Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

**Yes you may**

Maddy ran into the shack when Connor and she had had the fight. "I hate what I am, I hate it!" she repeated, fuming. "I HATE BEING A SHAPESHIFTER!" she screeched.

"There we go," hearing her bellow, "She's letting it all out," Az said.

"Alright, we've been looking for you Maddy," said the soldier. "You're coming with us," they dragged her out.

Connor gave Azaria a quick told you so look and then dashed to where he heard her yell. He saw the guy holding her reach for her ass, smirking and he got pissed off. "Back.Off." he growled and the soldier snapped his head ona nd his hand grabbed her but. "Watcha gonna do?" he asked and connor pounced, carefull not to hurt Maddy.
Connor nodded to maddy and finished of the lot, foollowing maddy, well her cheetah form. He wanted to keep an eye on her after that.
Maddy skidded to a stop anyway. She didn't feel protected with him that far behind. When he got next to her, she embraced him. "I feel so violated," she whispered in his ear.
Connor growled soflty, as not to scare Maddy, but to show he didn't like what that man had done as much as she did "I know, i'd be verry surprised if you didn't." He said, softening his gaze a little and hugging her back, "It's ok, now, you'll be fine." He said comfortingly. He was so mad that the man got away with acts like that. If he' done it once he'd do it again, and probably worse. he was glad to be the one to rid the world of him
Connor agreed and picked Maddy up, running back to camp. He took his anger out on the ground below his feet, by practicallt stomping the whole way back, Once he arived at the camp he ran straight into the cave and sat them on a matress, savannah made, which was placed agains the back wall. He rocked her, both his arms around her torso, and her leaning into him. He whispered other calming things into her ear
Maddy kissed him gently. "Thank you Connor." the hustle and bustle of an army came. "Connor, I'll stay here, you go and guard the camp with Az and Savannah."
Connor nodded and stood up, Walking to the entrace, after kissing her cheek and saying "Anna wont fight, remember?" He slipped out and stood next to Azaria dn said to Savannah "She's upset, I was right the soldiers, well, they voilated her, There dead now." he said with a half satisfied look on his face. "She's still shaken. they dodn't do much to her though, just touched her ass, i still got them though." he said that more to Azaria

Savannah nodded and kissed Azaria's cheek, sliping into the hidden cave, before anyone saw it, She felt bad for Maddy and sat next to her. "Hey." she said she was bored now she had nothing to do, maybey talking to Maddy would help provided that she wanted to talk, that . . . . event that happened might leave her quiet, sad, depressed, Savannah hoped not though she wanted the old Maddy back, the happy go lucky one, it was the same as Azaria.
Savannah smiled and said "Nothing, why are you ashamed?" she asked. Maddy had no reason to be ashamed i anyone did it was the soldiers who allowed things like that to happen. She smiled softly and handed Maddy a blanket. "In case you need it." she said. she moved to her own matress and lay down. She closed her eyes and sighed. 'I just want my friends back, they arn't acting like themselves' She frowned to herself.
"It's just the stress of all this. It all happened to quickly." she explained. "I just wasn't ready for... this!" she sobbed as a soldier that somehow got past Connor came in. "MY soldier mate only told me about one girl. Turns out there's two? Jackpot!" the soldier smirked. "CONNOR CONNOR HELP! Maddy squealed again.
Savannah screamed exreamly loud and said "AZARIA HELP US!!" the soldier came on her first as she was the closest he grabbed her hands and knelt next to her pinning her hamds above her head and she struggled but nothing worked "sweet pea it wont hurt much" he said getting ontop of her and she started to cry "AZARIA!!" sh screamed again

Connor heard these screams and looked at Azaria brfore running towards the cave
Maddy screamed and scratched the soldiers back. He squawked like a chicken about to have its neck wrung. "Oh, so you want it first? I like it when they play rough," he literally jumped on her, covering her mouth with his hand. "It will be over quicker if you let me do it."

Azaria ran next to Connor. "You and I are gonna save them. We'll murder this soldier."
Still sobbing Savannah yells loudly "YOU SON OF A ***** LEAVE US THE H*LL ALONE" she wasnt strong but she wa loud and she punched him the soldier sneered and said," we cant have this no no no" he pushed them down on a matress and tied their hands savannah kept yelling and cursing. He got on top of them both and said "Hmm which shall i hav first?" Connor nodded and entered the cave, noticing the man he growled unable to get out words and charged
Maddy coughed when Connor was a metre away and smirked. "Look behind you." the soldier looked and saw Connor charging, not knowing what to do, he planted his lips on Maddy's and she tried to push him off. She kicked him where it hurts and he cursed loudly.
Connor growled and tackled tge man filled with rage "you were next sweet pea" he said to savannah sliding from under connor and straddling her.

(*cough Azara*cough*)
Azaria army rolled in coming from behind the guard. "No, she's not you bastard." he held his hand behind his back, wrists crossed, his ankle digging into his back. "How the hell do you get away with this crap?" he said, fuming.
Connor, before he could answer walkex up and snarled "I dont care" and snapped his neck silently.

Savannah curled into herself and sobbed she was so upset about it.
Maddy's eyes widened as she hugged Savannah. "It's okay, it's over, it's okay." she pet her. Azaria joined in. Maddy sobbed internally. Trying to make it seems like she wasn't effected. But she probably was most of all. She held back her tears bravely and rubbed Savannah's back reassuringly. She almost threw up at the sight of blood, gushing from the soldiers neck.

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