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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

Keep the 'Ash is gorgeous' comments coming. I revel in them. >:-)
She puts Botticelli's Birth of Venus and Warhol's Blue Shot Marilyn paintings to shame!
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I have no excuse, I was watching "The Bible" on Netflix.
It's entertaining. It's a little jarring to hear Moses with a Scottish accent, though.
Just to keep you guys up to date, I have work to do this evening. If I get it finished in any useful amount of time, I'll keep the game moving with a new post. If not, I'll get one up tomorrow sometime.

Enjoying reading thus far, though.
Lol. Well I will try my best to hurry but its so hard to pick a class.

I like to experiment, but I tend to go for strategist or tactician role. My character in this RP is a close-range physical fighter, which I seldom create. Some people say fantasy classes can be too confining for their characters, but they can be as broad or specific as one wants, really. I'd love to hear what you have so far.
Well I am not sure about the year...but we have guns, so make of that what you will. As for setting, if you have ever played Bloodborn, its basically that I think.
Well I am not sure about the year...but we have guns, so make of that what you will. As for setting, if you have ever played Bloodborn, its basically that I think.
Lol. Never played bloodborn.

I may go with an engineer/gambler or engineer/illusionist/ or even engineer/gunslinger. Either way, they will be an engineer. XD
It's as early as 1200, since we're in a European-style setting and gunpowder is still relatively new. Since we have a pirate character, it could be as late as the 1600s. We're in the Renaissance period, essentially, but with magic.

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