Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Connor said to Azaria "Dude, we had to explain what an Boyfriend his, it'f fine"

Savannah rolled her eyes and said "Calm down."
Savannah smiled at her "Nice to meet you, As Maddy said I'm Savannah"

Connor Nodded at her "Nice to meet you, I'm Connor Maddy's boyfriend"

Savannah smiled and said to Az "Don'y worry, i just think what he can do is cool." she kisses him on she cheek
"Have you ever wondered what your bones look like"the marks on his back start glowing furosiously and start to fizzle of his back "To bad you'll never no because it will all be gone" the marks disappear and roars with rage exploding into a lava giant as earlier
Savannah looked at him,hand on her hips and said "What do you think you are doing? killing us isn't gonna get you anywere.What did we do in the first place?" she looked alot more confident than she felt
"No one cares Savannah, we're gonna get out of here." MAddy saiid, "I didn't mean that in a bad way!!"

Azaria turned into a dragon and put Savannah , Connor and Maddy on.

Maria insisted she stay behind.
Bellows in rage "I'll kill you all... Wait a minute who are you guys where am i"suddenly calmed but still on the dragons tail " Ohh I'm sorry am I hurting you" gets of the tail and goes into human form " I'm dredfully sorry for what I have done to you but i have succesfully broken the seal thus broke my cool"
Savannah mutters to Azaria "And all this is caus you thought he was hitting on me"

Connor looked at him confused "The seal?"
"Yes the markings on my back as long as I had those I had to servile or I would turn to stone so after my masters would die I would have to wait for someone to awaken me"

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