Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

(actually my friend did lol she edited ot while i wasnt looking but mehh) Savannah grinned and said "Az is a light sleeper" she rememberd when there had been an attack
Max just smiled staying with lily but saw the other boy and got shy again quickly going behind Mark peering at him.
Azaria woke up, "WHAT HAPPENED?" he yelled. A really, really, really old habit of his. "Oh hey Mark, who's this little trooper here?" he asked.

James woke up and ripped the beard off. "You two youngsters of little faith..." he shook his head a Mark and Lily, suspecting they did it. "Az, you got a little something on your chin..." he smirked.

Az ripped it off, "I knew that," he murmured.

Maddy yawned. She felt her chin; It was fuzzy so she clawed at it. "Hey guys, Connor wake up, Breakfast times!"
Savannah giggled and said "Az, nothing happened this is Mark's little brother Max" she couldn't contain her laughter any more and burst out laughing,

Connor woke up and took of his beard laughing slightly "Hey, Maddy, everyone else." he said yawning
Max just looked at them all scared as he clutched too Mark's leg.

"Sorry Guys He's kinda afraid of new people" he said rubbing the back of his head patting and ruffling max's hair.
MAddy smiled. "I know, I know. He looks scary, but he's harmless." Maddy re-assured.

Azaria smiled and put the beard on Lily and started tickling her. "Take that for you prank Lily, mwahahaha!"

James raised an eyebrow.
"Cmon James your fine to be on this side Max knows you" He said smiling and beckoning him over.

"But both of you look scary" he said pointing at connor and Az.
Lily cracked up laughing and started squirming and rolled around on the ground "S-stop!" she giggled

Connor nodded "As Maddy said, I'm harmless" he wrapped his arms around Maddy
Maddy smiled and walked over to Max. "Relax, they're both harmless unless Az gets angry, but then her turns into a dragon from my little pony and it's over and done with. Okay?" she scruffled his hair playfully.

James smiled and walked over to them.

"Did he just say I was scary?" Az asked, his alexandrite eyes blazing.

"Yes," Maddy said, "And doing that isn't helping your image to him, calm down..." she glared as Az calmed down.

((Lol As Az))
Max heard what she was saying which didn't help much and the way Az looked made him cower again" Dont let him get me" he told Maddy and Mark. He looked back over to see he calmed down but wouldn't let go of Mark.

"Well your great with kids" he said smiling at Az and giving james a quick kiss on the cheek while Mx couldn't see.
Lily got up and whispered in Az's ear "Turn into Spike pleeeeease?" she gave him the puppy dog eyes then she turned to Max "Wait for it, he's just woken up." she whispered in Max's ear "He's a little grumpy"

Connor smiled at Savannah she was so good with kids
Mark smiled at James before leaning into him and picking Max up after getting him off his leg and holding him out like in the lion king except facing him. "You can trust me He wont hurt you okay" he asked which got a nod from Max as he turned towards Az. "You can try and hold him to see if your that scary" he says to Az.
"Kid, can I hold you?" Az asked reluctantly.

"Yay! Go Az, your first step into fatherhood type thing!" Maddy cheered quietly.

James smiled. "You hold your brother weird, just sayin'"
Savannah smiled and whispered in Azaria's ear "Turn into spike first, pleeeeeeease!" she gave him the puppy dog eyes

Connor grinned at Maddy's comment
"If it'll make the kid less scared 'a me, sure" he turned into the green and purple dragon from MLP. "Damn you and your puppy dog eyes..." he said under his breath.

"YAY SPIKE IS HERE!" Maddy couldn't hold back her fit of giggles.
Savannah grinned and whispered in Az's ear "want a reward?"

Connor laughed slightly, that was what they were teasing him about
Mark saw what happened and put Max down as he looked at Az now. "He knew it from a show but he wasn't sure if he could go near it so he just stood there. "A litte bit" He said stuttering.
Savannah smiled and held out her hand for Max, she sat down with Spike in her lap and said "Come on, He wont hurt you." she said
Maz walked over unsurely and looked at Az still confused as he offered a hug. After about a few seconds of odd silence Max begins to pet Az's head.

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