Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

"Mark put the device in his pocket and leaned on his horse smiling. "I still really don't get why they're after you but i don't plan on giving any of you away" he replied. "Actually I wouldn't mind helping you for the time im out here" he offered. "It's not like any of them can say something to stop me and I don't come out here as often" he said looking at the forest again. "So can i tag along" he asked.
Mark looked at connor confused. "Creature, But you don't look like a creature I know" he said getting a better look.
Maddy tilted her head. "How come you never told me? And yeah, I guess. As long as you swear not to give us away."

Azaria smiled back down a Savannah, "Why aren't you eating?" he glared at Mark. He mouthed to him, She's my sister. and gestured with his head towards Maddy. Don't try anything, I had enough trouble getting over Connor with her.
Savannah rolled her eyes and said "Because i just ate and would you stop glaring?" she asked

Connor tipped his head "i thought you knew"
Mark thought they might just be playing with him and sighed and saw another boy tilting his head towards maddy. Mark quickly got the message and put his hands up in submission hopefully showing he wasn't going to be a problem.
Mark shrank down a bit noticing the looks he was getting from the other two guys. "Im really not going to do anything" he tried saying again. "What do I have to do to prove that" he asked.
Azaria stood up, his face turning red, "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN DO!!" he picked up a rock, "YOU CAN SHOVE THIS UP-" his mouth was covered.

"So sorry Mark, he found out he was my step-brother a couple of days ago, now he's all overprotective. So now I have two guys protecting me, Az and Connor." she glared, "Calmed down yet Az?" he nodded and she uncovered.

((I gotta go Bye))
(ahhhh bye)

Mark gulped seeing the small dispute between Maddy and the other guy who he only knew as AZ.

"Well ummm what do you say" he asked the other boy.
Connor glared "Hurt or make a move,On Maddy OR Savannah, your out" he said

Savannah rolled her eyes "Gee, thanks Az" she said she had had to jump to her feet then he did, as she was on his lap
"Okay I get it" he said backing up a little bit still watching the distrust they had in him.
General Moon

"Then why did you follow?" she said angrily. "You better hurry back!" and with that she shut off her walkie talkie.


"Hey, if you go Mark can I tag along?" "I'll hide in the trees!" she said smiling.
"Im not going back" he said plainly. "I didn't come out to follow them" he said shrugging. "This is more like my camping trip" he finished.
Maddy smiled at the guy. She shook her head. "Don't worry about them. But seriously, just take heed in their advice, unless you want to go back to your precious moon."
Mark sighed" I Get it im Really not going to do anything" he said to the two but smiled a bit hearing Maddy glad at least she had a bit of faith with him. "SO umm where are we going" he asked.
"Really, anywhere but here. Anywhere within a 15 mile radius of the forest we're going to bolt from." she explainedas Azaria pouted like a 6 year old. "Oh, stop it Azaria, you too Connor. Azaria, you barely know what I'm like when I'm angry. But trust me I'm scary. So back off this guy and give him a chance. If you two are gonna get mad at anyone, get mad at me, I was the one who invited him here, because I trusted him. So get mad at me if you have to," she explained.

"I guess that speech got you somewhere, I'll trust ya for now... Mike?" Azaria scratched his head.
"Oh the names Mark but it means the same I guess" he said rubbing the back of his head. "Well would the ladies like to ride the horse I can walk" he offered innocently.
Mark just sank down again seeing Az's glare. "Im just trying to be nice is all" he said honestly holding on to the reins to make sure the horse wouldn't run. "Do you know how to ride one" he asked Maddy trying not to look at her as his gaze was set towards the ground since he knew that would make the two angrier.
"Uh, kinda?" she swang her feet nervously, not trying to hurt the horse. "Like this? Come on, girl?" she mocked his words from earlier. She smirked jokingly. "Well? How do you ride a horse, All I remember is how to stay on it... Don't scream your friggin head off and scare the horse." she smiled.

Azaria stopped glaring.
Mark sighed in slight relief as he got on the horse behind her for a few seconds showing her how to hold the reins and letting the horse trot around a bit. "And here's how to get her to stop" he said pulling on the reins with a "woah". "Now try riding a bit" he offered about to hold on to Maddy for support but remembered the other two and quickly moved his hands to the part of the horse behind him for support.
"Thanks," she smiled, "I'd prefer if you got off now, unless you want to get hit by a low branch." she got the horse to gallop and she ducked at the tree.
"Probably" Mark answered quickly seeing the branch as he moved his arms up and caught himself. He sighed knowing the two were most likely laughing at him as he dangled from the branch.

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