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Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

Kurai Okami] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: ...[/COLOR][COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...the mail guy or pirating?[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: im not very capable of one of those...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: and i cant do the other...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: (by the other... i mean the pirating)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: O-O[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
DD: I Mean The Mail Silly.

DD: Anyway..... I Guess I Can Try To Pirate It

DD: I Will Be Right Back

>Celia: Pirate the Game

You do such thing. You find it online and Download both files to your computer. Now you await

DD: Done
Kurai Okami] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: O-O...[/COLOR][COLOR=#8000ff] CL: Ok then...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: so...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: o-O...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: Can you...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...Connect with me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL:... possibly?[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
DD: Sure..... I Think I Know Who Will Connect With Me Too
Haurko said:
[ KE ] um.. thanks? what is it? its huge i dont think i can get to it in my wheel chair, maby put it in the living room? or something? so i can get to it better? if not thats fine :3
====> zach try and usethe new shit in you room

you try but you cant realy move well


> Roy: Dump the shit.

Yeah ok.

There we go.

====> you do that

you roll your chair taking you laptop as well and you see an old machine

you are not sure what to do with it

====> reply

[ KE ] im not sure what to do? whats it called? :3
Psaryn: hear a splash

You hear a large splash coming from your lusus's room, sounds like fish mom is back early.

Psaryn: head over

You walk over to fish moms room and see the tank has a small bit of purple in the tank followed by your lusus staring at you with that abnormally large fish face. You examine the large fish and see one of her feathered wings has been pierced by a harpoon, which is currently sticking out of the wing.

Psaryn: help

You sprint up stairs to the top of the tank where there is handily a med kit ready. This happens all the time surprisingly; people are jerks and decide to hunt in the sea where you happen to be living near and instantly shoot the biggest thing they see, it makes you so angry sometimes. You quickly remove the harpoon and patch up the wound before it has time to start bleeding profusely. You then sit there, oblivious to anything for a temporary moment before you realize you've just left your friend hanging.

Psaryn: run back to pc

You run back to your Pc after patting fish mom on the head.

CL: Sorry about that...!

CL: ...my lusus came back early again...

CL: i swear those fishermen better back off...

CL: ... i'd cull them...

CL: ...

CL: No i wouldn't... o-o

@The Unamed Beast

*The shadowy figure is slowly revealed to be Duke's Boss, currently armed with several forms for authorization of postal pie providing that he's demanding to be filled out in triplicate. Duke does not seem happy with that command. With the two of them right at the point to just go at one another, Duke pulls out a throwing disc as Boss wields some rolled-up paper.*

God, this guy is being a total ass. Just as you were about to get a bite of that PIE, this schmuck comes in and says that you need to fill out some paperwork before you can get a taste! Dammit, you've had it with this paperwork party pooper, time to deviate from the norm and be a bit rebellious.


*Duke hurtles his throwing disc right at his Boss. This hastily attempted finishing blow takes a turn for the worst as Boss deflects it with his rolled-up paper, sending his throwing disc across the room. Boss notices that the throwing disc damaged his rolled-up paper, slicing off a good chunk of it, to which he proceeds to pull out some more paperwork asking for the authorization to destroy paperwork. Boss shoves the paperwork into Duke's face.*

==> Duke: Abjure.

*Duke aggressively shoves away the paperwork. He wasn't in the mood to fill out any unnecessary paperwork today.*

==> Duke: Agress.

*Duke gives an uppercut, forcing his Boss to give him some space to breath. For a few moment, Duke and Boss had an aggressive stair down. This was short lived as Duke rushed at his Boss. However, instead of attacking him head-on, he slid right passed him. Duke skids across the room in order to rearm himself, obtaining his throwing disc along with snagging the pie on the trip.*

==> Duke: Abscond.

*Duke flees the scene with both circular objects in his possession.*
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CL: ...

CL: ... semi-aquatic actually...

CL: she can also...fly...a short distance...

CL: ... O-O

CL: Wait you placed something in my respiteblock?...

CL: ... how...

Psaryn: look at machines

you examine the various machines, one had a timer on it;
38:51 ; that seems like a relatively good time to...do...whatever...

