Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

Greenwall kicks open the door to her room before collapsing onto her bed. Why was I born into a military family. (Hey if and when Ebony gets on I will let you two distract each other while I set up the mission, I think the other rp'ers are dead) 
Greenwall throws a blast of magic at her door slamming it shut before she drifts off into a rather disturbing slumber
Star, finally exiting the initial enchanting room, sets across the open courtyard noticing Blue practicing.

"Don't want to get too worked up there. You seen Greenwall?"
Ebonysdagger said:
Star, finally exiting the initial enchanting room, sets across the open courtyard noticing Blue practicing.
"Don't want to get too worked up there. You seen Greenwall?"
"Likely she's gone to her bunks." Blue said around a cigarette. "If you want to wake her up then you're a braver stallion than I."
"Heh, not a matter of bravery. Just a matter of being madder than a hatter." 
"By the way, you need anything set up before we go?"
Ebonysdagger said:
"Heh, not a matter of bravery. Just a matter of being madder than a hatter." 
"By the way, you need anything set up before we go?"
Blue shakes his head as he spins around. "No, all my gear is ready to go. Yourself?"
"I think I'm mostly set back up. I've got everything I could get a hoof on restored and re-enchanted for me. A shame we probably won't luck out into more of those explosives. I'd imagine those are on a list of rationed items during this lock down and I know some of the higher ups don't trust our little merry band of sociopaths."
Ebonysdagger said:
"I think I'm mostly set back up. I've got everything I could get a hoof on restored and re-enchanted for me. A shame we probably won't luck out into more of those explosives. I'd imagine those are on a list of rationed items during this lock down and I know some of the higher ups don't trust our little merry band of sociopaths."
Blue chuckles. "So mage, what do you know of Balefire?" 
"I hear the griffons have developed some sort of flame thrower for the stuff."
Star somewhat curls up his lips in a sneer at that. "Ugh... infernal gadgets over the magic the world practically seeps from its pores. I wonder if those work half as good as the ones on that old coot's schematics from back when I was younger." He is of course referring to an old pony inventor who likely passed into obscurity as a local crackpot millennia ago.
Pausing in his swing for a second Blue looks over his shoulder at Star for a second. " what can we expect from these....infernal gadgets? I know I can survive a few seconds of balefire contact before my shield fails but what kind of range can we see from them?"
"Well the projections on the devices I saw was somewhere near fifteen to twenty feet back in the day. I'd imagine that the piping and pressure issues are a lot easier to tangle with now so we might see quite a bit of range on it. The real problem though is how long they can keep expelling flames." Star thinks for a moment. "On the other hoof, they might still use tanks and those are giant bull's eyes to target."
"Well then, it is a good thing we have a few distance fighters amongst us, eh? Still, could be worse. It's not the raw flames of Tartarus or anything."
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Rolling eye's Blue puts his sword away and lifts his crossbow. "Yeah, I'm going to go the range. Your welcome to tag along if you wish."
"Eh, I had probably better get onto Greenwall's armor. If I don't and she makes it through she'll kill me."
Groaning she sits up in bed and rubs her head. Damnit, mey as well make sure he remembered to enchant my armor. Getting out of bed she pulls a match out of her dresser and flicks it against her headboard. she grinds it into the armor and frowns when she see a black mark
Star makes his way to just outside of Greenwall's room and knocks on the door. "Yo, boss, you in there?"
"Then can I come in and get to work? I'm just checking to make sure you are decent... and that you won't kill me when I open the door."

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