Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Erupts in an explosive manner and forms into a magma giant looks down. He starts to walk south east and shrinks down to normal size out of sight
Runs right back to you guys with a bullet wound threw his heart thigh and left eye "I have found them they are right behind me any thing else"
"WHAT YOU COULD'VE FOUGHT THEM!!" Maddy scolded. "AZ SAVANNAH WE GOTTA RUN! COME ON CONNOR!" she took his hand and ran.

Azaria flew straight away after hearing his sister and landed infront of her. "Get on!!" he said.

"You're not gonna turn into Spike again, are you?" she joked she waited for Connor to get on.
Connor smiled and climbed on and said "Arn't you coming?" to Maddy's minion (Idk his name sorry)

Savannah made more space and said "Aparently all those things he said, and did were to impress me" she said nudging maddy
Connor asked "Will you be able to find us afterwards?"

Savananh said "we can't leave any signs of where we are, in case"
Body melts completely into magma but still humanoid form filling all the wounds from earlier. The soldiers continue to shoot him but the bullets sing in and melt. He points both his hands out and they erupted in magma burning the front of the soldiers as the continue running closer. He kicks one in the chest going strait threw. He melts and spreads all around the ground melting their feet and as the fall over them. Finally ends with a violent explosion spreading lava all over the area.
Finally catches up to them leaving a path of black behind him. Hes still in magma form and roars eyes glowing red
She sighed and took his hand and said "I have no idea, is anyone here?"

Connor looked around thw town, it was too quiet
((Makin' an APC))

An old lady looked around. "Hello?" asked the maid.

MAddy jumped back, "Hi, I'm Maddy."

Azaria jumped also. "I'm Azaria, you are?"

Savannah nodded stil in awe "Then Maria, why are you still here?" she asked in confusion

Connor held his protective stance
Maria sighed, "There was war here, the Leaders destroyed anyone they could find. I survived, they let my family survive, as long as they went to another city. My son, Azaria. Not you I believe, had to go to Nivisa. Along with his secret sister Maddison." She explain.

"M-mum?" Azaria said.

"Step-mum?" Maddy asked.
Just to impress savannah turns into obsidian but looks like normal self. Eyes made of obsidian as well and looks at her.
Savannah smiled at him and said "Cool!" and then said "Naw, Introduce me Az?" she asked cheekily

Connor said "What Savannah said, Maddy?"

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