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Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

[ KE ] yeah dude, I'd never lie to you man :3

[ KE ] it should be in a box I think that's how this mail THING works, it's big to and not bad :3

[ KE ] enjoy dude

You tried talking to Zach again, but you fail, as he stops pestering you. You assume it's because he's talking to someone else again, probably asking them about SBurb.

You sigh.

Aveena: Try not to FLIP YOUR SHIT AGAIN.

What is it with you and FLIPPING YOUR SHIT today?

Anyways, you succeed.

Aveena: Notice that you haven't trolled Psaryn in a bit, and go troll her.

You notice that either of you, Psaryn and yourself, have trolled each other in a bit.

You decide to go and troll her.

tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] began trolling cautiousLibrarian [ CL ].

TC: (^owo^) > Hey Psaryn!

TC: (< ^w^;; >) > Eheehee, sorry I haven't trolled you in a bit.

TC: (< uwu;; >) > I was, uh, talking to Zach.

TC: (^owo;;^) > 4nyways. I was wondurring if we can have two clawlients or two surrver purrlayers?

Wow. Way to make it subtle.

Aveena: (< >m< >) > Was that supposed to 6e sarcatstic?! 38

Aveena, stop. I said stop.

Aveena: Stop. Breaking. The damn. Fourth. Wall.

(< u3u >) > Fiiiiiine.

You finally stop breaking the fourth wall, and patiently await the response of your friend.

@Kurai Okami

Psaryn: answer friend

CL:...im not sure...

CL: is there... anyone we could...uh...

CL: ask? O-O

oh god, if you have to ask someone something you are gonna faint... maybe not faint more like... quietly fake sob into a corner.... yeah... thats what you would do...

@A Smol Bean
You wonder who you could ask.

TC: (< u3u >) > Hm.....

TC: (^owo^) > Mewbe you could ask your meowrail?

You suddenly regret that question.

Dang it, Aveena! For someone you're red for, you forget one of the most important things about them.

TC: (< ^m^;; >) > Uh, I mean, how about I ask your meowrail if he knows who?

TC: (< ^w^;; >) > Eheehee, sorry.

@Kurai Okami
Well, for ONE of the someones you're red for, you totally forgot one of the most important things about them.

You're obviously red for two people, so I guess it's both partially not and completely your fault.

@A Smol Bean

@Kurai Okami
==> Duke: Release an outburst of emotional appraisal!!!

No...You will do no such thing...Ever...You weren't the one to really show all that kind of emotions all at once, but you do feel like you owe Zach a thank you.

AA: ...

AA: Zach...

AA: Thank you, for the pie...

AA: Thank you so much...

You are at your desk with some music app open. You are listening to music and sigh. You are watching one time line show on Trolltube and listening to your music at the same time. You find it entertaining.

>???: Quickly dance on the Table ridiculously.

You would not do that, it is not in your nature.
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Psaryn: start the conversation


cautiousLibrarian [CL] began trolling kittyEnthusiast [KE]

cautiousLibrarian [CL] ceased trolling kittyEnthusiast [KE]


Psaryn: Try again O-O

cautiousLibrarian [CL] began trolling kittyEnthusiast [KE]

CL: S-sorry...about that

CL: starting the conversation is still...

CL: Nerve wracking.... O-O

CL: ...

CL: do you know...

CL: ... if we can have more than one...

CL: uh... server or client?...

CL: O-O"

You notice that Psaryn has stopped trolling you.

You assume that she's off talking to someone else, or quietly thinking.

Well, it's definitely no--

Aveena: Get promptly hit with another weird feeling.

You are mentally interrupted by another weird feeling.

First, it's FLIPPING YOUR SHIT, now it's the weird and strange feelings.

Anyways, you feel some sort of disturbance, a feeling that people get when they think or know that someone is watching you or someone else.



You've never had these many weird feelings in one day, in SWEEPS.

Could it be?

You're probably...



... Hungry. Yeah, definitely hungry. REALLY hungry.

You've never been this hungry in sweeps.

Aveena: Go get some food from your MEAL VAULT.

Yeah. While you wait, you could go get a snack!

You exit your RESPITEBLOCK, as it is too cluttered to have a MEAL VAULT or HUNGER TRUNK to place in.

You head down to your RUMPUSBLOCK, which is probably an odd place to put a MEAL VAULT or HUNGER TRUCK.

Aveena: Quickly retrieve and captchalogue all the new food. ALL OF IT.

You quickly retrieve amd CAPTCHALOGUE all your new food. ALL OF IT.

You place it in your sylladex deck, which is ridiculously big.

That's because you got the rest of the extra sylladex cards in your last FLARP session. Which is all of the sylladex cards. ALL OF THEM.



