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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

Lol. Never played bloodborn.

I may go with an engineer/gambler or engineer/illusionist/ or even engineer/gunslinger. Either way, they will be an engineer. XD

Neither have I, was hoping you did so I could do less work...

Anyway, what kind of character are you thinking of?
Neither have I, was hoping you did so I could do less work...

Anyway, what kind of character are you thinking of?
i can't really say. I would try to make my character based around their class but I can't choose which one.
Wait. I just realized that we cold make up our own classes as long as we stick to the linked CS the GM has.
Silvana Silvana , no apology needed. You're right on schedule with what you told me. I wanted to make sure to give you enough room to make your character.

I generally don't want to influence characters as it's really important to me that the players play what they want. But, the group is a little light on the magic side, I'd say. Take that for what it's worth.

As for year and technology, this is vague fantasy with a gothic twist, at best. There really isn't any hard and fast year or setting, yet.
Silvana Silvana , no apology needed. You're right on schedule with what you told me. I wanted to make sure to give you enough room to make your character.

I generally don't want to influence characters as it's really important to me that the players play what they want. But, the group is a little light on the magic side, I'd say. Take that for what it's worth.

As for year and technology, this is vague fantasy with a gothic twist, at best. There really isn't any hard and fast year or setting, yet.
Yeah I also realized that if I were to do a engineer/gambler character that it would be hard trying to show the number my OC rolls.
For those who haven't played it, Bloodborne is hardcore Lovecraftian in nature, complete with otherworldly beings that exist just slightly beyond human comprehension. Very gothic. Take that as you will.

Oh, and I found some...soothing music to accompany our troop through the woods. From the Bloodborne soundtrack too. Give it a listen, if you want.

I kind of laughed for a second when the choir part started, and it was all the women singing but we only saw guys. I was so confused until they panned the camera.
All in all...you rolled 13. Congrats, that's either incredibly lucky, or unlucky, depending on which side of the ladder you stand under.
All in all...you rolled 13. Congrats, that's either incredibly lucky, or unlucky, depending on which side of the ladder you stand under.
well depends on the first number that is rolled. The ten could either mean good luck or bad luck. The two could either mean that my OC was only affect by the roll of the dice or every single one of his teammates, including himself, are affected by the roll. The one would mean the outcome of the roll. So lets say that 10 was good luck, 2 is everyone is affected the roll, and 1 means strength. So then every single one of my OC's teammates will gain strength for a short amount of time.
Though if the 10 was bad luck and everything else was the same, then every single one of my OC's teammates would grow weaker.
Silvana Silvana Just to tack onto the earlier comments, yes, the role-play takes place in fantasy world with Gothic influences. Think: Sleepy Hollow, HP Lovecraft, Brothers Grimm, steampunk, and old European eras à la High Germanic and English history.

As Grammatic Grammatic mentioned, there aren’t really any ‘concrete’ magic users outside of Voxi, who has (to my reading) a baseline understanding of the natural magic elements (fire, water, et cœtera) and can wield them well, but on a small scale. Nemeria and Iiotete have light magic and can also use it adequately, but again, on a small scale. Lastly there’s Ash with blood magic, but it’s sub-par. She can’t use it on anything but herself and it’s pathetic, really.
However! I love your line of thinking with an engineer! We don’t have a character who understands clockwork (steampunk!) or the mechanised realm, so there’s lots of things you can do with that!

Also, marshmarrow marshmarrow , I laughed at the comment about piracy. All I can say is that ‘pirate’ is too crude of a word. Ash is too pretty to be one, hence, she’s called a corsair with a scary gothic ship. The Gothic era predates the pirate age or the terminology of ‘high-seas pirates’ à la the Blackbeard and skull-crossed flag. :~)
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If they roll a certain number though, they can roll again for other affects. So lets say the 10 would allow my OC to roll again. This time if they roll, they can role for different affects such as being able to summon a lesser creature into battle for them but if it was an unlucky roll then the creature would try to attack them. Each time they role a certain number, they can roll again and it keeps stacking until they have done it three times in a roll. This is where the "make or break" motto comes in. Once at the final level of the dice, the OC can either give an edge in battle by summoning a high level creature into battle for them or if bad luck strikes then it would be another enemy to take care of.

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