CL: ... how and why?...

CL: Is this... a game physic?...


@The Unamed Beast
Psaryn: come to a sudden realization

you take off the box and then reply to your friend

CL: W-Wait does that...

CL: Mean you can...see me?!...

You wait for their response whilst shoving your scarf closer to your face.

@The Unamed Beast

Kurai Okami] [COLOR=#404040]Psaryn: come to a sudden realization[/COLOR][COLOR=#404040] you take off the box and then reply to your friend[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: W-Wait does that...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: Mean you can...see me?!...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040]You wait for their response whilst shoving your scarf closer to your face.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
DD: Scarf And All Buddy....

DD: Don't Worry.... I Will Be Helping You So..... I Am The Only One That Can See You
psaryn: freak out slightly

You stuff your face completely into your scarf, slightly embarrassed by the fact that you totally knew the answer to that question yet still asked it. you also blush profusely at the fact that you are currently breathing into your scarf making it hotter than it already was.

Psaryn: woMAN UP

You can do this...you hope... you remove your now slightly sweaty face from the scarf and wipe the nervousness from your face. now its time to get to business!

CL: so...uh... any idea on...

CL: how these ...uh

CL: ...machines work...

CL: O-O"

@The Unamed Beast
Aveena: > Realize that you do not have a Client or Server player.

You notice that you have neither a client nor server player.

You assume every one else does and is playing, as no one is contacting you at the moment.

Aveena: ...

Aveena: ... 8|

Aveena: ... Oh crippurrnuts.

Aveena: > Realize that you cannot play the game without a Client or Server player.

Aveena: ...

Aveena: ... 80

Aveena: ... oH CRIPPURRNUTS.

Aveena: > Flip YOUR SHIT again.

You gladly flip YOUR SHIT again.

While flipping YOUR SHIT again, you wonder who your server or client player would be.

Aveena: > Troll Zach.

You begin typing.

tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] began trolling kittyEnthusiast [ KE ].

TC: (< OxO >) > Z4CH

TC: (< >x< >) > Z4CH 1 NEED YOUR HELP


There we go.

Wait, you're forgetting something.

TC: (< ^x^;; >) > OH 4ND TH4NKS FUR THE SWE4TER

There, that should do it.

Psaryn: take

You quickly and accidentally capchalog the pre punched card... oh well works for you, you examine the...uh big bulky clock-9000 and attempt to turn the wheel on it... it wont budge...in either direction...

CL; Ok...

CL: i got the card... what do i do now...

CL: or with this...bulky...tank...clock...thing

CL: o-o"

@The Unamed Beast
Psaryn: place card

you look around for the totem carver and spot the lathe like machine that is most definitely the machine you're looking for, you place the card, but nothing happens. You look back to the bulky cruxtruder again and then back at the totem lathe.

Psaryn: get an idea

You hop onto the cruxtruder to try and reach the cylindrical top, but unfortunately it is too tall...hmmm... maybe of you... You get out one of your pistols and press down on the top of the cruxtruder, nothing happens except the popping of the lid on top so that it is still there it's just loose. You then turn the wheel out of general curiosity and a purple cylinder pops out.You look at the empty space on the lathe and then at the totem, 'it seems like the perfect fit' you think whilst taking the cylinder to the totem lathe. The lathe begins to carve the cylinder into a fancy vase shape.

CL: ...

CL: that was...

CL: ... a thing that happened...

CL: ... O-O

CL: ...what do i do now?...

@The Unamed Beast
you were startled by the noise of your pester chum as you picked up this weird card thing. You shrug putting it in your bag for safe keeping

you noticed a timer was counting down but it wont bee for a while for until it dose count to zero. you deceived you kept aveena waiting

====> reply

[ KE ] oh shoot, i just got my server player...i know a few of my friends who could use a server player and i think my moral can be yours! :3

[ KE ] oh and your welcome! i ah feel really tired, i may take a nap while i wait :3

[ KE ] i read some where when your character sleeps in this game you go to these weird planet things! and you can see the other people in your session whos on the same planet! maby i can see you! that be so cool! :3

