Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

"Mark was so excited immediately jumping up in his arms happily. "Your are the best" he said hugging him.
"Thanks" he said beaming at Maddy,

"DO you mean that" he asked cuddling into James.

"Because i think your just cool and tough looking" he replied playfully looking up at him smiling.
James nodded and kissed his forehead. "Of course, you're irresistibly cute," he smiled.

((This is the first time I've ever played a gay character, so sorry if I'm doing it badly...? I'm confused as what to say right now))

Maddy smiled and aw'd at them.

Azaria = Still dumbstruck.
((First time gay character buddies!))

James rolled his eyes jokingly, "If I must!" he smiled and picked him up.

Maddy got reminded of when Connor picked her up for the first time, of course she didn't ask for it the first time.
"Woah" he said happily looking up at james more closely. "You need to shave first if your expecting any lip action" he joked rubbing his chin.
"Anyone have any shaving stuff?" he grinned and whispered, "Unfortunately, I'd like some lip action soon. But only if you're ready," he winks.

"I-I do!" Azaria put his hand up awkwardly.
"Mind if we borrow" He joked at azaira.

"Well I dont know what do I do when my Parents find out" he asked.

"Im mostly concerned for my Little Bro" he said thinking seriously.
"My parents are probably going to disown me and then how do i explain to my little brother why i have to leave for who knows how long" he asked.
"Okay, I care about your brother, would he understand... us? You and me? If he does, we could take him with us. And why would your parents disown you? Are they homophobes?" he asked with genuine concern.
"No but how would two high class military People react when they're oldest son who was trained to be like them admits he;s gay" he asked.
"But I dont know if they do" he said looking down.

"This is killing me can you come with me now I feel like I have to tell them and I do want Zack (little brother) to come with us" he said.
Savannah nodded "I don't mind, there were a couple of gay guys in the rebellion, they make awesome best friends" she said
"Well cmon let's go before it gets dark "he said hurrying to his horse waiting fir JAmes to get behind him.
Kiara sat in the trees where nobody could see her. "THEY JUST HAD TO BRING ME HERE." she groaned. Kiara had made her mind, turn herself in, get killed, live in Hell in peace.

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