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Realistic or Modern Band Of Traitors


New Member
The sea hissed like an angry viper as the hull of The Bloody Cutlass sliced through the never ending blue expanse. Captain VaLex was leaning over the stern, perched precariously on the carved wooden mermaid that was eternally guarding the ship. Her gloved hand was wrapped tightly into the mooring line, holding the captain in place.

Her piercing eyes scanned across the open blue sea as the dawn broke over the horizon to her east. The sun shot golden rays through the clouds drifting in the sky and created an eerie morning glaze over everything in its way. VaLex cautiously turned her head to the South and scanned the horizon once more, searching for the nightmarish blue sails of the Imperial Fleet.

Without seeing a sign of the fleet anywhere she leapt easily from her perch and landed without a sound on the deck near the helm, her quartermaster whispering slight changes in direction to the scruffy man at the helm. They were headed away from port, after raiding it the night before, it's never a good idea to stick around. As the salty sea air whipped violently through the blood red sails above her, Captain VaLex shouted,
"All hands on deck!" and waited silently, listening for the bumps and crashes from below deck that always signified the awakening of her crew.
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Feeling the breeze from the top of the crow's nest, Chisana lounged against the cool wood as she watched the clouds roll by as the shipped sailed toward whichever destination their captain had in mind next. The crow's nest was Chisana's sanctuary from everyone and everything, it cleared her head and she could focus on cleaning and sharpening her weapons and going over the intel she had gathered so far in hopes of making connections about any form of treasure her captain would be interested in seeking out next.

It was times in the nest like this that she loved the most. When the Imperial scum weren't on their tail and the crew could actually relax for once, but not let their guard down, no, never let their guard down. That was a concept no one in this crew knew the meaning of. There were quiet times, yes, but no one was ever foolish enough to let their guard down on this ship. Chisana closed her eyes and listened for the sound of the waves and the sound of her captain. Oh yes, Chisana loved the quiet because it made her itch with the anticipation of her captain's call; the call that would signal their next adventure.

"All hands on deck!" Oh yes, there it was! The call for adventure... and for mischief. Chisana propped herself onto the edge of the crow's nest and leaned back in order to hang upside down and whistle to her captain to let her know of her attendance. She also listened for the clambering of her shipmates, wondering if they would like the rearrangement of the sleeping quarters she did. With a sly grin and chuckle to herself, Chisana waited for her captain's next orders.
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"Chisana! Front and center!" VaLex shouted up to the young woman dangling dangerously over the edge of the crows nest, the way she almost always did. It wouldn't take her long to get down from her perch and therefore the captain readied herself for the soft thud before her that was the young girl landing with ease. Popping up cheerfully she saluted her and stepped back, awaiting VaLex's orders.

"Meet me in my quarters once the other crew members surface. Give them their daily duties and then come see me..." her voice was solemn and her gray eyes met Chisana's and then she quickly looked away, refusing to show any weakness. Without another word she trotted gracefully down the stairs to the main deck and swiftly made her way cross, pulling a key from her pocket and unlocking the heavy oak door that led to her personal cabin.

Once the door was closed behind her, a single tear rolled down her cheek as she fingered the small gold button in her right pocket. Pulling it out she let it roll between each of her fingers and she felt her eyes burn slightly with tears of anger and sadness. She remembered that night like it had been yesterday, she remembered every single heart wrenching moment. The night the Imperial Fleet captured her first mate, Thomas Harge.

Closing her eyes, Amelia could feel her heart begin to pound again the way it had that night. Her eyes burned as she remembered watching helplessly as the Imperial sailors cornered Thomas in a port alley and took him into their rugged shackles. She remembered leaping from her position, the hiding place in which Thomas had made her promise to stay no matter what happened, grabbing hold of his coat and tearing a button off before getting a cutlass to her upper arm by an Imperial scum. She had then drawn her own cutlass and cut down the two men who had tried to take Thomas only to then get knocked to her back by a large man who then picked Thomas up over his shoulder and removed him from the alley with frightening ease.

"Don't you dare follow me VaLex!"
Thomas had called as he was being shoved below deck on the Imperial ship the Elizabeth. It made no sense why he was taken, his and the captain's identities were hidden while they were at port, no one knew they were pirates let alone that they were even in the city. Who had tipped them off? Why hadn't they taken her in his place?
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At the call of her name Chisana released her hold on the crow's nest and let herself fall, turning herself in midair so that she would land with a soft thud in front of her captain. She smiled at Amelia and awaited her orders like always.

