Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Max gave a satisfied grin as he wolfed down his eggs like he saw his brother do a lot and finished having a small coughing fit before looking outside and having what to him was a pretty neat idea. "Hey Savannah can we go outside and play it's really boring in here" HE complained instantly looking up at her again.
Saanah looked at Az and said "okay, mind if Az comes along, just in case, Remember the bad man that came here yesterday. . . he wasntbnice to me or maddy im still shaken up" she said to explain herself
Azaria smiled. "Hey Max." he said, he waved a small wave. How could a small boy BE so adorable? He thought to himself. Look at his little face, it's like a teddy bears', he grinned. Az blinked; he'd been spending too much time with Maddy... and Anna.

James joined them outside. "Hey peeps, what's cookin' good lookin'?" she asked Anna cheekily.

Maddy smiled and gestured Connor to come sit next to her.
"Oh I guess thats okay" Max answered looking over at Az a little confused of his actions as he waved back before going over to his bag and finding a change of clothes to wear in the woods. It didn't take him long to change at his energy and came back in a small pair of jeans a plaid shirts and a small jacket but the hair was still wild. "Are you ready" he pestered hyperly.
Anna smiledvkd kissed azarias cheek and said "Come on, Hansom, we need to go play." she said tugging on his arms and reaching her othe hanbout for max to take Connor sat next to maddy greating herbwith a morning kiss
Maddy didn't look over to Max; she thought -- no she KNEW -- things were still tense from when she told him she was a shapeshifter. She looked at the ground and coughed almost silently as though she wanted to be deemed invisible by Max until further notice.

Az smiled. "Where are we playing?" he asked tiredly, kissing her back.

James kissed Mark's cheek. "Hey there."
Max was happily about to run out when he noticed Maddy out of the the corner of his eye. "She's nice but she's a shifter" he though having a few comments to himself before sighing and walking over Timidly over to Maddy. "You can come play too if ya wan" Max said Shyly tilting back and forth on his heels waiting to see her reaction.
Max giggled a little bit when she ruffled up his already missed up hair as he looked up to her " Sure we can still be friends just don't turn int o anything scary is all" he said half jokingly.
Maddy nodded. "I don't really, normally I only turn into things like cheetahs and leopards, but only to gain speed." she shrugged, hugging Max. "So what're we playing?" she asked.
"Were going outside to explore" he said Excited running out of the cave happily not even giving any kind of running to the rest of them.
Maddy tilted her head and added an Irish lilt to her voice. "Little tugger, always full of adventure." she smiled, following him out, running soon turning into sprinting. "Where does he get his energy?" she asked herself.

Azaria rolled his eyes and nodded, letting her lead him to his 'doom' as he called it in his head.
Max was now running along a path he had recently found on the outside of the road. It didn't look like part of the road but It seemed safe enough to him was all he thought of looking behind him to see Maddy catching up and Savannah with Az in last place.
Az sped up and jumped to Savannah's side, kissing her cheek.

Maddy closed her eyes and sped up as fast as she could, soon just behind Max. "Where are we going to stop exactly?"
Max quickly put on a breaks almost tripping forward as he was already beginning to get out of breath. "I was going to see Where this road went since it wasn't on the road" he answered between breaths.
Savanmah smiled and took his hand in hers "hey, hansom" she kissed his cheek

Connor decided to take bwalk e wanted to do somthing for maddy but he didnt know what.
Maddy skidded next to Max, giving him some water from her bottle. "There you go." she smiled. "We can't afford to have you collapsing." she looked into the distance.

Azaria smiled. "Hey beautiful." he said, entwining his hands in hers furthermore.

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