all nice to see you.” She smiled. “Moms already called him every slur she knows.” She sighed, rolling her eyes a little and gave Noah’s hand a squeeze. She’d told her all about him during their weekly phone calls, had her listen to some of his music even.

He smiled a little and nodded. “Like shit. But I can breathe a little better. They’re sending me home with a stronger inhaler to use until I’m feeling alright again.” He told her. “But I’m ready to get home. How’s your mom doing?” He asked, tracing patterns into hee thigh while he waited for them to bring his papers.
Noah smiled as he came in seeing her "Hello ma'am, its a pleasure to meet you." He said while shaking her hand gently.

Her grandma smiled wide as she saw Noah come in "Oh hello darling, Carmen has told me so much about you. You have such a nice singing voice." She said happily placing her other hand atop of his "Though, I hate to admit I did think you were a female at first with all that hair. Makes me envious to have such great hair." She teased in a loving manor.

Max smiled some "Oh she is good, loving the grandma life. She came by last night and made dinner for the two of us." She said softly.
She smiled a little and watched the two of them chatting. “In your defence though I did say I had sworn off men… but we met at the record label party. You remember Chase from school? He invited me as a plus one and I saw this weirdo.” She told her, rubbing Noah’s back a little, hearing her ask whether it had been Noah’s mother or father that was Japanese and having to stop from laughing when she watched him pull up a photo of Jackie chan like he liked to do sometimes.

He smiled some. “It’ll be nice when my mom eventually retires and she can do the same if she wants…. I think she’s a little over the looking after part though. Wants to enjoy visits only.” He chuckled as Maya was his moms eighth grandkid. “Did she say how your sister is doing?” He asked and raised an eyebrow as he watched her start getting all embarrassed.
Noah laughed lightly at her comments and spent a good hour just chatting with her. Once Carmen's grandmother was asleep he took her hand squeezing it gently "You want to head out or stay a little longer? I don't mind either way." He said quietly before kissing her temple gently.

Max nodded some "Sis is fine, she uh...she may have let something slip though." She explained as she bit her bottom lip in anxiousness "She uh, she told me that you were going to propose on our last date night. She didn't know we had cancelled it."
She sighed a little and grabbed some paper and a pencil to write her a note. “My head is pounding, I need to lay down.” She told him quietly, getting up and heading out with him once she had tucked her in a little, walking down the hall with him in silence until they got back to the car. “Why does it feel like everything has been going to shit for us for so long?” She muttered. “The house is great and I’m so happy with it but it feels like nothing else is going right.” She frowned.

He sighed a little and rubbed at his face. “Your mom has no patience.” He muttered. “But yes… I think it’s time to take that next step.” He smiled. “Would you let me marry you? Drive you mad the rest of our lives? Stress you out at least once a week?” He asked, taking her hands in his.
Noah gave a small sigh as he opened her door for her "I dunno babe, the world works in mysterious ways. I think its just some obstacles thrown our way, but we'll pull through it together alright?" He said softly before going around to his side so that he could drive them back.

Max smiled widely at him and nodded "I wouldn't have it any other way." She said softly before cupping his face gently in her hands and giving him a loving kiss "I love you so much Will."
He smiled and kissed her back "I love you too beautiful." he murmured, "You wanna help me get changed?" He asked, starting to get up, just feeling the tiniest bit fuzzy still but otherwise the drugs were working and he was looking forward to getting home to Maya again. It was only another half hour before they wrre able to leave and he spent the car ride watching her happily, taking a couple photos of her and posting them to his story with heart emojis all over the place

Carmen hummed quietly and sighed a little "When we get home, the first thing you're going to do is call up Dr. Parson.... Because you need some help Noah.... I've noticed and I'm trying to help but I'm not a therapist and maybe you need to go back on the meds for a little bit?" She told him gently, finally addressing the elephant in the room with them. "I'm working my ass off to stay off the drugs and I need you to work your ass off to get your head right again." She told him, squeezing his hand tightly while he drove them bakc to the hotel.
Max drove them home quietly just humming along to the radio here and there. When they were finally home she helped Will get inside smiling as she heard her mom talking to Maya and her little coos and gurgles responding.

Noah took a deep breath after she was done but nodded a bit "Alright....when we get back I'll make the call." He said quietly before squeezimg her hand and then taking off towards the hotel. She was right, it wasn't fair to her that he wasn't even trying these days to get himself better, not when she was doing so much to keep herself together now.
She nodded and just held his hand, glad to get into bed for a lay down before they’d go out for dinner, following him up to the room once they got back and just snuggled up close to him in the bed. “Thank you… for coming up with me.” She murmured

Will smiled and headed to go put his stuff away upstairs before coming back down to find the three of them in the kitchen, carefully sliding a small box across to the table to right in front of max with a smile, reaching for a cuddle from Maya
Noah cuddled close to her and kissed the top of her head repeatedly "Of course, I wouldn't let you go through this alone." He said quietly while he started to drift off.

Max smiled widely when she saw the box and opened it "Oh Will....its beautiful." She said softly before going over to him and kissing him gently "I love you so much."
She hummed quietly and just held onto him as she finally fell asleep, waking up glad to feel that her head wasn’t quite as bad as before “hey, you wanna go get pizza?” She asked him, sitting up to stretch and go get freshened up a little.

He smiled and pulled away. “And I don’t wanna get you sick. No kisses.” He told her, kissing her forehead instead. “But I love you too… woulda been nice for it to be a surprise though Monica.” He said, turning to look at her mom pointedly.
Max gave a small laugh when she apologized profusely to him "She didn't know babe, its okay." She said softly before pecking his cheek and slipping the ring on her finger "Perfect fit."

Noah looked over at her and smiled some "Yeah sounds good, you know a good place?" He asked as he got up from the little desk in the room and going over to her.
She nodded. “Did you ever go to Belmonts?” She asked him, leaning back against him and smiled a little when he nodded. “I wonder sometimes how we never knew each other. But then later met at a record company party in New Jersey.” She told him. “You think things would’ve been different if we had met sooner?” She asked him yawning a little and moved to get her shoes on.

He sighed dramatically but picked up Maya for a little cuddle “and I missed you litte pumpkin.” He told her, bouncing her gently while she squealed up at him. “Where are my other children?” He asked max.
Noah smiled and gave a small nod while he got his shoes on. "I don't think we'd be together. My head was in a way worse space when I was here....it would have been cool though to have met when we were young." He said smiling gently at her.

Max smiled some as Maya squealed at him "They're in the room, hiding under the bed probably." She said softly giving a small roll of her eyes as he sped off to go find them. She thanked and said goodbye to her mom when he left the room walking her to the door to leave.

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