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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max gave a small sigh and nodded giving his hand a squeeze as they headed inside "Yeah maybe." She said quietly. Once they were done with lunch she pulled out her phone trying to call Carmen but only received voicemail.

Noah gave a small nod as he took the drink from him "Yeah...I'm just worried about her." He murmured frowning when he felt her phone ring seeing Max's name pop up "I'll call her later..." he muttered
He got them a table and got Maya into the high chair they'd brought over with just a little difficulty, getting busy on feeding her while he glanced at the menu here and there. "Might be working." He pointed out, making faces to Maya to get her to eat happily. "I love you y'know. Very much." He smiled at Max, "I know you think she hates you now but this is a big change for a baby and she just needs to get used to it for a minute alright?"

He frowned and sighed a little "Noah... If she can't get this shit under control then maybe it's time you two take a step back... I know it's not something she chose but..." He stopped as Noah immediately cut him off.
Max gave a small nod "I know it is, its why I've been giving her, her space but I do miss talking with her." She said smiling as Maya ate happily just smiling at Will "She is such a daddy's girl."

Noah frowned deeply and shook his head "No, no I'm not just leaving her to be alone. We'll get this figured out." He snapped before turning to look at her while she slept.
He shook his head and sighed a little "I gotta go home, Nadine needs me to help her with some stuff. I'll see you later." He muttered, heading out.

Carmen woke up much later into the evening and frowned over at him "You look like shit." She mumbled, smiling a little while she watched him put his phone down and stretch.

He nodded and smiled "Oh I know she is, she's my little platypus." He cooed to her, glancing up when the waiter came and took their order before looking to Max, "She uh, she still having trouble with her head?" he asked Max, grabbing the wet wipes out the bag to clean Maya up once she had finished the jar, giving her some toy keys to play with
Noah looked over when he heard her voice that evening and gave a small smile "Hi beautiful, yeah I uh, I ain't feelin great." He said quietly before moving to sit beside her "How are you feeling?"

Max nodded and sighed quietly "Yeah and the doctors have no idea why it keeps happening." She murmured before taking a sip of her drink "I just hope they're able to find something because this is a bit crazy that they're this bad."
She frowned a little and reached up for his face "What's wrong?" She asked him quietly, worried about him "Body or mind? I'm alright, sore and tired. They say how long I'll be here for?" She asked him frowning.

Will nodded slowly and watched her, reaching over and taking her hand "Where do we wanna go for our honeymoon?" He asked her happily, "I'm thinking somewhere with fresh air." He smiled
Noah gave a small sigh "Worried to death about you. Scared because it reminded me of my mother." He admitted quietly before pressing his forehead to hers "You're here for atleast today, if you get through tonight well enough you'll be going home tomorrow."

Max smiled happily and shrugged "I'm not sure, maybe Colorado? We could go hiking and see Pike's Peak. Or we could do New Mexico, they have some beautiful nature areas."
He smiled. “I was thinking out of the country. Iceland?” He suggested, fiddling with her hand. “I love you yknow. And I wouldn’t let anyone but my mom or yours watch Maya.” He told her.

She frowned and just held him a little as much as she could in the awkward positions they were in. “I just wanted the pain to stop. I wasn’t trying to take too much.” She mumbled frowning. “You never said that’s what happened.” She frowned.
Noah gave a small nod and held her close to him "I know, I'm not mad at you about it. They said you had an aneurysm. Told me that today they're going to run tests if you're up." He murmured but frowned and gave a sigh "Yeah....she uh....she had a problem and she took too many one day." He said quietly.

Max nodded some "Ooo yes that sounds like a nice place to go. Yeah I wouldn't trust anyone else either, maybe your sister but not for a long period of time." She said before looking at Maya when she squealed
She frowned a little and shook her head. “I don’t understand why they could never work out what was wrong.” She muttered, moving to lay back again as she had started getting tired again already, closing her eyes as she started trying to settle down again. “Noah?”

He chuckled and reached over to lift Maya into his lap for a minute. “You wanna go see grandma? Which one you wanna hang out with when me and mom go on holiday?” He asked her, kissing her head and letting her bounce on his knees a little.
Noah looked down at her and hummed before giving a response "Yeah?" He asked quietly pushing some hair from her face.

Max smiled as she babbled a bit to give her answer "Well alrighty then, I guess we'll have to ask both now won't we?" She said with a small laugh.
She frowned a little and still held his free hand. “I love you.” She told him quietly, “I’m sorry.” She mumbled, starting to pass out again shortly before her nurse was popping in to check on her.

He chuckled and kept playing with her a little until their food arrived and he put her back in her high chair with another toy for distraction “So Elizabeth called yesterday by the way, forgot to tell you about this. She asked if I’d be interested in going down for another vocal study.” He smiled at max.
Noah gave a heavy sigh before looking at the nurse "Is she doing okay? Will they be able to run the tests?" He asked quietly

Max smiled widely and proudly at him "Oh yeah? That sounds like a lot of fun! When does she want to do it?" She asked before she started to eat.
He shrugged. “They reckon in about three months. So after tour. And after we’ve been home for a couple weeks.” He told her, “you wanna join this time?” He asked, shovelling food down his throat inbetween sentences.

She nodded. “This afternoon. She was very lucky that you got there when you did or it could have been so much worse.” She told him, making a couple adjustments. “We’d like hee up and walking around after lunch and hopefully home in a couple days.” She told him before leaving them to it again.
Max nodded and wiped at her mouth before speaking again "Yeah that sounds fun. It was so cool to see the video from last time." She said happily watching as Maya happily played with her toy at the table.

Noah nodded and sighed softly "Alright thank you." He murmured before standing up and going to the small restroom in the room to do his business. He came back out to find the nurse gone and Carmen still asleep. He watched her carefully and let a few tears fall as what the nurse told him started to sink in.
He paid once they were done while Max gathered up Maya's stuff, going back to the and getting Maya out to the car "I hope she'll be alright touring. CauseI wanna take her every chance I get but if she isn't good with it then we can't."

She grumbled a little when he was nudging her awake for lunch a couple hours later, looking up at him and nodding when he mentioned they'd brought food, getting sat up carefully "You're gonna go home tonight right?" She asked him frowning "Get some rest in a bed instead of a chair." She told him
Max nodded and followed him inside with her "I do too. It'll be fun to bring her along." She said happily before kissing his cheek gently "Oh she is a sleepy baby." She murmured seeing Maya dozing off on his shoulder.

Noah gave a shake of his head and sighed softly "I don't want to leave you alone." He said softly before kissing her knuckles gently. He helped her set up the food and gave a small smile "They want you up and walking after food."
She frowned. “I’m gonna tell them we aren’t married if you try and stay overnight mister.” She mumbled, hee hand shaking while she tried to use the fork, eventually just giving up and sitting back. “Just get me home.” She mumbled frowning.

He smiled and kissed her little head, getting a little selfie with her before getting her moved into her car seat carefully, trying his best to keep her sleepy.

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