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Fandom Battle of Beacon [RWBY] -Accepting 1 More Team-

Should we Implement a PvP Fighting System?

  • Yes!! We'll need it!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It seems a bit sketchy...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We won't need it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm drunk, where am I?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Shura Minam

"They did more at Beacon than you've done in your entire life... So don't you dare talk shit about Asra and Oriana...! You don't know a damned thing about losing the people you love...! I bet you haven't lost friends before...! You've lever lost your own sister...!" Shura screamed at him, her right arm starting to bleed again. "I mean, look at you...! You're looking far better than me! The pain I'm feeling... Each and every one of my teammates felt a hundred times worse while fighting for the sake of students...!" Said and done, Shura slowly pushed herself away from the wall in which she'd rested against, leaving blood behind as she stumbled away toward the hospital where her sister was supposed to be taken to.

"If you wanted to help, you should've done so when my friends were dying for the sake of everybody else... Now, I'm going to see my sister for what could be the last time... She's barely even alive right now, and I'm not sure if I can even get there before her life slips away... You're too late to ever be of help to me, as everything I could've used help with is long gone... So please, go away... Just seeing students of Beacon makes me sick to my stomach... It sickens me, seeing so many people who didn't do a damned thing for those who sacrificed themselves..." Shura said, each and every word carrying the girl's sadness with them. "Hell, I should've been the one to die... That way, Ren wouldn't have been caught inside of that building... Oriana wouldn't have been distracted by Ren's sporadic actions, and Asra wouldn't have had to go into that ravine alone..."


((I understand that some people tend to take offense in place of their character. I've had a little experience with such things. Also, I've a pending character in the sign-up thread, as well as I believe one other character, so if you're still accepting characters, I'd be grateful if you were to take a loot at the two pending characters.))
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Her words only enraged
Rouge further. He felt his stomach do flips when she said that he's never lost loved ones. The feeling only got worse when she mentioned siblings. After her rant, he was tempted to slap the living hell out of her... But, when she turned away, he changed his mind. He socked the girl in the back of the head, not hard enough to cause serious damage, but enough for it to hurt like a bitch. He was tempted to hit again, but decided against it. "I've lost people, you bitch. I've lost family, you bitch. I lost Ochre, you fucking bitch..." He said, the anger in his voice subsiding with his last few words. He spat at her, and turned to walk away. He didn't even care about finding Luxu and Noir anymore. He just wanted to sleep...

@Kiyoko Tomoe

((I feel so bad for your character right now >-< Not because of the punch, but because of how shitty her life is now!! I mean, Jesus...))

Rouge went back to the apartments, swinging the doors open with a fury. He was royally pissed. But also royally tired... He walked down the first hall and looked for the door labeled 'LNDR', His team name. He sighed, and walked up the stairs to the second floor. Then the third... Then the fourth... He finally found their room on the 9th floor. He swung the door open and slammed it shut behind him, expecting to see his team there. They weren't there. No sign of them. He grimaced, and turned back to the door, swinging his arm at it in fury. His eyes widened as his arm didn't stop. He pulled his arm from the newly-made hole in the door, and facepalmed. But, much to Rouge's surprise, he started laughing... He shook his head at his stupidity and laid down on the couch, wincing as he felt the cushion press into his untreated wound. Despite the pain, he was asleep in an instant.



((You two don't need to respond to this, just a update on where Rouge is, and an update on the door...))



You would think after a while of fighting people would grow tired. Weary of the actions of killing such beings, yearning for more then senseless mad swings. Saving others would be much greater, just non stop slaughtering grimm was a boring task and should be left to the professionals. Smoke in the air, blood on the ground and the sound of screaming grimm and people filled the world among them now. Before this world stood a fairly tall armor clad what was presumed to be human, he drug his sword behind him like pyramid head from resident evil, a fair comparison for his grimmlike armor appearance. He pointed his finger at a grimm in front of him and made a feral sort of noise. It was in battle stance, a beowolf. The man pressed a button and his sword changed to a chainsaw like blade and started to grind off the broken asphalt beneath him. The noise would certainly cater more guests. But the man seemed to be enjoying the fighting, he wanted this. He always wanted to live like this. He kept telling himself that, he thought he could never go back to being normal after he lived in isolation. All around he gave it a shot and it seemingly fell so why not embrace the new world. Its what he had yearned for all these years. Rust grumbled as he charged at the grimm and it charged him. For a second year like him, he had some training, and on top of said training he also had lived in the ruins of the old city for a while so he fought off grimm a lot and all. Not that it gives him a significant edge over anyone he just really liked fighting and destroying grimm. Like a gladiator that loves the game.

