Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

"Well I suppose I'll come in anyway. If you kill me that just means you won't have enchanted armor for tomorrow and I think that is more important to you." Star opens the door and steps in. "Sorry about that. It takes awhile to make sure enough samples were done I could trust others to replicate it."
Flicking the match she had been holding into a basket she levitates her armor over to Star. "Meh I guess becoming barbacue is not on the top of my priorties." Letting an invoulentary shudder course through he she says "Umm I don't suppose I could sacrifice some of my armors durability for extra flame protection" in a timid voice. Coughing she returns to her normal voice "Umm not because I'm scared of fire or anything, uhh I just know that a griffon won't be able to touch me so durability is not a problem"
"Hm... well I can't do much about the material your armor is made out of given the resources here but I can probably shunt some of the magic imbued into it away from more mundane protections and toward fire resistance. If we had access to a good forge and a competent blacksmith I could probably make all our armor turn aside anything short of alicorn, dragon, and draconequus magic."
"Oh, I'm not worried about your competence. You are with our unit after all. That means you'll do just fine. It also likely means we'll be coming back covered in blood too but I'm not particularly opposed to that."
Laughing Greenwall gets back into her bed and says "Just put the armor on the rack when you're done, I have to be up in six hours so I have to get some shut eye."

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