Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Savannah laughed and climbed a tree curling herself into a large leaf so she wouldn't be seen

Connor grabbed a pocket knife out of his bag and tossed it to Maddy, then took out a sword.
"Why do you have random weapons in your bag? Plus I'd prefer something bigger, you got a bow and arrow or somethin'?" Maddy asked, of course now wasn't exactly the right time to be picky.
Kiara looked at them and said angrily, "I was the one who put you into this mess! They put a tracking device into my arm... when I kileed th-the mayor, they installed a tracking chip into my arm and banished me..."
Azaria and Maddy looked at each other. "WHAT!?" they both screamed.


Azaria nodded in agreement.
Savannah swooped down "I can remove it" she said looking for a scar and finding one "It will hurt but . . ." she took connors pocket knife
Maddy smiled, "When you get it out, chuck it somewhere! But seriously you got any bigger weapons Connor?" she asked with a serious face. "I like to take my fights seriously, you get a sword and I get a pocket knife?"
Savannah was caught up in removing the devise, when she had she put it in a river leading away from their campsite.

"Done!" she said returning
Savannah shook her head "No, it will be in the ocean in 10 mins they wil know and scout" she said

Connor nodded and looked around
Savannah said "But, i wont be able to keep up, last time i has on a hype and i am not doing that again!" she was worried that one of then would get hurt and she wouldn't be there


Azaria rolled his eyes. "I'll carry you there!!" he held his arms out under the tree.
Savannah laughed and smiled "You, are enjoying this to much" she said

Connor Bolted down the hill and skidded to a stop
(Now it sounds like Narnia)

Connor looked at maddy and kissed her "Be carefull"

Savannah just laughed "Mmhmm" she kissed his lower lib "Be carefull you might trip on it"
(Lol, I know, right?)

"I will Connor, I can defend myself, but I won't leave your side!" she kissed his cheek.

Azaria tilted his head, running. "Trip on what?"
Connor nodded and said "Neither"

Savannah smiled an said "Your bottom lip" she said pinching it, he didn't know her weakness, being tickled to it was all good
Kiara screamed her head off when the tracker came out if her arm. "Fix that hole in my arm!" she gasped.

She started running throught the bushes and escaping away from the crowd, deeper into the forest.

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