Rust made sure not to get that close, with one heavy swing his sword parted the grimm at the waist, it barely had a chance to swipe. But he had a crowd he did not entertain enough. From behind a swipe came and sent his sword flinging to stick into the wall. A low growl could be heard from the man himself as the grimm swung again as another beowolf entered the fray from a rooftop. Rust quickly used his sword wielding arm to smack the claw quickly away and grabbing at the beasts throat, he lifted it and smashed its head straight to the ground. An electric sound came from his sword wielding arm, like a circuit blowing. He did not have the time for malfunctions, another swipe sent he himself flying into a wall. Once recovery had been
achieved the man cracked his neck and punched his arm really hard, the fingers beginning to move. But he again did not have much time as the grimm charged again. He noticed his armor had heated a bit from his fight with the other two. He quickly changed all fire dust flow to his left arm and hand. As the grimm went for a bite Rust slammed his arm into its throat only to have a claw like blast of flame burst out and go through the grimms neck. He ripped his arm back out and grumbled. The lifeless grimm body falling to the ground and turning to ash.

He walked over to his sword that was jammed into a building, pressed the saw button with his left hand then with his right arm he ripped the sword out of the wall. He had his arm back but not for long. He needed to find a place to rest for a moment, he had been mindlessly fighting the beasts for a bit and was getting pretty battered up. The sound would send more his way. Rust put the massive sword on his back and slowly walked away from the brutal scene. His steps were heavy, but he needent worry, he always had the mist to back him up. Slowly the semblance rolled off his armored shoulders giving him a milky look, the look of a ghost. And he wandered away, some grimm meandered around but none seemed to notice him. But it would not be for long.

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The sadness of not knowing who he was, the anger that he could've done something-
anything-to help these broken people, and even happiness that he's made it this far in the first place. But no matter what he felt, there was always that one little thing that wiggled its way in...confusion. Why did he wake up covered in rubble and surrounded by streets of corpses and Grimm? Why was everything so collapsed and broken? What was beacon academy? Who were these survivors...

Who was he?

He stared down at his Beacon ID, running a finger over it. His picture...he looked so happy...WHY?! Byron smacked his forehead several times, hoping this would all stop and turn out to be some dream...but nightmares usually don't end like that. Byron sighed and stood up, looking around his little make-shift home, which was a little dust shop that had been
abandoned...or so he thought, until he saw the corpse of an old man. He had all the dust he could need, and there was some food and water too, but he knew he couldn't live here forever. He would have to run to the apartments...where they were keeping the rest of the Beacon students...Byron winced. He couldn't look them in the eyes. He couldn't tell them he didn't remember fighting with them. Or running away with them. Or even dying with them.

"J-Just need a walk!" Byron laughed, stretching and grabbing Lucky from the counter. "Can't run around with amnesia cooped up inside!" He laughed again, feeling a little better. He slowly walked to the door and looked through it...good. Nothing. Opening it, he closed it softly and Began his walk around Vale. Was it dangerous? Well, unless you counted the insane survivors, dangerous amounts of Grimm, and the occasional overgrown dog and/or cat, then no. But Byron didn't really care...

He forgot everything he had to lose after all.

As he walked, he stopped and stared...In front of him was a black mist that was coming a bit closer. Byron squinted his eyes and backed away slightly. After awhile of just staring, he gulped. Calm down, Byron. You can do this! Gripping Lucky tighter, he stepped forward, but didn't take aim.
"He-Hello?!" He yelled out to the black mist.

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Noir simply smiled as Luxu continued to hug her and pick her up it was strange she wasn't quite sure what to think about the situation she knew people often hugged other people in times of happiness but never had she really been on the receiving or giving end of it so she wasn't quite sure what to do and as such she just continued to hug Luxu. Noir just simply blinked as she stared at Luxu trying to process what he just said. "A kiss is a sign of love right doesn't that mean..." Noir thought to herself before her face turned a red-ish tint, Noir shook her head slightly getting the thought out of her head. "Understood." Noir said agreeing to forget about what he said or at least she's not going to mention it again.

