Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

Blue walks into the main room, breathing out a cloud of smoke as he does. "Ma'm." He says as he sees Greenwall.
Green coughs as she gets a whiff of the smoke. "Hey" she grabs a letter from the pile and hands it to him. "It's from Dim, it's titled from a few days ago"

Conents of the letter.

Blue shift

If you are reading this then I am dead.




Or just really felt like sending a prank letter. Anyways if you are still in Bastil then I figured you would like the enclosed

There is also a rune on a piece of paper inside the envelope.

Greenwall walks towards the stairs shuffling through more letters meant for the Dawn Brigade.
The paper of the rune slowly turns into a flask filled with wine mixed with everfree. The flask has "Bringer of the hangover of death" on the front of it.
Blue grips the flask, a cold chill settling on his heart. "Dear Celestia." He whispers, looking over his shoulder.
"What?" Greenwall walks up and looks at the flask. "It's just alcohol" She says before going on a short rant "uhg what is with that stallion and alcohol it just makes people act stupid."
Greenwall rolls her eyes before she starts sorting letters into piles of who they go to (If you want to type a letter for yourself now would be the time to do so)
Greenwall leans back onto a bench near a brazier filled with blue flame. Taking her own letters she starts to sort through them mumbling what they're about as she does

"Politics" She tosses that letter into the brazier

"Ex" She tosses that letter into the fire particuarly fast

"More politics" Letter goes into the fire

"Letter from canterlot hospital requesting closest of kin" letter tossed towards fire

"Coupo--" She drops the letter and grabs that last letter before it fell into the fire.
Quickly ripping opening the letter she barely maintains a calm face. Her eyes skim across the page as her heart slowly drops (I'm making an ending for that mission Dim is stuck on so I can bring him back soon). Shaking her head she drops that letter into the fire before continuing to sift through the letters.
Shaking her head she says "It looks like Dims mission got botched up, he's in the hospital with a coma. Shrugging she continues "He'll probably be fine I just have to okay some surgery to bring him out of his coma. That can wait until after our next mission though
Rolling her eyes she says "It didn't say, just that they needed an okay for the operation. Speaking of which" Greenwall grabs a quill and parchment and starts to write on it
Ending the letter in a flourish she makes it into a parchment airplane and throws it towards the vortex in the side room, guiding it with her magic. Just before it goes in she grabs it and folds it into a square and pushes it in.

Yes well we will be heading out for our mission tomorrow, so go ahead and start preparing
"Roger." Star sets to work enchanting a few for the rest of the mages to get the patterns down from before going to work on any assigned to his unit. After wrapping up there, and several hours have passed, he sets off toward Greenwall's tower to work on hers.

"Ah, I love the eve before a battle. I get to see the most actual work then."
Ebonysdagger said:
"Roger." Star sets to work enchanting a few for the rest of the mages to get the patterns down from before going to work on any assigned to his unit. After wrapping up there, and several hours have passed, he sets off toward Greenwall's tower to work on hers.
"Ah, I love the eve before a battle. I get to see the most actual work then."
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Ending the letter in a flourish she makes it into a parchment airplane and throws it towards the vortex in the side room, guiding it with her magic. Just before it goes in she grabs it and folds it into a square and pushes it in.
Yes well we will be heading out for our mission tomorrow, so go ahead and start preparing
Blue walks out to the training field to get in some last minute practice before the mission.

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