Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

She would look allarmed and say "Ok, forget elimionating them for a minute, is there anywhere hidded that we can make camp in?" she asked him
Forms a cave out of obsidian and tells you guys to get in and closes it off and spikes the outside

(Going sleep now)
"Hey before i fall asleep. Please stay away from the walls they are very sharp. Another thing make sure i dont turn human because you will be in my stomach and i will explode and automatically reform with magma."
snores as the cave starts to shake and spikes pop out on the inside almost touching all of you then laughs and moves back to normal position "Did i scare you because i could have just killed you all but i didnt"
she looks at him and says in the same tone "You have no IDEA! what we've been through in four days on top of that we don't need someone thretening us, especially when that someone is on our side"

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