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Fandom Avengers Academy OOC

Sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been crazy busy, first with the holidays and now with work. I will try and post something very soon.
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This OOC stuff has been nice and all, and I know that the holidays are quite busy for most people (including me), and I know some people like @Scatterbrain have said that they will post soon, but still, we can't really keep this RP going unless people actually post in-character. Just a reminder for everyone who's still interested since it's been over a week and a half now. It might only mean one good post from anyone to start it back up.

@Twist@Scatterbrain @myvalentina@NJN25@FarFlungDreamer@Jessy753 @DavidRanger318 @Yoshiro @Ilikepie @Battle-Sister May
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I'm going to let people be the Pride members so the ones you can choose from are Nico's parents (Magic users), Chase parents (Techies) and Molly parents (Psychics). I'm going to do one more post just clearing up the goons and then we'll fight the Pride so feel free to say you beat up goons in the meantime.


I can just wrap this event up in one post and hopefully bring back the people who have lost interest quicker so we don't lose anymore.  

@slachance6, @Scatterbrain@myvalentina@FarFlungDreamer@Jessy753 @DavidRanger318 @Yoshiro @Ilikepie @Battle-Sister May
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@Twist OK, save some goons for me and maybe anyone else who might be around; I'll be able to post soon after you. And do you mean that the existing players will play the Pride members briefly as the students fight them, or something else?
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This OOC stuff has been nice and all, and I know that the holidays are quite busy for most people (including me), and I know some people like @Scatterbrain have said that they will post soon, but still, we can't really keep this RP going unless people actually post in-character. Just a reminder for everyone who's still interested since it's been over a week and a half now. It might only mean one good post from anyone to start it back up.

@Twist@Scatterbrain @myvalentina@NJN25@FarFlungDreamer@Jessy753 @DavidRanger318 @Yoshiro @Ilikepie @Battle-Sister May

Thanks for the support. I've posted and now the Pride is entering the fray. I've left it open in case we decide that other people can play the Pride or not (I'll post info on them in the Campus Guide) but lets hope this brings the RPG back but the event is going to end soon anyway. Saying that I'm okay with you scrapping it out with the Pride but depending on what others want to do it may not be a good idea. But we are a resourceful bunch so if you want to play a Pride member that someone else is scrapping it out with. talk it through with them.  
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@Twist I can maybe play the Hayes for a brief moment; they probably don't need to be directly involved with the fight, and I agree that this event should be over soon. My idea is that they trigger Logan's berserker rage and he becomes a danger to other students, since they can probably do that from a distance. Eventually Logan will be subdued or Julia or Sersi can have a telepathic battle with them. I'll try to post tonight and if not it'll hopefully be tomorrow morning.
@Twist I can maybe play the Hayes for a brief moment; they probably don't need to be directly involved with the fight, and I agree that this event should be over soon. My idea is that they trigger Logan's berserker rage and he becomes a danger to other students, since they can probably do that from a distance. Eventually Logan will be subdued or Julia or Sersi can have a telepathic battle with them. I'll try to post tonight and if not it'll hopefully be tomorrow morning.

That sounds really cool but we'll wait and see if anyone else takes another one and then you can definitely play as them (but feel free to do the mind thing anyway). And totally agree with ending the event soon, so if you do play as them feel free to beat them out of the picture.
Thanks for the update on the villains, it helped knowing who they were to incorporate them fighting!

Also @slachance6 let me know if that was too much pping out of me for the fight, but I didn't want to make you write out every swing of feral Logan XD 
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Also @slachance6 let me know if that was too much pping out of me for the fight, but I didn't want to make you write out every swing of feral Logan XD 

No that was great, probably better than I could have written it myself. And regardless, I'm fine with other people controlling raging Logan if they want to do something with him, since in-character Logan doesn't have much control over himself.
Awh thanks! Isn't that the truth though. Maybe (if you're going to post as him or not?) have him lead Logan to Chase's Dad to make him fight him instead, since Bucky probably can't pull him out of it/completely defeat him? @slachance6 @Twist
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@FarFlungDreamer Sounds like a good idea, @Twist maybe Chase could come too since it's his parents. Also minor issue: Logan just has bone claws right now; not adamantium yet. They would still slice right through any part of Bucky that isn't his arm, but probably wouldn't cut right through a knife like butter. You probably don't need to edit your post though since it would change anything too important. Maybe Logan is just that strong in a rage, or the knife was just a lot weaker than Bucky thought :/
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@FarFlungDreamer Also one more thing: you said that you would be leading Logan to Chase's parents, but it says in the campus guide that Molly's parents, the Hayes, are the telepaths, while Chase's parents were the scientists. Did you mean the Hayes or did you actually mean the  Steins? Either way I'll keep it vague in my post (which is hopefully soon but no guarantee, I'm kind of busy IRL); you can describe most of the actual confrontation.
I mean the scientists, the Stiens, yeah. Bucky's not focused on peaceful resolution, bad winter soldier, just getting Logan to attack someone other than him that he's deemed is one of the big bad guys
Finally back from Vacation but considering Kate has been fighting henchman off screen for a little while I think she is low on arrows. Also just say when if you need Kate to fire off an emp arrow to take out the steins and good luck anyone that uses tech near by if Kate uses it
Finally back from Vacation but considering Kate has been fighting henchman off screen for a little while I think she is low on arrows. Also just say when if you need Kate to fire off an emp arrow to take out the steins and good luck anyone that uses tech near by if Kate uses it

Yeah sounds good: you, @FarFlungDreamer and I can team up against the Steins starting with my next post, in which Sersi will also finish off the henchmen. You can land the finishing blow if you want. Whether they die or just surrender it would probably make sense for the rest to flee since the fight would be seriously out of their favor at that point.
I know it's been a while since I've replied, but please tell me whenever everything is back to normal if you can :)
I know it's been a while since I've replied, but please tell me whenever everything is back to normal if you can :)

Yeah it should soon be over, I'm just going to let @slachance6 and @FarFlungDreamer put the final touches on their fight and it will all be over. Can't wait for you (and hopefully others) to post again.
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