Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

Greenwall stops outside a workshop and opens the door. "The Dragon Accords" Greenwall says with a hint of disdain in her voice " Due to the combined power level of our elite brigades they have been given a special section in the accord, much like the section that forbids alicorns from fighting wars, the brigades now have several restrictions in place. Because technically speaking all three brigades combined strength could rival the princess we cannot have more than one brigade being used at full force at a time." Greenwall takes in a deep breath after that mouthful
"Hah. My plot the lot of us combined equal a princess. Why ever did they agree to such a silly thing anyway? An adult dragon is just a step short of the princesses and yet they can go to war so why can't they?"
As Greenwall levitates the armor into the workshop she chuckles and says " You didn't pay attention in history class did you?" Greenwall shakes her head as she drops a helmet " The princesses were not around when the original dragon accord was signed.

(For times sake I'm not going to format the story into Rp form, but Greenwall is saying all this)

The accords originated at the beginning of the discordian era, and are part of the reason the world has not been plunged into chaos of that magnitude since then. Before Discord there was two factions of dragons, one faction viewed other sentient creatures as their equals, or even as far as thier duty to protect creatures not as powerful as them. Then there was the other faction, this faction saw it the other way around, that weaker creatures should serve them or die. Eventually this lead to war, however there are no documentations of what happened during this war.

We do know that the war spawned discord however, and he ended the war in an instance. The dragons were almost as numerous as we are today before Discord, after him they were even less of them then there are today, and most of them children. So in short the surviving dragons created the accord in hopes that if Discord is ever defeated that another of his kind is never made again.

Greenwall Coughs as she finished the lecture. "Of course before Night Mare Moon noone viewed the Alicorns as a major threat because they were so few, but after that incident Celestia was all too willing to sign it.
"Ugh... I think I skipped over that part of history." Thinking to himself about how literal that statement was, he follows Greenwall into the workshop. "So about how many do I need to get ready? Also, any thing other than just fire protection?"
Greenwall says "We will have fifty soldiers with us, but you can pass the work off onto the castle enchanters after you have enchanted the initial set. They should be competent enough to copy your enchantments" Greenwall begins to walk out the door, but yells back "Oh and I want you to personally enchant the Dawn brigade members' armor, you can find mine in my quarters"

Not waiting for a response Greenwall trots off towards the castle
Blue walks back into the camp, taking note of the busy hustle he tightens the straps on his gear and goes to find Greenwall
Greenwall trots into the tower and looks around.

The tower is a large octagon with stairs going that go around the interior of the tower going all the way to the top. Every seven yards the stairs stop and open out into a new floor before continuing. This continues for four stories.

Greenwall makes it to the second story before a stallion stands in here way
The mage says "This venatoris" the mage sneers as he says the last word "Probably pushed one of the other mages a step too far." Shaking his head he walks over to the mage hunter and casts a spell wrapping around his head.
Blue raises an eyebrow as the peice of stone cracks against his skin shield. Taking pull of his smoke he walks over to the stairs and walks up to the second floor.
Stepping off of the stairs greenwall walks across the room and into one of the rooms hanging off of the tower and sticks her hoof into a small blue vortex on the walll
The mage finishes his spell and says "Green mane, white coat?" Without waiting for an answer he says "If that's right she just went up stairs, if not I have no clue. Now I have work to do." The mage walks back to his previous job and pours a green liquid into a blue one

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