Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Savannah winced at the burn and sat him down "Here, squeaze mt hand when it hurts" she said offering her hand and starting to patch him up
"Hey I can help and will only hurt...a lot but it will get rid of the burns and pain caused from the previous magma"
(No problem can you reply to Bayveiw?)

Savannah smiled and said "Thanks, and if you remember, Az blowing up on you, he's sorry"
Savannah laughed "Azaria here is a shifter" she nudged him "You know Navisa? we were banished and they want to kill or just make it hard for us to live" she continiued exlplaining "We are all creatures, exept for Me" she said
She rolled her eyes and said "We would, but it is really just the government." she said "I'm human and killing me wouln't be right, not everyone beleives in what they are doing. I lead the rebellion, so they kicked me out."

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