Is this really Aveena right now? You seem to be using terminology of another troll, one higher than yourself.

Aveena: Randomly think of that other troll.

You think about that other troll. You imagine them to be a blue-blood who is probably a badass, pirate FLARPING, VISION EIGHTFOLD-wielding, LIGHT classpect troll.



...Man, are you hungry. You're having all these weird, random thoughts and feelings today. Maybe that food will help.

Aveena: Go back to your RESPITEBLOCK, wait for Psaryn, and eat.

You do just that, sitting in your spinny-butt-seat.

You also begin eating some of your new foods, which consists of TUBER PASTE, GRUBWURST, and a CONTAINER OF SWEET LEAF FLUID.

@Kurai Okami

@The Unamed Beast
You sigh and stand up from your monitor. You stretch and look at your chest near you.

>???: Rumage through your chest.

You do so and find some of your old items. You find your old Flarp manual. You put it into your sylladex for good measures,never know when you will need it. You stand back up from the chest. You are hungry.

>???: Find some food.

You look towards your MEAL VAULT as some other trolls have told you to call it. No one really knows your blood color besides for you. You want it to stay like this, but it is tough\. You decide to take out some Meat and eat it as you walk back to your computer.
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Aveena: Notice that Psaryn has not replied yet.

You notice that your friend has not replied, or given you any notice of being back.

You look down at your hands. You've finished all of your foodstuff.


(Dang it, Vriska, stay out of this.)

Jeez, just trying to help out, yknow. Welp, l8r, then!

Vriska: Randomly A8SCOND to where you were before you were in the author's box thing.

You a8scond, leaving the author to continue this story.



Aveena: Randomly type in a trolltag username you think is nonexistent and troll it amyways. (While waiting for Psaryn.)

You do just that.

You type in the trolltag and begin typing.

tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] began trolling darkDeath [ DD ].

TC: (^owo^) > *TC quietly hums out of burrdom.*

TC: (^OxO^) > Wait, is this a rreal trolltag?

You sit there amd wait for a response, expecting no response anyways.

@The Unamed Beast
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
>You are now the Mysterious Troll Girl.

Your name Is Celia Cervanta. You enjoy music and Live Role playing games and have since your second sweep. You are seven sweeps old and greatly mysterious to some, especially since no one knows almost anything about you. The people who do know you only know your name, hobbies, and how old you are. You do not really share emotions that often.

It seems like someone is Trolling you.

>Celia: Answer

DD: Hello TC

DD: *DD Decides To Try And Match TC's Hum To A Beat*
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[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]>You are now the Mysterious Troll Girl.
Your name Is Celia Cervanta. You enjoy music and Live Role playing games and have since your second sweep. You are seven sweeps old and greatly mysterious to some, especially since no one knows almost anything about you. The people who do know you only know your name, hobbies, and how old you are. You do not really share emotions that often.

It seems like someone is Trolling you.

>Celia: Answer

DD: Hello TC

DD: *DD Decides To Try And Match TC's Hum To A Beat*

You realize this is not a nonexistent trolltag.

Aveena: > Answer.

TC: (^o3o^) > Oh, uh...

TC: (^owo^) > I mean

TV: (^ ^w^ ^) > *TC hums loudurr, rrealizing that someowne else has joined in*

Yes. A rolepurrlayer.

Aveena: > Get struck once again with another weird feeling.

Ugh, fine.

You are hit again with a weird feeling.

You feel it stronger this time, as if this troll was one of the sources of these feelings.
[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]You realize this is not a nonexistent trolltag.
Aveena: > Answer.

TC: (^o3o^) > Oh, uh...

TC: (^owo^) > I mean

TV: (^ ^w^ ^) > *TC hums loudurr, rrealizing that someowne else has joined in*

Yes. A rolepurrlayer.

Aveena: > Get struck once again with another weird feeling.

Ugh, fine.

You are hit again with a weird feeling.

You feel it stronger this time, as if this troll was one of the sources of these feelings.

You realize this is a new Trolltag. You sigh and realize the truth.

>Celia: reply

DD: You did not think this was an existing account, did you?

DD: *Crosses arms and waits for reply*

You sit back and await her response
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]You realize this is a new Trolltag. You sigh and realize the truth.
>Celia: reply

DD: You did not think this was an existing account, did you?

DD: *Crosses arms and waits for reply*

You sit back and await her response

Aveena: > Reply.

You shake off the feeling, but it doesn't seem to go away.

You ignore it, and begin typung again.

TC: (< oxo >) > *TC nods in agrreement, and apawlagizes.*

TC: (< uxu >) > I didn't, tibia honest. You rreally rrattled my bones when you actuclawly rrepurrlied.