Noir shook her head as Luxu began asking about Dandelion she refused to say a word until Rouge was here. "We need to find Rouge." Noir repeated staring at the floor she felt it would be easier if the whole team was together again not to mention she just wanted to see everyone again...or at least everyone still alive.

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"Alright then Noir. Let's discuss this as a team." Luxu says with a smile as he looked at Noir with a concerned look, and he said, "Hey... Can you walk? Cause I saw you just lay on the floor. I can carry you if you can not walk." Luxu began to think about what he said earlier with absolutely confusion, 'I am so happy that I could kiss you Noir... Never in my life have said that I was so happy to see someone that I could kiss them... I swear if I caught feelings for Noir I will go insane... Why did I say that?... She must think that I am a total weirdo. Ugh... Did my own happiness take over? Have I fallen for Noir?! WHY DO THESE HAPPEN TO ME? EVER SINCE I HAVE IN BEACON, I HAVE BECAME MORE SOCIAL! UGH! I HAVE LIKED MORE PEOPLE, AND I HAVE LOVED MORE PEOPLE! INCLUDING TWO OF MY TEAMMATES... I HATE MY LIFE!' Luxu hid all these conflicting thoughts with a smile, and he began to freak out on the outside. "Do I like Noir?... If I do, what do I say?... I mean she is a bit cute... Wait what am I saying?... I think I do like Noir... I mean... I... Uh..." Luxu mumbled to himself as he began to blush, and he was starting to become flustered. He snapped out of the thought of Noir, and he looked back at Noir and his mind went absolute bonkers.

'AHHH SHE JUST TURN LIKE 20x HOTTER! SHE TURN MORE CUTER... I! UH!' Luxu thought as his mind went completely blank, and Luxu awaited an answer from Noir.

Noir nodded happily she was glad that Luxu decided to discuss this as a team it saved her from potentially breaking down twice after explaining the situation Noir looked up for a second before facing Luxu once again. Noir determined her bodies capability at the moment she could walk or at least she hoped she could she hated being a burden to anyone. She pulled her trunk to herself before smiling at Luxu. "I should be fine but thank you for the offer." Noir said before dragging the trunk closer to her, she still had what he said in her head and while she wouldn't say it aloud, after all she had been asked not to she would fully dislike it she had never been in a relationship nor understood even the first thing about them so it would be an adventure just thinking about it brought back the reddish tint which vanished soon after.

Noir began to watch Luxu confused he was muttering something to himself but Noir couldn't quite pick it up she noticed her name being spoke but that was it nothing more. Noir noticed Luxu's face turn slightly red and she grew concerned. She removed one of her gloves and walked very close to Luxu. "Are you okay? your not feverish or anything are you your face is all red." Noir stated before placing a hand on his forehead checking his temperature she was completely dumb whenever it came to things like this after all she has been trained never to give into her own feeling and emotions and as such she finds it nearly impossible to read others.

Luxu's was still blank, not being able to operate correctly cause of the many things he had thought to himself and he held all these emotions with one little smile. Luxu nodded to what Noir said, and he responded with, "Alright then. Tell me if you need me to carry your weapon, or yourself." Luxu was still wondering if he liked Noir, and his mind began to come back with the thought of Noir. 'Well technically speaking she will probably reject me... Though it's a 50/50 chance. Maybe... Wait I don't believe in love! I shouldn't being doing this to myself... But I want to love again... I hate this so much.' Luxu thought about this stuff in his crazy head, and suddenly he closed his eyes to calm down and give him a break from his mind. 'Just calm down... This is all dream, and when we find Rouge and go home I can go to sleep... And Relax..' Luxu thought to himself as he kept his eyes closed, but the blush he got from Noir was still on his face.

Luxu kept telling that sentence in his head for a while, but since Noir touched his head, his mind turned stupid.
'This is all a dream, and when-... Wait, something is touching me....' Luxu thought as he opened his eyes to see Noir near him, with her hand on his forehead. Luxu face turned more red, and his soul pretended to go into heaven for being so happy. "I-I-I'm fine! D-Don't worry...." Luxu responded with all the courage he could bring up, and during this response he was trying to muster up a smile to hide the fact that he fell for Noir. 'She... Is beautiful.... Why does God do these things to me?..' Luxu thought as he tried to calm down, but it didn't work so the blush he acquired from Noir stayed on his face.



