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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

Actual! No. I misspoke. It is established. Several of the party members have hunted monsters before.

So, yes! Yes to monsters being in the setting. It’s also a safe bet we’ll be dealing with them in this game.
Lol. Well I had some ideas for the bad luck rolls.I thought that summoning a monster would be a good bad luck roll.
Tanner is a very, very bad person, and whether his past makes him a monster or not is up for debate. But, it seems he and Faythe might be about to encounter something.
Rebel, no. Vigilantly, no. Emo, probably not. Tanner actually works for the government...technically.
I mean, look at the Rebel Alliance. They were the bad guys, and so all the people that worked for them were evil. But they all thought they were the good guys.
As long as you don't reveal your vampire side it will probably be fine. Tanner for one would be the wrong person to reveal that secret to...
As long as you don't reveal your vampire side it will probably be fine. Tanner for one would be the wrong person to reveal that secret to...
Lol. Yeah true but it will be interesting. I thought about the only way to activate their vampire form is to feel extremely angry or to look into someones eyes. What do you think?


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