Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Azaria smiled. "Need some help Mark?" he asked.

Maddy looked back and smiled. She got the horse to turn around. "Mark, I'm coming, just jump down when she comes to the branch!" she yelled as she bowed her head.
"Yeah kinda" he replied back to Az looking back at his horse and Maddy. "Ok" he called back doing as she said and yelping as he landed on the horses back."Think we can get down now" he asked.
"If you want the horse to slow down pull on the reins if you want it to stop say woah" he instructed hoping off the horse when it was down to a trot. "You can stay up there if you want though" he replied standing up brushing the dirt off himself.
"Fine, I'll just slow it down, I am not stopping this horse. C'mon guys, we gotta get moving so we don't get caught, Yah!" the horse sped up to a canter.

Azaria tilted his head, "She'll say 'yah', but she won't say woah?" he asked himself.
"Your sister sure has a lot of energy" he told Az in maybe a hope to get to know him.

"So how long have you been in the forest" he asked.
"Really you seem adjusted already" Mark answered back. He Reached into his pocket and handed him the communication device "Here take this it will let you know where Moon and any other soldiers are" he said.
Azaria scanned him for any tricks, he seemed true. "Thanks Mark. Anyway, sorry for being so rude. I had enough trouble adjusting to Connor liking her, even if I found out yesterday pretty much that I was her brother, well step brother if you want to be technical."

Maddy squealed slightly. "Yay!"
"It's okay really I understand" he said smiling and looked over seeing Maddy. "I would do anything to help my siblings" he added.
Azaria side-hugged Mark. "Thanks dude, also, I'm not tryna be rude, but don't do anything to Savannah either, she's my girlfriend." he said with glee on his face.

Maddy hugged the horse.
"I can see your a really lucky guy" he said smiling that he was at least friends with him now.
Mark sighed not knowing how he was going to convince Connor.

"So is what you guys said about being creatures true" he asked.
"But you dont look like creatures" he said again looking. "Where are your fangs and big claws and your bloodlust for the innocent" he asked innocently.
"You're going by the movies. I transform into a dragon, Maddy is a shapeshifter in general, but she has a thing for transforming into a big cat. Connor, I don't know what. I mean some creatures are like that, but not us. Oh and I can read minds."
"Whoa" he said surprised. "That's so cool what am I thinking of" he said like a 6 year old.
"Really" he said embarrassed before getting himself back on track. "Well is that the only reason were friends right now" he asked.
"No, you seem okay, and yes. I think it's because you haven't given anyone away"


Meanwhile in the pacific ocean,

"Wow, Kiara can swim far and fast!!"
(Oh wow xD )

"Would you like to do something since your sister seems busy" he asked watching maddy ride around on the horse.
Azaria nodded, "Sure, what did you have in mind?" he asked.

((Yeah, Jack is in the army, they threw Kiara tracker in the ocean. So Jack is swimming after it!!!)))

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