A man walked out of the mist, well to others he may seem foreign, maybe even when dark enough accused of being a grimm himself. But fear not, only a man. The massive armor draped guy stood atop the road the mist reverting back to his body then rolling off once more. Arms, chest, legs and back covered in red dust lines. Etched into his helmet was the face of a grimm Dust lines going straight to the place his eyes would be if a helmet was not covering it. A handle of a sword sticking above his head slathered in blood like he himself. Rust was about to walk down the hill when he heard a voice, sounded like a male. He turned to the source to find a random citizen or student. For a second the person flashed into a grimm and the world around him shifted to a winter place. But it was only a second, he was back to the real world after he shook his head. Quickly the deep mist covered the area. The person would be blind only a second however.

The mist quickly returned to Rust who was now only feet in front of the man. Rust grumbled "
Human" before beginning to walk again. "Go to the safezone, its not safe out here." Rust says slowly moving away from the man, not really looking for conversation, he was looking for a fight probably. Or a place to fix his arm. Either honestly worked.

(( @SpicyLickiTung ))



The mist. No matter where Byron looked, all he saw was the Mist. He rubbed his eyes and when he opened them, there the man was. He...He was like a crazy Grimm hybrid. Bryon instinctively backed away, but was otherwise curious of his appearance rather than afraid. What was he doing out here? The Armor and stuff looked like he was capable of taking care of himself, but even Byron knew he couldn't stay out here forever. Suddenly, he had an Idea...it was a very stupid one, but dang it, he was getting lonely! And a lonely amnesiac in a Grimm infested city was NOT a good mix. With a nod of determination, he ran ahead of the taller man and held his hands up.

"Whoa! What's the rush?" Byron asked, scratching his head and looking around. "Look, man...you look like you've had a long night...How about you crash at my place?" Byron blinked and quickly took out Lucky. This was going to bite him in the arm later, but if this guy really wanted to hurt him, he would've done it by now. "Look." He flipped out the cylinder and dumped out the fire dust rounds. "No tricks or anything. I got food, water, dust, maybe even parts for your weapon or something." He grinned. This probably didn't mean they were friends, but it still felt reassuring to have someone to talk to without the guilt eating him alive.

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Rouge slept peacefully on the couch... Something that reminded him of home. How he used to sleep on the couch, despite his bed being down the hall... Just for the chance to do something different. But, this wasn't like that... He was passed out, not asleep. He wasn't dreaming sweet dreams... He was having nightmares. And, he wasn't laying peacefully on the couch... He was writhing. He was in pain... His back burned with a painful sizzle. Where the Ursa hit him was bleeding again, and he could feel it... The warm blood was slowly dripping off his back... Tears were streaming down his remarkably calm face...

Rouge's eyes shot open, followed by a gasp of pain. He caught his breath quickly, and sat up against the couch, wiping his face off. Luxu still wasn't here... No sign of Noir or Swan either. He rested his head back, and sighed. "They're not coming home..." He said quietly, as he rubbed his leg in an attempt to comfort himself. He sighed a little, and fell onto his side, against the arm of the chair. Within an instant, he was fast asleep, his back still dripping blood from where the Ursa hit him.




Rust was meandering away when the guy bolted in front of him, he rambled on and then dropped his bullets onto the ground everywhere, trying his hardest to convince Rust to go to his home. Rust took a moment to think before he spoke. His voice deep and muffled by the helmet he wore "You sound an awful lot like a...LOOTER" Rust says in a loud tone as his hand quickly reached the students throat, his hand cold and dead feeling as the superhuman strength lifted the guy. "You even hint at something suspicious, Ill kill you" Rust says throwing the guy to the asphalt before turning away "Grab your stuff, we are going to the safe zone...You would not survive the night." Rust grumbled before continuing his walk, he would not stay in a foreign place at night here. Night was the time when the odd grimm came, the ones most had yet to meet. Ones so dangerous not even Rust could take them. Hence why Rust hid at night and fought during the day. Fighting at night alone was suicide.

