Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

He would kiss her forehead and say "Maddy don't feel guilty, It hurt me that you want me to hurt you" he said thinking she realy wanted him to get revenge

Savannah would smile and say "Can we do down now?" she felt like happy but wanted to do somthing
Azaria nodded and landed swiftly on the ground. "I wonder how they're doing back there." he said, wondering.

She slammed her head against a tree. "I didn't mean it like that, Connor. I don't want you get revenge or anything. I just thought... ugh! Nevermind! I sound so stupid." she kept slamming it against the tree. "I... I didn't mean to hurt you. Emotionally or physically,"
He would smile at her and say "Hey, it is helping me, in a way, i'm getting over being massocistic"

Savannah would get of his back and say " Nothing bad, Connors too innocent, Shift back, please
"How is me hurting you, helping you NOT be masochistic? ISn't it making you MORE masochistic? Isn't that what logic dictates?" she said to herself pressing her forehead against the tree, hard, making it crack in two. "See? Once I get confused, I can hurt things, and not mean to." she glared at the tree.

Azaria obeyed, "Anyway, how can we hunt now?"
Connor said "Cause i don't want to loose you, that would be too much pain" he smiled at her

Savannah said "I'll show you, but first" she wrped her arms aroung his neck and kissed him "your reward" she said after
"I understand that but.. DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT I JUST DID TO THE TREE?!" she asked, unnecessarily loud. "I'm dangerous and I could do what I did to the tree to you by absolute accident." she shook her head, as if trying to shake that thought away. "I don't want that to happen," she wiped a tear, streaming down her cheek.

"I like that reward," he said cheekily, kissing her back. "Where can we find food?"
He envoloped her in a hug "I would heal" she would say "It's ine i assure you!"

Savannah rolled her eyes and say "Do you now? come on" she would take his and and climb a tree
"BUT what if you didn't. You'd be gone forever and all my suitors asking for my hand, and I would be mourning over you forever! Just like Odyseuss and Penelope. Except you wouldn't be missing, you'd be dead." she sighed dramatically. "I really don't mean to worry you like this. I should just stop talking about it." she shook him off and sat on the hill-side, thinking about what would've happened if she'd never came here, she would have never met Connor, or Savannah or Azaria really.

Azaria nodded and hopped into the tree with her.
Connor sat down next to her and said "Don't worry like that, live with what you have got"

Savannah looked around and saw a nest and carefully picked up the eggs "Here" she said putting them in her bag. "Now look for an animal" she instructed
Azaria spotted one but stayed silent.

Maddy shook her head. "I think about what could have been and what could happen. Not what's happening right now. It's not my cup of tea. I live in the past and the future, not worried about the present day. Because if you focus on today, what's happened? We've been chased outta our camp, for one, two I've been al awkward, but if we think about tomorrow. We don't know what would happen," she smiled.
Azaria nodded it and he lunged, he couldn't see what animal it was, but after he'd finished. "It's a deer, we gotta deer!"

"I'm not really sure how I could," she leaned into his shoulder.
"Yeah it's nice to live close" he said smiling as he hopped off the saddle making sure he was there to help James also. "So are you ready to go" he asked.
She laughed and said "This will do for a while." she would climb down and say "now can we go back to where Maddy and Connor are?"

Connor would smile and say "Good"
Name: Kaowanu Mazuhari




Creature: Magma Golem

Personality: Very protective and loyal but very calm in all situations

Clothes are red

Fighting:Will not fight unless told so by owner his body is made of lava and is able to manipulate it he can also mutate his body into obsidian a rock that is made by magma

Rock body falls out of tree right in front of you guys there is a marking on its back the body is made of igneous rock unmoving and has a face
((In, very original!))

James nodded, "I guess that makes sense, and I've been ready since you brought it up!" he smiled, rubbing his arm nervously.

Azaria nodded, he was worried, and he was slightly more trusting when it came to Connor. But still.

Maddy nuzzled into his shoulder. "I love you Connor," she said simply.
"HELP! HOLY ROCKS CAN MOVE?" she ran toward a tree and jumped, "Damn you creature instincts!" she turned into a jaguar and lunged for the top of the tree again.
Connor was slightly alarmed and hugged maddy and said "love youtoo,and where did that come from"

Savannah smiled and said "let's go" and hoppd on his.back

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