"Meet me in my quarters once the other crew members surface. Give them their daily duties and then come see me..." When her captain glanced at her with those steeled gray eyes, she knew immediately what she wanted to talk about, and it took everything for Chisana to keep her anger down. She remembered how her captain had come back that night bleeding and how their first mate was nowhere in sight, and how she saw an Imperial flag waving mockingly on the horizon. They were known for being a cruel crew who didn't show emotion, but that didn't meant hat the capture of their first mate was any less painful, they just didn't show it.

Now with a new order to follow and an ache to know what her captain wanted to say, Chisana waited impatiently for the crew to fumble up the steps. With her smile off her face and her eyes steeled, Chisana watched as the crew members came grumbling up the steps, and as they saw her she knew that they were about to say something about her surprise but not before Chisana could let out her order. "Get in line." Any protests died on their lips as the remaining crew members rushed into line in front of her.

"I want all of you to do inventory on all of our supplies and continue with your daily tasks as well. Report it all back to me by the end of today and wait on standby for the captain's orders. Understood?" With a collective "yes ma'am", Chisana turned away from them and headed for her captain's quarters; preparing herself for the discussion she knew was to come.
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The knock at her door woke VaLex from her sadness and she wiped her tears away. Straightening her jacket she pulled open the door and let in the young pirate before her. Looking her up and down VaLex realized just how much she reminded her of herself. With a slight smirk she sat down behind her desk and offered a chair.

Upon being seated VaLex folded her hands and ignored the wincing pain in her arm as the gash was pinched slightly. Grimacing she unfolded her arms and looked straight at Chisana.

"We have to get him back. I'm not waiting anymore. It's been two weeks and there is still no sign of him anywhere."
Slamming her fist down angrily on the desk she shouted, "I WILL NOT LET THEM TAKE ADAM FROM ME!" the sweat the had begun to bead on her brow slid down her nose as the anger boiled inside her. Catching her breath in her throat she realized she had said her brother's name and not Thomas. Truth be told, Thomas had become so important to Amelia due to his uncanny resemblance to her dead brother.
When Chisana entered the cabin, her captain offered her a slight smirk and the seat across from her which Chisana decided to settle herself into. The slight grimace on her face didn't slip past Chisana and she went ahead and took a wild guess that it probably had something to do with the gash hidden beneath her captain's coat.

"We have to get him back. I'm not waiting anymore. It's been two weeks and there is still no sign of him anywhere." Her captain slammed her fist onto the table and the gaze she had would shake the resolve of any other sailor, but Chisana was ready, "I WILL NOT LET THEM TAKE ADAM FROM ME!" The change of name was a shock to Chisana, for she didn't know anyone in the crew to be named Adam, but she did know that her captain had meant their first mate. As she watched her captain realize her mistake, Chisana kept her mouth closed and decided to let the slip of name go. Amelia was a mysterious woman with many skeletons in her closet, but then again, the entirety of this crew had something to hide, and Chisana was no exception even if she could not remember hers.

"Captain. I've told the crew to take a stock of supplies. We should head to the next port. We need to stock up, and I need to gather more "map" info." She could hear the confusion and anger that was about to come out of her captain's mouth but she continued. "I've also gathered, from the last town we were at, that the Imperials will be there." At that, Amelia went quiet. Chisana leaned back in the chair and twirled her hair around her finger watching her black locks wrap around the digit, almost like it was being swallowed into an abyss. "We should be on our guard, but this port could have some really useful info that we would "kill" for." Chisana stopped twirling her hair and looked up at her captain. She knew her captain would catch on, and all she was waiting for was the okay from her captain to do what she needed. The Imperials had taken something precious from them, so now it was time for a little payback; an eye for an eye, a couple lives for the whereabouts of their first mate.
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Strongly regreting the rum that he had consumed without the crews knowledge, Han awoke with a blistering headache. "All hands on deck" shouted the captain, upset with his decisions, Han stumbled out of his hamik, only to immediately run into the dresser. "Son of a- Chisana" he mumbled under his breath. After getting dressed and rearranging the room he stumbled back up to the deck only to meet a fired up Chisana, steaming with what to him seemed from the look on his face. When finally reaching the top he was greeted with a thunderous roar from Chisana, barking "Get in line". Reluctantly, Han fell in. "I want all of you to do inventory on all of our supplies and continue with your daily tasks as well. Report it all back to me by the end of today and wait on standby for the captain's orders. Understood?", " yes ma'am" he answered, knowing that he might be in trouble for drinking the special rum they grabbed at the last port.

He rushed to the cellar, only to find that it had been locked up by the captain hercellar."Well this lock looks fairly simple" he boasted, reaching for his lock picking tools. But attempt after failed attempts were amounting and time was slipping, he could hear footsteps coming his way, nervous, he hid in the shadows, hoping the person coming down could open the cellar

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