Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

starts lowering the roof "well maybe i made a deal with the government to take you in for some extra money. Perhaps thats who is outside."
"Your aware your inside me right. I could put you all in your own personal iron maiden right now" bullets are rattaling on the outside of the obsidian shell but it rumbles and they all stop
"Maybe but i wonder if their building is lava proof. Then all i have to do is walk in and take it" his face of obsidian comes out of the inside and looks at you smiling
"Why are you all so desperate to live" reaches out an obsidian arm from the wall and touches your cheek leaving scratches
She makes no move to help herself "Because, We are trying to help others if you haven't noticed, yes we want to live, but i would rather have kids grow up in peace and not war" she said
"Hmm thats to bad..." head shakes and the entire dome goes down "who the heck are you people and why were you inside of me"
She drops to her knee's to avoi being knocked out and says "Again!? really?! well we needed to hide, you offered and then told us your handing us in for money" she recaped.
She rolled her eyes and said "you were going to, that doesent make it what your suposed to do." everyone else was silent she was handeling this well.
"So am i suppose to or not your confusing me" sits there waiting for something to do and watches a bug fly around

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