Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Kiara rose as the sun went up. She hopped off the frame and walked out into the forest. She heard marching, lots of marching. Kiara looked at where the noise was coming from. She saw a group of soilders marching. They wore camoflauged clothes, so they just looked like moving trees.

Her sword was unsheathed and ready if needed. Kiara ran fast to the little camp and said," People are coming for you. About twenty people are in the group. You need to evactuate! They're here to kill you!" and with that she pointed to a creek. "Cross the creek, and go straight for about half an hour. There is a small cottage, which is mine. Inside there is food and water. I'll get you when they leave!" she watched the soilders march closer.


Name: Moon Young

Age: 30

Sex: Female


A soilder who stand proud as the first female general in Nivisa. She was destined to kill and fight. She was assigned to take out the monsters that have been banished, or make their lives harder.

Appearance: Army suit, blonde hair, tall, skinny, blue eyes,.

(I think we need a couple of soliders -.-)
(Yeah, ok!!)


Name: Jack Mackintosh

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Bio: He recieved a letter recently from his friend Caeser at the gonvernment, stating that creatures are in the forest, it's an automatic danger.

Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, tall, Army suit

Maddy shook Connor and Azaria up. "We gotta go now!!" she exclaimed, grabbing the food. "Look random chick, I can't leave Connor behind. I can leave anyone behind. I can't leave yet. I'll fight them if I have to, anything to protect these people!"

Azaria shot up, "I'm fightting too... I gotta keep everyone safe here!!"
Azaria pointed it out blatantly, "You run and you hide. You save yourself!" he yelled.

Maddy did necessarily want Connor to fight. But it was his decision. "Az, Savannah should choose whether she fights or not..." She said seriously.

"I Can't risk losing her!!"
She rolled her eyes and said "i don't WANT to fight, one of us has to patch you us IF you get hurt . . . i ment where do i go?" Savannah told them

Connor wanted to fight, to protect Maddy, Savannah and Azaria but mostly Maddy
"Um... High into the trees... Out into the forest but very high in the trees so you aren't seen. If I'm hurt, I'll clap like this. Clap-Clap Clap Clap-Clap and you can come when most of them are hurt, fix me up and run again!" he said enthusiastically.

Maddy looked into Connors eyes, "Do you want to fight?" she asked him.
Name: drake vanhelsing

Nickname (if any): furball (only a few people can call him that)


Age: 20

Creature or human: creature

If creature, what?:

Personality: he has a short temper with most people and will try to bite your head off if he does not like you but has a kind side that does not get shown a lot.

Appearance ( Pic preffered ):
View attachment 5267

Fighting?: he can and will defend himself if he needs too, he can crush anything with his massive hammer.
Savannah smiled and kissed Azaria's cheeck go "get em'" she said

Connor nodded he didn't want her hurt, but she could take care of herself

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