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Fandom Battle of Beacon [RWBY] -Accepting 1 More Team-

Should we Implement a PvP Fighting System?

  • Yes!! We'll need it!!

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  • It seems a bit sketchy...

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  • We won't need it.

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  • I'm drunk, where am I?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Luxu was happy at the thought of how Noir would date somebody like him, and he was a lot more joyful about what happened and he then nodded about what Noir said. "Alright! Let's go. Also, I might need your help at the apartments with my emotions... I need to talk to someone about it." Luxu said to Noir as he smiled, and began to drag Noir once again. Luxu and Noir finally reached the apartments, and he began to look at each room, trying to see what room was theirs. "Okay... I think I found our room... Through this hole on our door, I can see Rouge laying on a bed..." Luxu said as he opened the door with a sigh, and walked up to Rouge and saw Rouge's scar. "HOLY CRAP THAT'S A BIG SCAR! WAKE UP ROUGE!" Luxu yelled as he began to shake Rouge, so he could wake up and tell the two what happens.

@NekoChanBo @Thetas


Rouge was abruptly awoken by a scream, one that he never expected to hear. Especially from Luxu... He rolled onto his back, so his teammates couldn't see the hideous 3 Claw Marks from the Ursa's Claw, that had opened back up from the sudden movement. He looked up at Luxu with wide eyes, and pulled him into a hug. "You're not dead!" He exclaimed, muffled by his Leader's shirt. He refused to let go, giving the two some time to look at the wounds on his back without him noticing. They were crusted and filled with pus, obviously infected... The couch was also stained with his blood.



((Also, he is on a couch, not a bed
xD Look in the Overview for the layout of the apartments 'n shit. I think I tagged you both in the post...))
Noir was still bright red after the incident as she is going to refer it from now on, she understands now why people tell her not to be ruled by her emotions otherwise awkward situation happen much like the one less than five minutes ago. As Noir walked she was biting her lip trying to keep herself calm as more and more emotions started to rise up. Noir looked at Luxu before stopping briefly and quickly continued "I'm not sure I want to keep talking about emotions now." She thought to herself but just nodded at Luxu. "It would be my pleasure." Noir said she was so used to obeying commands that this was a normal response for her even if she didn't want to do something. Noir continued to follow Luxu as they began checking room at a time it was the best idea to stick together it seemed as Luxu managed to find their room thanks to a hole in the door, Noir didn't even know about the apartments until Luxu mentioned about them.

Noir nodded to Luxu as he entered the room confirming that this most likely was their room she tilted her head as Luxu mentioned about Rouges scare before she quickly caught a glance of it. She looked at the scene in front of her as the two hugged and simply smiled. "Now that we are all together." Noir began speaking but soon stopped as she looked up and down nervously. "I think Dandelion may be dead and that it might be my fault." Noir said as she stared at the ground her hair covered most of her face hiding her facial expression at the time but it was one of unhappiness her eyes were slightly red almost like she was going to cry she had been holding it back the whole time she spoke to Luxu but just saying that sentence aloud brought all the emotion back.

@Thetas @TheWhiteScarf
Luxu was surprised that he was suddenly pulled into a hug, and he then sighed cause he knew Rouge did this to hide his scars. "Of course I'm not dead, but you... I know the only reason your- wait... What?! Dandelion is dead?!!" Luxu said as he escaped Rouge's grasp, and he then looked at Noir with a surprised face and he said, "How?! How did you kill her?! Why did she die?" Luxu looked at Noir for a bit more, then looked at Rouge knowing that he was going to be the most sad and angry. "Rouge... I'm so sorry... Don't be mad at Noir..." Luxu said as held onto Rouge, knowing he might he go after Noir and he wanted to calm him down.

@Thetas @NekoChanBo


Rouge's eyes widened, though they were hidden by Luxu's shirt. "You..." He shoved Luxu into Noir, and stood up. "BITCH!" He yelled, as he attempted to take a step forward, ready to beat the hell out of the both of them. Instead, he gasped a bit and fell to his knees. His back burned with pain as his eyes fell to the floor... He fell to his side and curled up into a ball, causing his back to burn more. He didn't care about his back anymore... He didn't care about anything anymore...


