Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Savannah laughs and says "See he wont hurt you, I convinced him to do that, I can convince him to do almost anything." she gave Mark a pointed glace

Savannah looked at Max "He's not scary now is he, and if he does anything tell me, he'll get punishment." she said in a serious tone and then said "Az, you can turn back now"
Max yanked his head back scared again before he heard what lily said and stood there instead of running away.
Az felt a little uncomfortable and turned back, but warned them first "Guy's I'm turning back" he said

Savannah smiled and when he had turned back pushed him of her

He mock glared and pulled her and Max onto his lap
Az smiled at Max and rested his head on Savannah's

Savannah whispered to max "He's like a teddy bear really"

(Ooc: HAD to put that in there!))
Max looked backed at Az and reluctantly gave him a hug resting his chin on Az's stomach so he could see his reactiom/
Azaria tensed a little, but trusted Savannah and hugged him back, arms around savannah as well

Savannah joined in

Connor said "You guys look like a family, exept looks"
"Yeah because he's got my comparable charms" mark piped in beside Connor.

Max let go after a few secinds of being hugged back and hopped off his knee going back over to Mark who picked him up normally. "At least he isn't scared of you anymore"Mark saidd smiling leaning back into James again.
Azaria nodded and hugged savannah close and fell backwards

Savannah laughed and rolled around trying to get off him

Azaria held her tighter and rolled over and then back, never hurting Savannah

Savannah kept laughing "Stooooopp!" she giggled
"You guys need to get a room" Mark teased smiling watching James to make sure he doesn't do anything like that op him since he was able to.
"As long as it doesn't go somewhere" Mark said poking his tongue out and pulling the skin down under one of his eyes. Max saw the same thing and laughed turning towards lily and doing the same thing.
"I know I'm sorry but stop" he said beginning to whine seriously still being forced to be in a fit of giggles.
Max got up wiping his eyes and nose trying not to cry a little mad at lily as he walked back over to mark Pouting into Mark's leg.
"Mark silently called to Az so he was looking in his direction. "He's not He hates being tickled for a long time" he mouthed.
Az nodds and Savannah magicall yells "i'm sorry!" "and yes i can see behind me!" she also yells

(I just figures out she'd be able to see the reflection in the water)

and Savannah hits Azaria over the head

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