Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)


Mark shrugged. "I'm not very sure what there is to do out in the woods" he replied. "And I just remembered all my supplies are on the horse" he said sighing feeling his waist and remembering his sword. "Do you have a sword or something" he asked.
"Alright then" Mark said smiling and standing up unsheathing his blade and getting in position. "This is my sword for now i have a custom made one i'm getting soon" he said with glee.
"Well that seems a bit unfair" he replied remembering something and reached into a small pack he was carrying. "Here" he said throwing a sheathed machete to him. "I think that's better then a pocket knife" he replied smiling.
Kiara walked around in the forest and came back. "Hey what are you guys doing! Sword fighting without me?" she said with her hands on her hips. "Don't forget, I always partcipate in sword related activites when I'm not wandering!"
"Honestly there's a few more packed away on the horse" he replied getting back into position. "No problem just keep it in good condition" he replied smiling. "you don't want to own a rusty blade" he added.
"True, true," he said. "Nothing against you, but I really hate the army, I say the creatures, and you if you want, should fight against them," he said.
"Mark looked down at that response. "I would seeing how the creatures are just normal people" he said. "But" he began huffing out air. "How am I supposed to fight against my friends and family" he asked.
Azaria waved to Savannah.

"You're kind of strange." Azaria told Mark, "But than again, everyone is in some way shape or form," he pointed out.

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