Luxu bumped into Noir, and the two fell on the floor and he sighed standing up. Luxu extended his hand to Noir, and awaited for her to grab his hand. "Noir... Just leave him be for a while... Let him cool down for a while..." Luxu whispered to her as he looked at Rouge with a sad face, cause he knew that this was the first time that Rouge got his heart broken. 'I know how you feel Rouge... I'm so sorry for you...' Luxu thought to himself as he awaited for Noir to use his hand to get up.

@NekoChanBo @Thetas
Noir stared down as she listened to Luxu's rightfully confused questions right now she didn't fully have it in her to explain instead tears began flowing down her face, now she has never cried in front of any of her teammates before mostly since she never had anything to cry about most of the time death didn't bother her but the death of someone she felt she was close to very much did. Noir kept staring down as Rouge's reaction happened she expected it fact is she could have dodged out of the way of Luxu if she wanted to but right now she felt she deserved this and as such Luxu was thrown into her and the two were sent to the ground, right now Noir couldn't stand even if she wanted to exhaustion had nearly completely shut down her body but yet Noir didn't say a word.

As Luxu stood up and tried to help Noir up she slapped his hand away with what little force she could manage to get. She using her weapon managed to pull herself up and looked at Rouge and then at Luxu. "Rouge please...allow me to explain." Noir said her voice broke halfway through it was clear she was upset to say the least. "You must remember I classed Dandelion as my closest friend and if you do not like the reason behind my actions I will leave and you will never see me again." Noir said she clenched her hand into a fist more as a way to try calm down.

@TheWhiteScarf @Thetas


Rouge pushed himself back against the couch, his face in his arm. "I-I Don't want you to leave, Noir..." He said quietly. He swore when he lost his brother, that he'd never lose someone again... And now... Tears began streaming down his face. "I-I'm sorry..." He said quietly, not apologizing for anything in particular... Though, it could be directed towards him attempting to beat the hell out of her. He tried to do the same to his parents when they told him about his brother. History repeats itself... He thought, as he looked up at Noir and Luxu. "Don't leave.." He said quietly, afraid that if they even left the room, he'd lose them too...


Luxu sighed as he watched his two teammates talk out the incident, and he sat against the wall in sadness. 'Dandelion died... I guess I do fail as a leader...' Luxu thought to himself as he began to cry a bit, and he began thinking about the many deaths he has seen throughout his life. 'I lost Mom... Dad... My ex... Now Dandelion... Seems that I lost everyone...' Luxu thought this in his mind, and he covered his face to hide the tears he shed from his thoughts. He didn't have the courage to even look at his team, and he kept on crying silently in his hands. 'I thought I was prepared for this moment... I guess not...' Luxu thought to himself as he kept on crying, and he didn't look at his team at this moment.

@Thetas @NekoChanBo
Noir slightly smiled when Rouge said he didn't want her to leave it meant she didn't fully hate her which means they is a still a chance to recover their friendship it just would mean it might take a while. Noir wiped her eyes still with a small smile on her face, the tears finally stopped. Noir looked towards both her teammates this as she expected hit the team hard everyone liked or loved Dandelion Noir included so it was to be expected that this hit the team hard. Noir decided not to mention more about it until she felt Rouge would like to hear it or at least be ready to right now she didn't think he would be able to. Noir nodded at Rouge she wouldn't leave not unless he wanted her to.

Noir simply stood still as she looked at her two teammates she really wasn't sure what to do right now so for a chance she decided to leave it to her emotion. Noir moved over to Luxu and knelt down in front of him, she took his hands and moved her head placing her forehead on Luxu's forehead. "Leader you have to stay strong...for the three of us." Noir whispered she was never any good at saying that are meant to pick people up but as a leader if he was to show weakness at this time what's to stop Noir herself or Rouge from breaking down.

@Thetas @TheWhiteScarf


Rouge smiled a bit as Noir began comforting their leader. If he could stand, he would do the same... In fact, he would've even done more. He liked Luxu. If anyone deserved to be spared from the feeling they were all feeling, it was him... He was innocent. Mysterious, even... He smiled more, and rested on the floor, letting his body relax. Even though his back burned more than he could ever imagine, he still felt drowsy... As if he was about to sleep. He closed his eyes, and rested a bit, with a peaceful smile. He knew that when he woke up he'd have to go to the hospital... But, it didn't stop him from trying to sleep. Emphasize the word 'Trying'... He knew he couldn't sleep. It would never happen... Not with this pain. But he could rest. Rouge felt like that was the best he would get for a long time...