All around being alone out here for a first year was suicide. A second year had more of a chance but not unless they had a past of non stop training and fighting. Not even Rust had that, he trained as a kid yes. And had to fight at an early age against such beasts but he could only take three on at the least. Any more and damage would be done. Rust was grumpy now, he did not want to go back to the Safe zone. Not because he found himself to strong to go or anything. But because he hated the feel of the place, all the crying and blatting over friends deaths. Crying was not going to do anything, mourning would do nothing but attract the grimm. It was a cesspool of all the emotions grimm loved. A feast waiting for its party. He planned not to stay long.

(( @SpicyLickiTung ))



Byron tilted his head before his eyes widened when the man suddenly grabbed his throat, causing to choke as the feeling of the cold and death felt as if it was spreading all over his neck. Lo-Looter?! Him?! If he was a looter, there was a good chance he forgot how to loot in the first place! Byron yelped as he was thrown into the ground, causing him to wince in pain. Standing up slowly, he rubbed his arm and gave the guy's back a look as he began walking. Clenching his fist, Byron stood up. "Look, I've been sleeping there for weeks! I'm pretty sure I can handle myself when the night comes!" Byron narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "I'm not going to the safezone...I don't know anyone there...I can't be bothered with those questions!" He glared at the ground. "Who did you lose?! What happened to you?! Why can't you remember anything?! Were you fighting?! Were you running away?! I can't deal with those questions!" Byron exclaimed. "I'd rather die than hear people talk about how they lost their Team or whatever they say at that place...when I can't even remember if I had one to begin with..."

Byron looked down at the ground and held his arms before sighing.
"So-Sorry...I-I just can't bring myself to go there." He turned around and began to walk away as well. "Look, I live in an abandoned dust shop just around the corner from the financial district. No tricks, no schemes, no crazy plans. If you want to come, cool. If not, try not to die...I'd feel pretty crummy if I forgot you too." And with that, he began to walk back to his home...his home away from the people who at least still had their memories to keep.

Noir looked up and down Luxu keeping her hand on his forehead, his temperature was normal maybe a little hot but nothing to say that he had a fever or anything else medically wrong maybe he was just tired that's something Noir felt right now for sure maybe her face looked like that right now she really didn't know after all she never really carries a mirror along with her. Noir kept her hand on his head for a strange amount of time for some reason now he was stuttering maybe they was some medical condition she didn't know about. Noir finally removed her hand and began trying to rrun through her large knowledge banks trying to put the symptoms to a disease but she could remember anything maybe it was medical but emotional, Noir shrugged for no obvious reason if it was emotional reasons Noir was the worst to talk to it about. She looked his up and down again. "Understood." Noir replied nodding her head she wasn't fully convinced but if he said he was fine he was right there would be nothing to lie about.

Noir was about to set off walking in a random direction before she froze and turned around. "So any idea where to start looking for Rouge?" Noir asked fact is Luxu is one of the first few people she had seen and the first she had recognized for a while. Noir couldn't quite get the thought that something was up with Luxu out of her head so she decided to try and get what was wrong with him out in well her own way. "Oh but before you answer that just know if you ever need someone to talk to I am always here I may not get that emotion mumbo-jumbo stuff but I've always been a great listener." Noir added this was normally how she got people to open up...not like its normally successful.


(I'll be up and about for around the next 2 hours or so)


Rust looked to where the safe zone was and back at the guy who was babbling away and now leaving. Rust had met another who was complaining and had for a lack of better words given up and all. Rust wanted to just leave the guy to die out there, he wanted to just go fight more, but he decided to say something. He would not follow the guy, for whatever trust he had left had festered and died years before beacon started. Hence why he left his friends without a care in the world. They could be dead, could be alive. It did not matter, all he cared about was surviving. "You would fit in so well there, another kid who is going to cry all day and night about some stupid problem. You want your damn memory back, go get it" Rust said his tone always the same, low and angry sounding. Like a villain. "Sitting around moping, you people are all the same." Rust said, a slight noise making him look around. They were noisy, the kid may have been happy before but he had a slight mood of anger for a second there, resentment. The grimm were bound to come to the spot soon so they either parted ways or stayed together.

Sadly Rust did not care for the guy. He had no emotion left to give, he knew that attachment would lead to pain in the long run. All were going to die if they did not escape. If Atlas did not bring more troops. Should be a fun rest of the semester.

