Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

"Sounds like someone just arrived." Star Craving sets out from his little room to see who made all that noise.
Greenwall groans as she rubs her horn. " I think I over did it" she shakes her head before trotting off, most of the guards going back to their business after realizing it was a teleport
Arriving a bit behind Greenwall walking off, Star looks over to one of the guards. "So who made that racket?"
"Danke." Star sets off toward the armory to see what is going on and if it means he needs to start getting kitted out.
Inside the armory Greenwall has several suits of armor flying through the air landing on a trolley (Yeah I have no clue how they would transport armor in bulk so I'm calling it a trolly)
"We have a mission soon"Green dropped the last peice of armor on the trolly" I was actually about to come find you about enchanting some of the soldiers' armor who will be accompanying us"
"Ah, then I suppose it's a good thing I came looking. So what kind of enchantments will we be needing on this armor?"
"Yeah we're going to need fire protection" Greenwall shivers as she remembers the next mission "Yeah lots of fire protection." Shaking her head Greenwall pushes the trolly to the side "But the mission is not for a few days so take your time"
"Do I really want to know the reason for the fire protection?" Star thinks for a moment. "I suppose we'll need to take this back to my room or, if we've got the space, set aside a place for me to work on them. I do believe there will be a lot of in and out here in the armory."
Follows along behind Greenwall to see where he can set up to work. "Have you seen any of the others?"
Greenwall grunts as she pushes the trolley over a bump on the ground "I just saw Blue in the woods a few minutes ago, and Dim is still on that mission he was sent on, but I have not seen anyone else"
Greenwall gives the trolly an especially strong push as she kept going "No it's fine, but anyways the mission is will be at mount kilaminprimo. We have reports of some new griffon tech involving" Greenwall stops pushing for a second before she starts again "Fire"

(I'm going to make Greenwall scared of fire:poto:)
"Ah, I see. So we suspecting they've made some sort of what? Flame thrower?" He doesn't point out that he is a bit familiar with a similar technology/runic device from his original time period.
"A flamethrower?" Greenwall suppresses a shiver before slowly falling into a rehearsed voice, " We have Intel that they have a new set of weaponry that can spew forth hellfire much like some of Raging's spells. This means that once they mass produce these weapons a single griffon will be capable of killing an entire squad of Earthponies or pegasus as if they were civilians." Greenwall shakes her head grumbling "Why couldn't it be an ice or acid or anything other than fire" under her breath
"Because I think using acid might actually constitute a war crime and griffon's aren't keen on capturing prisoners. I learned that last part the hard way in the past. Hellfire protection then? Well that will take a bit longer than normal fire. Still, at least it isn't dragon fire."
"More an international issue than just one with us. We might be an important part of the world but we and griffons are hardly the only beings out here. The only reason it doesn't get held against the occasional acid spitting dragon is that it's a natural ability of theirs."
"Hah!" Greenwall let out a strained laugh as she thought back to the most recent announcment "Yeah and its thanks to those other 'beings' that we're not even allowed to use our full military strength"
"Ah, politics and restrictions are at play, eh?" Looks around to see if there is an open room so he can get started nearby. "What are we looking at as restrictions and why?"

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