CrystalYoshi said:
Lilac looked around with her teammate and she broke away only to wipe her eyes with her hands. "I think I'm going to find our apartment and do something, probably look over the city or something like that." She have a small smile and she waved at Azure before walking towards all of the apartments with team names, some she recognized and some she didn't know at all. She climbed up stairs to the other floors until she found the one labeled,'OLAV', though it was more like LA now. She opened the door and immediately closed it before sitting at the window that was there and closing her eyes and opening them to find them glowing due to her semblance. She focused in in the city and she looked around only to find death, destruction, and sadness.


Azure nodded some at what lilac said. "I'll meet you there soon..." She muttered and waved Lilac of when she walked away. Azure sighed some and walked in the opposite direction, wanting to wander some to see how others she may know where doing. She didn't really know anyone but wondered if she was going to find anyone recognizable, like the man she had met earlier. She did end up seeing him at one point but didn't bother talking, she had her mind set on wanting to find the apartment her and Lilac where assigned.

She finally arived at the apartments to see the door labeled 'OLAV'. She clenched her fist some at the sight, holding back the tears. Without thinking she pulled out the Vulcan, making sure it was on knife mode, and scrached the 'O' and 'V' off the door before entering the apartment. She knew she would probably have to fix that later but didn't bother with it now. She made her way to one of the bedrooms and sat down, covering her eyes and letting the tears flow again.


Azure sat against the wall, she was on guard at the time while the others slept. She didn't realize that Orchid was awake at the time until she felt an arm on her shoulder. She looked back to see the sweet smile of Orchid. From previous experience she knew that this meant that she could lay down to switch positions. Violet switched with her and Azure sat against the wall to sleep. She often did this incase they had to make a quick escape. She was shivering pretty bad and Orchid must have noticed. Azure felt an arm wrapped around her and was suddenly pulled into a hug, she felt warm once again when she looked to see orchid next to her. Azure smiled some and slowly drifted to sleep next to her...


Azure was curled up in a ball on the bed. She was still crying, but was also half asleep at the same time. Every once in a while she let out a whine, remembering times that her and the group had together before the deaths. The memories where foggy but still got to her. She hated it, but knew she would have to deal with it no matter what.

@CrystalYoshi }=


Byron stopped and facepalmed. Yeah. That'll Jog his memory. Looking at faces that were behind waterfalls of tears, dirt, and maybe even blood at a safe zone that wasn't even this beacon place! Seriously, it was like he didn't get it at all! But whatever. It was clear this guy didn't give a flying rat's tail about him, and Byron was honestly too tired to argue with him further. Sighing, Byron turned and gave the guy a deadpanned stare. "Look-" But he was soon stopped when he heard the sound of Grimm. He groaned and turned back around. "Whatever. I'm leaving, mopey or no-" He was soon stopped as he heard some say his name. Eyes wide, he slowly turned to see a guy in some sort of kimono approach, causing Byron to back up. At-Atlas troops? Despite not remembering who he was, he could still remember things he must've learned in the past. And the one thing he knew was that Atlas was known for its...slightly corrupted government. And it would make perfect sense for Atlas troops to be here.

Byron's eyes widened and he backed up even more when someone else approached them. He awkwardly looked away from her.
"Uuuuh...I guess?" Physically anyway. He wasn't exactly sure about everyone's mental health here. "Uhm...do I know you two?" He asked, pointing to the two new arrivals, scratching his head.

@BlackJack @Jade Lawless @Kiyoko Tomoe
"What? Byron, you forgot me already?? Jeez, that's a new record." Sirena stood up straight and looked around the room, who knows what they were going to do now, but she might as well update him on what happened. "Okay, long story short, the school got attacked by Grimm. People died, the school is messed up, and that brings us here." She stared at the hallway leading beyond the safe zone, Grimm were still in there, but she already knew Rust had been out there.

"Hey, Rust. From a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst. How bad is it out there?"

@SpicyLickiTung @BlackJack
Luxu smiled with happiness, and he looked up at Noir with a smile and he said, "I will Noir... I will stay strong... Thanks..." Luxu hugged Noir with relief, and slightly whispered into Noir's ear, "I love you... So much... Thank you for being in my life." Luxu stood up, and wiped off the tears on his face. "I'm gonna go, and take a quick nap and do other stuff. Noir just do whatever you want to do in the time being." Luxu walked away from the scene, and he begins going to a corner and he curled into a ball to fall asleep. He closed his eyes with a smile, and he finally fell asleep in the corner of where his team is.

