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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

I wasn't expecting this roleplay to be so fast paced, and have come to the conclusion that I will not be able to handle it. Therefore, I have decided to resign. As for a reason for my character's dissappearance, she could have been taken away by the shadows within the Deep Wood or something, and appeared to have mysteriously vanished. To add some tension, maybe her dead body is found later. Or she could continue on as a disposable NPC; it's entirely up to the GM WlfSamurai WlfSamurai
I wasn't expecting this roleplay to be so fast paced, and have come to the conclusion that I will not be able to handle it. Therefore, I have decided to resign. As for a reason for my character's dissappearance, she could have been taken away by the shadows within the Deep Wood or something, and appeared to have mysteriously vanished. To add some tension, maybe her dead body is found later. Or she could continue on as a disposable NPC; it's entirely up to the GM WlfSamurai WlfSamurai
Very sorry to hear that, but totally understand. If you ever change your mind, you’re always welcome. All the best.
Very sorry to hear that, but totally understand. If you ever change your mind, you’re always welcome. All the best.
Thank you, I wish you well on this promising roleplay ^^
It seems to have slowed down, so maybe you can stay with us. MiraAutumn MiraAutumn
Even so, with my exams looming ever closer, it would be best for me to take it easy roleplay wise.

Ronan Ronan I just want to say, I feel kind of apologetic for the fact that Ash's formation plan went largely ignored. It was a pretty good idea too, although I personally would've put the tiefling at the front for intimidation and protection purposes. I also appreciate how you tried to incorporate my character into the roleplay more deeply ^^ Enjoy the roleplay ^_^
MiraAutumn MiraAutumn oh dear! I just read your earlier comment! I should've checked the OOC before posting, so I apologise for that. Nevertheless, I wish you well on your exams! Study hard and crush them!
I’m sorry. I had my suspicions earlier when you were talking dice mechanics and I should have asked.

I don’t know about wasting time. I’d like to have you play. But you’re in the straight RP section of the site. There is an itty-bitty corner of the site for dice-based games. I know because that’s where I usually play. Check out the dice interest checks for dice-games. I’m on my phone, so linking it would be a pain.

Sorry again.
Lol. And I was so close to finishing my gambler/engineer OC too. Oh well. I will have to revise the entire thing from scratch.
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai I have a suggestion since I’m kinda stuck and it would help with the exit of Nemeia from the role-play.

Something horrible in the fog can grab both of them? They could both scream/struggle/whatever which would alert the rest of the group and bring them together. The end result of this would be that Ash breaks free and Nemeia gets taken, thus, an exit from the role-play.
Iiotete firing her gun earlier could’ve provoked whatever was in the fog to grab the both of them, too.

It’s all I could think of since I’m literally stuck. If you have a better suggestion, I’ll take it. :’(
Shit, guys. This is awesome.

WlfSamurai WlfSamurai I have a suggestion since I’m kinda stuck and it would help with the exit of Nemeia from the role-play.

Something horrible in the fog can grab both of them? They could both scream/struggle/whatever which would alert the rest of the group and bring them together. The end result of this would be that Ash breaks free and Nemeia gets taken, thus, an exit from the role-play.
Iiotete firing her gun earlier could’ve provoked whatever was in the fog to grab the both of them, too.

It’s all I could think of since I’m literally stuck. If you have a better suggestion, I’ll take it. :’(
Yes. Something like that sounds good to me. I had already been working on something a bit similar. Let me see how we can get it to play out.
I wouldn't say afraid, but Tanner knows when the right time to be cocky and arrogant is, and its not at this moment. Didn't really put anything in that would make it seem like he is afraid. He is just a very pessimistic type of guy.

elie elie

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