(( @SpicyLickiTung ))

Luxu was still blushing at the fact that his new found crush had her hand still on him, and he looked around to try and avoid looking at Noir's face. Once Noir finally moved her hand off Luxu's head, Luxu began to cool down and his blush began to fade away. 'Holy crap! I thought she would never let me go...' Luxu thought to himself as he finally looked back at Noir with a smile, and he began to stretch since he his back was hurting pretty bad. Luxu then heard what to Noir said, and he responded with "Wait. We shouldn't split up! What if we can't see each other again. Let's look around together." Luxu said as he wrapped on his hands around one of Noir's hand with a smile, and he was fine with being near her. "Also thank you for the offer, I will come to you if I really need to express my emotions... Although, I think my emotions will surprise you... Heh." Luxu said as his face began to have a slight red tint on it, and he began to walk and dragging Noir with him.

Noir just blinked at his reaction it was understandable that he didn't want the two to split up after all who knows when they might meet each other again but if they set a meeting point that they should met at later it would mean they can cover twice the ground in less time but Noir wouldn't push it she was more than happy to look for Rouge with Luxu, in fact she would prefer it she liked Luxu's company she was just overall thinking what might take the least amount of time to find Rouge. "I understand, it's probably smarter right now to stick together since it's unlikely I would be able to defend myself against any sort of attack." Noir said she was still heavily weakened from the past few days. "I'm counting on you" Noir said as she bowed as much as she hates to count on others this was one time she would be forced to just carrying her weapon was almost too much for her right now.

Noir listened to his reply about the emotion talk and she let out a small laugh. "To be honest emotions in general surprise me so I wouldn't be surprised if your emotions surprise me." Noir said before pausing for a second as she began to get dragged along by Luxu she didn't fight back in the slightest. "I feel like I said surprise too much." Noir muttered fairly loud before she shook her head slightly. "So where are we going?"

Luxu was happy that Noir agreed to his decision, and he said "Thanks for understanding! Don't worry, I will protect you whenever you need it." Luxu kept on dragging Noir with a smile, and he then said, "Noir? Have you ever had a crush for someone? Like, you wanted to go and spend the whole day with this person." Luxu was blushing a bit after he asked that question, and then he heard Noir's other comment. "Well the emotions I have right now are a bit... Weird.. Don't take that in the dirty way... Just... My emotions aren't how they are from the past... But... I kind of enjoy the emotions I have right now.." Luxu said as he smiled, while he said that and he then walked towards the direction of the apartments with happiness in his heart and soul. "Oh we are going to the apartments. I want to see if Rouge is there, cause I personally know that he is probably sleeping or finding his girlfriend... So, we are just going to check the apartments." Luxu answered Noir with joy as he looked at her, while walking to the apartments.

Noir smiled at Luxu's answer for whatever reason even thought she was basically defenseless right now she still felt safe even in the bad situation that they were in right now. "Thank you." Noir said thanking him for agreeing to protect her. As Luxu continued to drag Noir the conversation took an unexpected turn that made her think several things. Noir shook her head. "I've never been allowed to let my emotions control my thoughts so I've never thought of anyone as a crush and before Beacon I have never had free time so spending a day with someone was impossible." Noir said as she quickly looked to the floor it was upsetting to just simply point that out which caused her to grit her teeth a little. Noir tilted her head confused at Luxu as he continued she was right she really didn't understand emotions she was extremely confused at what he meant by in the dirty way lust has never been something she has had to deal with nor has she ever been in an intimate relationship. Noir kept quiet she was trying to understand what Luxu was saying suddenly her face turned pale at the mention of Rouge finding his girlfriend she would have to tell them soon, she doubted she would be forgiven she left Dandelion to die if she just stayed and fought it might have been different. "That sounds like a good idea." Noir said as color slowly returned to her face.

The two continued but the idea of a crush stood in her head fact is for now she is free of her family control so if she ever wanted to have a crush or maybe even a boyfriend it would be now...well maybe not now now but during her school life. "If I had a crush it would be someone like you." Noir said aloud before instantly stopping herself from being dragged and bowing towards Luxu. "Please ignore what I just said!" Noir said her voice sounded panicked she wasn't quite sure what made her say that all she knew was that this would most likely end up putting a divide in herself and Luxu's friendship.