@NekoChanBo @Thetas
Lilac didn't beer an eye when she heard the door open since she knew that only Azure would actually come inside the room. She heard the other girl fall asleep and Lilac stayed focused on the city, she saw fires and people shoplifting only to be beaten down by Grimm. She heard crying coming from Azure and Lilac blinked, her eyes turned back to their normal color and her vision was back to normal. Lilac walked into the room Azure was in and she keeled on the ground so that she was essentially eye level with Azure. "Azure, are you okay?"

Sirena had 2 choices. Fight off the Grimm by herself or move her team to the apartments. It was stupid to go off on her own, possibly dying in there.

Especially since it was her first year, but if she was gonna die, she was gonna die fighting, she couldn't name anyone who genuinely like her for who she was so it didn't matter about what happened to her. Or she could live with her teammates and face all of the saddness and recovering from other people, since she wasn't really the sentimental type. She sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets.

"Alright, team, we're going to the apartment. Let's get some shut eye...before someone else kicks the bucket."

@SpicyLickiTung @BlackJack @Kiyoko Tomoe


Rust watched as a huge mess of rambling went on. He stood arms crossed as he waited for the grimm to come. Once he heard the guy he was talking to was Byron he turned to the guy and leaned forward for a second "Nice...could not see you under all that soot and grime. I honestly expected you to die pretty fast " Rust says really not thinking much about what he just said. He was pretty straight forward and mean. The one chick kept asking how it was out there so Rust decided he might as well answer the question and not leave her hanging "Depends on your skill level...its a mess out there though. Even for me. More grimm then I am used to, specially those ones with two legs and no arms...never seen them before. Soon the grimm far from civilization will be coming to see whats left. I have already seen some pretty haunting grimm." Rust says a howling coming from the north, towards the school. They were probably coming.

I planned to just chill out here...You all can do what you want..just survive. Or don't, dont really care." Rust says as he pulled his massive sword off his back with his right arm and slammed it on the ground. His arm was feeling quite weak however so he was unsure how much more fighting he had left in him for the day. He was tired. Rust tilted his head a bit when looking north. "Uh" he says in a louder tone as he flicked his left hand wrist the three tubes of dust closing together. He quickly shoved them into the sword and pulled a long lever on it the chainsaw scraping across the pavement and starting to glow as he pumped fire dust into it. It became quite heated, he ripped it out of the ground in front of him and held it as if he was about to swing. He was right, the top of the hill a single beowolf came. Rust let his guard down for a second as he realized it was only one but he had a feeling he was not alone. Just as he let his massive blade down for a second about a dozen beowolves and 2 quite large ursas came atop the hill. He quickly lifted his sword and swung a loud screeching sound emanating from his sword as fire dust blasted out of the sword as his swing ended, the flame landed at the bottom of the hill to stop there pursuit for a short while. "Screw that." Rust says as the mist expanded out and he disappeared and reappeared further down the road already in sprint.

(( @SpicyLickiTung
@Kiyoko Tomoe @Jade Lawless ))

Byron honestly felt confused. He...knew these people before? At least, they knew him before. He blinked at her update and rubbed his head. So, while the school was being attacked, he must've hit his head or something...this only raised some more questions, but now was not the time to think about it. He gave the guy, now known as Rust, an uneasy look when he leaned in before his eyes widened when the guy said he recognized him...were these guys messing with him or somethin'? He flinched when the girl mentioned going to the apartments...which were probably located in the safe zone...Byron ran a hand through his hair. If these guys really DID know him...

Hearing Rust's words, he rose an eyebrow as he ran away in a Black Mist. Tilting his head, he looked up the hill and saw...dozens of Beowolves and, like, Two Ursas on top of it. He backed up.
"Lo-Look, I don't know who you people are...but I'll head to the apartments too!" He didn't feel like watching the gloom of the safe zone, but he didn't feel like having Beowolf claws dig into his flesh either!

@BlackJack @Jade Lawless @Kiyoko Tomoe

Azure woke suddenly from dreaming about how Violet sacrificed herself. She was visibly shaking, not wanting to have to keep remembering it. That same nightmare had haunted her sense the incident originally happened. It took her eye a minute to adjust before she saw Lilac infront of her. She nodded at her before sitting up. "I'm okay... nightmare..." She said stretching some and sighing. "Sorry I fell asleep..." She said feeling bad leaving her with no one to talk to.


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