Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

Pleaseworkforonce said:
Using all of her magical might and rips a large rock from the ground and slams it into hist stomach "It means don;t CUSS'
Blue smiles, winceing slightly. "Good to see you back to normal marm, I was worried for a bit." He says as he lights a smoke.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Taking the stick in her mouth she starts to beat Blue on the head while she occasionally throws chunks of earth at him
Blue stands nonchalantly, the sticks and dirt bouncing of his skin level shield. "I see Canterlot's got you worked up, smoke?" He offers as a dirt clump bounces of his head.
Breaking the stick over his head Greenwall huffs and walks further down the path before yelling "You better be glad I left my gear in the castle or you would be dead right now"
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Breaking the stick over his head Greenwall huffs and walks further down the path before yelling "You better be glad I left my gear in the castle or you would be dead right now"
"Hardly." Blue smirks as he follows, lighting a fresh cigarette. "Anything you require of me?"
Pleaseworkforonce said:
(You don't remember the metals and their special properties by chance?) Greenwall glances back and says " No you can do whatever"
Blue looks around at the dreary surroundings. "Not a lot around here marm." He say, taking a draw his smoke.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Smirking Greenwall calls back "That's sir to you" walking deeper into the woods (also have I named these woods yet,I dont think so)
"Sir? Not telling me something Marm?" Blue calls out with a smirk.
(Don't you smirk my smirking of your smirking of my smirking of johns smirk.... Smirkception) Laughing Greenwall turns around sticks her tongue out at Blue before she started to run down the path
Pleaseworkforonce said:
(Don't you smirk my smirking of your smirking of my smirking of johns smirk.... Smirkception) Laughing Greenwall turns around sticks her tongue out at Blue before she started to run down the path
Blue sighs as he trots after her, with all the griffons around it wouldn't do to have his CO get ambushed while taking a run.
Greenwall kept trotting through the woods when a sudden thought flashed through her head. I don't have my armor... or my sword... . Green felt naked as these thoughts crossed her mind, but instead of letting it bother she remembered that she could kill any creature out here without her solid weapons
Pleaseworkforonce said:
After a few hours of jogging greenwall stopped and sat against a tree, summoning an apple to her from the kitchen
Breathing steadily Blue calmly walks along the path, observing Grenwall from a respectable distance as he lights a smoke.
Greenwall lets out a devious smile as she picks up a sharp twig with her magic. Taking aim she fires it at Blue, shearing his I'm uncultured in half
Greenwall smirks saying " I don't need my brother picking up that habit again, it's bad enough he drinks so much" Greenwall ends this with an eye roll as she took a bite out of the apple
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Greenwall smirks saying " I don't need my brother picking up that habit again, it's bad enough he drinks so much" Greenwall ends this with an eye roll as she took a bite out of the apple
"Noted." Blue says as he walks over to her. "I'll make sure to smoke when he's not around."
Star had remained in his assigned room well into the day piddling about placing enchantments on his new robes. "Really need to keep myself some spares before I use what I've got. It took forever to find these."
Greenwall finished her apple before abruptly standing up "Well it has been nice talking to you Blue, but I have to go prep for our next mission" Having said that Greenwall teleports back to the castle, leaving the ground charred where she was previously standing. Greenwall flashes into existence inside the castle, a loud bang signaling the distance of the teleport

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