[ KE ] well im going to sleep im realy tired :3

[ KE ] see you there hopefully :3

you close your lap top yawing lucky thing your couch was still here

you wheel your chair over and managed to get your body on the dumb thing and you close your eyes

====> zach sleep

you manage to close your eyes and you drift off into dream land

@A Smol Bean

Haurko said:
you were startled by the noise of your pester chum as you picked up this weird card thing. You shrug putting it in your bag for safe keeping
you noticed a timer was counting down but it wont bee for a while for until it dose count to zero. you deceived you kept aveena waiting

====> reply

[ KE ] oh shoot, i just got my server player...i know a few of my friends who could use a server player and i think my moral can be yours! :3

[ KE ] oh and your welcome! i ah feel really tired, i may take a nap while i wait :3

[ KE ] i read some where when your character sleeps in this game you go to these weird planet things! and you can see the other people in your session whos on the same planet! maby i can see you! that be so cool! :3

[ KE ] well im going to sleep im realy tired :3

[ KE ] see you there hopefully :3

you close your lap top yawing lucky thing your couch was still here

you wheel your chair over and managed to get your body on the dumb thing and you close your eyes

====> zach sleep

you manage to close your eyes and you drift off into dream land

@A Smol Bean

TC: (^ owo ^) > Hm, alrright!

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Hm? 8?

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Durream Purrlanet?...

TC: (^ oxo ^) > ...

TC: (^ oxo ^) > ...

TC: (^ OwO ^) > Ohhh! Durrse and Purrospit! Okay!

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > Well, I guess I'll meet you on Purrospit! If that's your purrlanet.

TC: (^ >w< ^) > By the way, if you can't tell between Durrse and Purrospit, Purrospit it yellow and Durrse is purrple! 83

tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] ceased trolling kittyEnthusiast [ KE ].

Aveena: > Go to your Lionmom's hivestem and ask if you can sleep with her.

You exit your RESPITEBLOCK, logging off of TROLLIAN, and go to your Lionmom's hivestem.

Fortunately, she is there, and is a bit sleepy from a recent hunt. She allows you to sleep with her, and you do just that.

Aveena: > Try to go to Prospit.
=====> zach wake up?

you sit up, you feel weird.

Everything was so yellow and bright you noticed your chair was gone and you feel like your sitting on a bed and you were wearing weird yellow pjs

and anther bed, but empty.

you noticed there was a window

=====> get up?

you moved your legs





=====> flip the hell up

you were so amazed you stood up

you ran around.


=====> go to the window

you walk to the window and see a few other moons that are yellow

=====> zach look down

you look down and see a huge city below you

you feel sick and look back up again

your interested in what is other there

=====>go out the window

you take a deep breath and jump

but wait


=====> fly to the other moon

you figured a way to i guess swim your way to the other moon

you peer into the moon

=====> what do you see?

a pair of beds which were two people who seemed to be sleeping

=====> wait for one of the of them to wake up?

@A Smol Bean
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Haurko said:
=====> zach wake up?
you sit up, you feel weird.

Everything was so yellow and bright you noticed your chair was gone and you feel like your sitting on a bed and you were wearing weird yellow pjs

and anther bed, but empty.

you noticed there was a window

=====> get up?

you moved your legs





=====> flip the hell up

you were so amazed you stood up

you ran around.


=====> go to the window

you walk to the window and see a few other moons that are yellow

=====> zach look down

you look down and see a huge city below you

you feel sick and look back up again

your interested in what is other there

=====>go out the window

you take a deep breath and jump

but wait


=====> fly to the other moon

you figured a way to i guess swim your way to the other moon

you peer into the moon

=====> what do you see?

a pair of beds which were two people who seemed to be sleeping

=====> wait for one of the of them to wake up?

@A Smol Bean
Aveena: > Wake up on Prospit.

You wake up on Prospit. You get up from your bed in your Dream room.


Aveena: Wow!

Aveena: It's been a while, hasn't it, Purrospit?

You do not know as to why you talked to Prospit. You just do.

Aveena: > Find Zach.

You get up, and walk over to one of your Dream room's windows. You climb out, and jump.

Instead of hitting the ground, you stop in mid-air. You fly all over Prospit and try to find Zach.

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