Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

"No problem" he said "I'll always catch you" he added

Savannah took his hand "How are we gonna keep it warm in here
He took of his hoodie and covered her in it "Here" he said hugging her

Savannah said ". . . not outside pople could use it against us" hinking of spreading fire and shaking
Az glared, "Hey what I said was very profound... Ants invented heating/air-con y'know?"

Maddy blushed, why was she still blushing? "Yeah a bit, I'm not exactly used to the cold."
Connor nouthed back "No, he caught a cold so, i gave her my jumper" he shiverd a little but made no move to take it back
Maddy called Azaria over. "Uh, please stop threatening Connor, he wouldn't hurt me if his life depended on it."

"Well that's good because it does!"

"No it doesn't you're so pushy!!"

"I'm pushy?"

Connor went and stood imbetween the two "Azaria that is not true and you know i, i vale maddy, like you Savannah" he said looking into Azaria's eyes
Azaria wasn't convinced. "Yes, but she's not your sister!!" he explained.

"Yes, I'm not his sister, or that would be incest..." Maddy butted in.

"Be quiet Maddy!!"
Azaria laughed "No, but i wouldn't hurt her either, would you hurt Savannah?" he asked

Savannah didn't interupt she wanted to know the answer
Connor smiled "It's like that" he said looking into Azaria's eyes with his honest ones

Savannah blushed and said a faint "Awww"
Azaria believed him. "Okay, I'll leave you alone for now, but if you go out with her and she is hurt when you come back, I will watch you like a hawk...." he warned.

Maddy closed her eyes and squealed inside.
Savannah smiled and walked out of the hut and hugged Azaria "I mean that much to you?" she asked smiling, they were even thn, Azaria was her rock.

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