Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)


Name: Mark Williams

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Personality: A really kind person but has a fear towards Creatures due to the stories he was raised with in Nivisa. Is Spirited and energetic with a bright attitude but only when no one official or his parents are around. If they are he turns serious and cold hearted but always has a worried or scared look on his face. Is Clueless when he's by himself and has a strong belief in chivalry.

Appearance: (Can say this is him if he is serious) (Or this if he's on a casual day, But still has the sword on his waist and his hands up to his shoulder is lightly armored.)

Bio: After growing up in Nivisa he grew a certain fear of creatures and his fathers high military position pushed him to where he is today. Looks up to Lok as a leader but only because he doesn't know anything about how he really is or any truth concerning the creatures. Is highly noticed and already has military training thanks to his parents and family. Is known to wander off in the forest for what he calls adventure but is trusted enough to let roam. He is considered a solider but because of his younger age is not put on the front lines unless their is an upcoming battle or situation where he is needed.

Fighting: Is very skilled with a sword and spear but personally cant stand the sight of blood and will never attempt to try for the kill unless he has no other option.
"Anyway, Maddy, do you know where you're going?" questioned Azaria.

"Yes I do, any place but here!!" she stalked past all of them to look up to the sun. "It's around 10 am, should be at our ex-campsite by now."

((Uh, I'm about to put the soldiers in, trying to find them so they're searching using the tracking device that Savannah took out and threw into the river!))

Jack groaned, "So what've we found? An old shack, a burnt out fire and a pocket knife?" he stated, "That chick's tracker said that they went over there," he pointed to the river and started trekking. "It's going further, it's in the ocean, god that girl must be swimming and all her friends."

((Then Drake can come in and smash them... Well try to.))

Mark was looking over his supplies once more as he saddled up his horse making sure he took the time to brush his horses white main and brown coat. After finding his sword hanging on the wall he sheathed it and mounted the horse doing one more check of food and other items. "I finally got Father to let me stay for a few nights" he said to himself happily snapping the reins lightly "Come on girl" he urged as they began trotting out and past the gates. He waved back to the usual guards until he was out of view. As soon as he saw it was clear he quickly snapped the reins again and the horse broke out in a run. He loved the feeling of air in his face as he rode down the path. After a few minutes he thought he heard something and slowed down peering around him curiously. When he began going again he kept a trot again both on the watch and looking at nature a big grin on his face.
Savannah frowned "The bannished us, and we havn't done anything since, why attack?" she asked

Connor was looking around hoping that they didn't catch up

I gripped my hammer tightly as I got ready to smash them to piece, I ran at them and knocked one of the man's legs from under him and smashed his head into a bloody pulp, the others saw this and tried to attack me but I was to fast for them too react. I wiped my face, hands and hammer clean with one of the man's shirt seeing they were covered in blood and bits of body parts. I felt a pain in one of my hands and say a knife sticking in it so I pulled it out and wrapped int with band-aids ",well I was not expecting to find them here but I guess they are trying to find someone"
Jack heard the sounds of agony from behind him. "Crab!! OW OW OW!!" he ran off and dived into the ocean.

"Connor, don't worry, if we hurry up, they won't find us..."

Azaria answered the ignored question. "Obviously the government thought we were living out there too easily. So the had to send us a challenge to try and get us to run back to the city, kill us and stuff. But the cool thing is, their cameras can't see us." he explained.
"MArk shuddered hearing screams of pain and agony. "Come on girl" he urged again snapping their reins as they trotted faster from the screams. As he was walking he thought he heard the voices again so instead of ignoring it he guided the horse towards the source of the sounds.
Savannah growled "I wish I could do the same to them, you guys are some of the most decent people i've met" she said an angry expession on "But i don't want to stoop that low"s he said still angry

Connor nodded and picked up the pace
"oh look your still alive, not for long human" I growled.

"pppplease....done kill me" the man said.

"I don't think so" I lifted my hammer up to smash his head in.
Mark was looking around slightly nervous for the voices still hearing them as he didnt know he was quickly nearing the group. "Hello" he called." Is there anybody around, Im not here to hurt you" he called again as peacefully as possible.
Azaria smoothed down Savannah's hair. "It's okay, it's okay." He kissed her forehead.

MAddy screamed.

Maddy said to wait down here while she go check up. "Hello?"
Savannah didn't move her head but welcomed the comfort, she hoped Maddy was ok.

Connor didn't want Maddy to go alone, but she was scary when she was angry
I put my hammer on my shoulder "as long as your not armed and plan on using it at my I will have no reason to smash you too pieces"
Mark almost jumped off his horse seeing maddy come out of nowhere. "Oh Hello Miss are you ok" he asked concerned.
Mark thought about the question for a few seconds. "Well i guess technically I am but you don't have to worry about me" he replied. "Are you okay?" he asked.

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