Luxu kept on walking with joy, and he said to her comment, "No problem! I am your leader, so my duty is protect my teammates!" Luxu then knew that the conversation turned for the worst when he asked the question, and he heard what is a bit sad to him. "Oh wow. That really sucks. But now you are here! So, you can like all the people you want!" Luxu said, instantly regretting it afterwards and he then looked at the apartments with a smile. "Almost there! Just a little bit more farther, and we will reach the apartments!" Luxu said as he turned back to Noir, who's face is pretty normal and he was smiling at her with happiness. Then, Luxu heard about what Noir said and Luxu's face turned completely red from then on. "Wai-Wait... What?! I-I-I uh... Thanks for that compliment...." Luxu said as he his face was complete red, and he then nodded to what Noir said after her last comment.

'Did she find out?! Ahh!!!!' Luxu thought to himself as he covered his face, and stood there with total embarrassment. "Um... Do you wanna keep going?..." Luxu asked as he still covered his face, cause of the red.
MiyaTheNeko said:
pushed through the crowds of people who also where trying to get to their loved ones, friends, or teammates. She heard Lilac yell her voice and immediately got a flash of hope. When they finally found eachother she was met with a hug, which as before, caught her by surprise. She didn't care though and despite the tears and everything going on she smiled. She was happy to know that her teammate was okay. Her smile though, quickly faded when she said what she did, causing Azure burst out crying with her, burying her face in Lilacs shoulder. After a moment she pulled back, wiping the tears from her eye. "I don't know lilac... I wish I did but even I don't." She sniffled some and wiped her face again. She looked around at the other students wondering how all of this would turn out in the end.

Lilac looked around with her teammate and she broke away only to wipe her eyes with her hands. "I think I'm going to find our apartment and do something, probably look over the city or something like that." She have a small smile and she waved at Azure before walking towards all of the apartments with team names, some she recognized and some she didn't know at all. She climbed up stairs to the other floors until she found the one labeled,'OLAV', though it was more like LA now. She opened the door and immediately closed it before sitting at the window that was there and closing her eyes and opening them to find them glowing due to her semblance. She focused in in the city and she looked around only to find death, destruction, and sadness.

"The hell's goin' on!" Sirena yelled. She was pissed, she never knew that things could get out of hand so fast, and most importantly, where were her teammates? She scanned the room, besides Shura, none of her other teammates were in sights. Which her and that other guy were fighting over something. "One minute it's all fine, and before you know it, the goddamn school's up in ruins!!"
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Lavender Bloodfang

"Left..." Lavender said to himself calmly, rotating a full 180 degrees, right leg kicking upward and to what was originally his left, knocking a Grimm up in the air. "Right..." He continued, right leg sliding backwards in the direction of where it originally was, Lavender sliding down and essentially doing the splits, a Grimm flying just overhead which he hit with a hard palm to the chest. Standing up as the two Grimm laid on the ground, temporarily defeated, Lavender whipped his left arm, blade flying out from his sleeve and into his hand. "May mercy befall the many souls that have been torn from the living by these Creatures of Grimm." Lavender stated, walking past the first Grimm, cutting through its neck to cause it to die, then stabbing the other hard into the chest to kill it.

Looking over in the direction of noise, Lavender immediately guessed it was his fellow student, Rust, being his usually loud and destructive self. Looking around, Lavender noticed more Grimm approaching from all directions. Deciding it best not stay around too long, he looked around for the nearest structure, walking over to it and going through to the other side, getting outside the circle that the Grimm had unintentionally formed around him. "It seems as though I'm one of the few people left on the battlefield, it seems... Perhaps everyone but my team has gotten out of the area by now. Guess this means it's my turn to-"

Seeing a soul flying toward him on the other side of the wall, Lavender immediately headed on back through the building and poked his head out, seeing a severely injured student as well as numerous Grimm. "Hey, are you okay?" Lavender asked, seeming as though he didn't really care given his monotonous tone. Seeing that the student had a cut on their throat, which was going to cause them death rather soon, Lavender decided he'd act right then and there. They were scheduled for death in a few seconds anyway, so he decided he'd do as he needed do in order to at least give this student some form of hope for the future upon their death; by letting them see as Lavender himself worked on changing the world so the grave could be at ease.

"Forgive me for doing this, my fellow student... You're guaranteed to die before I can even get you through this building, so... Please don't hate me, all I can say is you're at least going to be able to help the future of this world even from the grave."

Twirling his blade in hand, Lavender quickly and efficiently drove it right into the student's chest.

"O god of death, guide this dear soul through the great divide, and grant it the power to remain in this world so it may aid in the creation of peace for the living and the dead."

Pulling the blade out of the student's chest, it glowing a dark purple color, Lavender then proceeded to jab the blade straight into his right shoulder. Normally, he'd not impale himself in such an obvious location, but it's the safest location to do so in order to avoid questioning, as he could simply blame the Grimm for having injured himself. The lavender coloration of the blade drained into Lavender himself, the soul surprisingly not putting up resistance to being attached to Lavender for having just been killed by Lavender himself in addition to having been mauled by Grimm. "Welcome, my friend... Might I ask for your name...?" Lavender questioned, though the one who was the soul a bit too freaked out and confused to respond.

What's...? What's going on...!? Is that...? MY BODY!? Where am I!? What's going on!? I'm staring at my own dead body! Am I dreaming!?

"No, you're not dreaming. Unfortunately for you, you've been mauled by Grimm. I'm unfortunately your killer, however... Please don't hold it against me, it was necessary for me to finish you before you bled out, so as to allow for permanent communication with you. Otherwise, you would have passed on to the other world in just a few minutes from now, which would prevent me from getting your help in finding anyone else who may be fighting the Grimm right now, as well as it allows for you to help me change the future of this world. You want to make sure death doesn't happen unnecessarily to others, after all, don't you?"


"Sorry, but I can't let you go. There's only one way for me to release you from being permanently at my side, and that's for me to die myself. Sadly, that wouldn't help anybody, so I can't do such. You have company though, which is returning just now from surveying the area," Lavender said as Crimson's soul floated on toward Lavender and the new soul.

Ah, who might this be, Lavender? You've found yourself another soul to bind to you, which means... Did you seriously kill another person? Explain yourself, Lavender...

"He was minutes from death anyway, with that injury to his throat. I simply gave him a chance at helping change the future so others wouldn't suffer the same fate. Besides, it would've been cruel to let him bleed out, as the pain I'm sure would have been immeasurable."

Very well, Lavender... Well, I suppose I should welcome you to the afterlife, my friend. I'm Crimson, Lavender's first, and, well, only soul, save for you, that's been bound to him. I was Lavender's friend before I nearly died at the hands of a robber. Similarly to what he's done with you, Lavender both ended my pain that would've lasted a lot longer, as well as attached my soul to him so I may be of use to the world even while dead. Might I ask for your name?

I'm Grey, but... This is all... Are you sure this isn't a dream...? I'm... really dead? This whole soul business is real, too?

"It's all real, Grey. It's probably a lot to swallow, but you'll eventually get used to it. I'll explain a little more in detail what this entails, but for now, I need to get out of here and to a safe area."

Leaving the area before any Grimm could figure out that Lavender was there, he managed make it to where two of his teammates were at. "Ah, Rust, Byron, there you are... I believe it's time we leave here, so that we don't have to deal with Atlas pushing and shoving us all the way to the exit."

@SpicyLickiTung @BlackJack

((@Jade Lawless Shura's not the one that's your teammate of my characters, Lavender is. Shura's a third-year student whose entire team, save for Shura herself, was taken down by the Grimm. Exception being Shura's sister, albeit Ren's currently comatose and dying.))
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Noir nodded when Luxu mention that she could like all the people she wanted she just recently came to the same conclusion which kind of makes her happy she feels slightly more free it's something to think of something yourself but when someone backs up your theory it always felt good for some reason. Noir nodded as Luxu stated they were getting close at least she might be able to get some rest sooner rather than later a bed was something she was looking forward to and hopefully these apartments had room for the team which she guessed it would. Noir just stared to the ground for a few moments before she finally looked up and at Luxu. "You welcome." Noir muttered before she nodded her head. "Yes lets." Noir quickly added agreeing to move on right now she just wanted to move on and try get this awkwardness behind her, if only she could see her own face she would probably be fearful of her health since it was birght red.


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