TC: (^owo;;^) > *TC chuckurrs nurrvously, awaiting the rrepurrly of DD.*

You are actually slightly sweating.

You didn't know this was a real trolltag, and your apology is.. more or less, sincere.
[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]Aveena: > Reply.
You shake off the feeling, but it doesn't seem to go away.

You ignore it, and begin typung again.

TC: (< oxo >) > *TC nods in agrreement, and apawlagizes.*

TC: (< uxu >) > I didn't, tibia honest. You rreally rrattled my bones when you actuclawly rrepurrlied.

TC: (^owo;;^) > *TC chuckurrs nurrvously, awaiting the rrepurrly of DD.*

You are actually slightly sweating.

You didn't know this was a real trolltag, and your apology is.. more or less, sincere.

You chuckle to yourself. You were not one who got to talk to alot of people..... it was nice to actually communicate with another troll


DD: *DD Chuckles At The Embarrassment.*

DD: No Need To Be Sorry

DD: I Am Actually Glad Someone Is Talking To Me
You snap your head up at the reply.

TC: (^owo^) > *TC purrks her head up at the sound of DD's chuckurr.*

TC: (^OxO^) > Rrreeally?

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > *TC purracticlawly jumps fur joy.*
[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]You snap your head up at the reply.
TC: (^owo^) > *TC purrks her head up at the sound of DD's chuckurr.*

TC: (^OxO^) > Rrreeally?

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > *TC purracticlawly jumps fur joy.*

You chuckle at the response. Seems this is what you needed to get you out of the dumps you were in.

DD: Yea.... Not Many People Troll Me So....

DD: *DD Chuckles At TC's Response*
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]You chuckle at the response. Seems this is what you needed to get you out of the dumps you were in.

DD: Yea.... Not Many People Troll Me So....

DD: *DD Chuckles At TC's Response*

TC: (^ o♢o ^) > *TC stops jumping, and is suddenly clawncerned fur her new furriend.*

TC: (< OxO >) > DD, why don't many trolls clawntact you efurry once and a while?

TC: (< uxu;; >) > *TC doesn't mean to insult mew.*

You aren't trying to insult her. You are concerned for her, that's all.
==> Randomly be the witch girl.

Witch girl? You do not think anybody like that has been introduced. Or even mentioned! How could someone even know about this "witch girl"? Besides, even if there were a girl who could be construed as such a thing, any witchiness about her would be fake. Probably. Unless we believed in it hard enough, in which case, it would be slightly less fake.

==> Didn't you hear me? Be the witch girl.

You sigh in exasperation and be the girl who is a witch. Except that she is not one. Probably.

==> Please, just get on with it.


A young girl stands in her room. She has only just returned home from school, and as such, she has an ominous feeling that her friends have gotten up to all kinds of SHENANIGANS before her arrival. Do they go to school? You are not actually sure. It has never been mentioned by any of them. Regardless, it is not their fault. Whatever keeps them busy. Anyways, it is best that she be given a name. Today was a hard day, with teachers trying to call on her without having a name to call her by.

==> Enter name.

> L-i-l-l-i-

All seems to be going well so far. You have heard all kinds of stories from your friends about problems with being named. Thankfully, it looks like you will not be having any issues toda-

✘ Not Valid_

What??? Only four letters are allowed? What kind of a character naming limit is that? Almost all of the names you know of are more than four letters, and yours is no exception!

==> Try again.

You are going to be as petty with this as possible. Why try to abbreviate your name? Abbreviations are terrible. No, people can just deal with using the first four letters.

✔ Lill Deltona

It works. You are still annoyed, but it works. Who designed these naming rules? Whatever person would constrain names to a length of four letters would probably be the type of person who also massacres his characters. You feel sorry for any of his readers and the trauma they must have gone through.

==> Lill: Message someone.

Messaging someone? Already? Very well. As if you had anything better to do. But you fully expect that you will look around your room and ponder the list of your interests at some point in the future.

You sit down in front of your LAPTOP. But who should you message? You would not want to interrupt any SHENANIGANS they might be having.

==> Lill: Examine room.

Probably a good idea! That seems much more productive than picking someone to pester.

As had earlier been decided, your name is Lill Deltona. You enjoy pretending that you are able to use DARK MAGIC, and you often try to convince your friends of that. Many CANDLES surround your room, illuminating items which relate to your other interests, such as the many WOODEN CARVINGS on your desk. You enjoy carving many things from the NOVELS OF FANTASY which you read very often, and sometimes even try to write. These ATTEMPTED WRITINGS are used as candle fuel more often than not. Also on your desk is your LAPTOP. You spend a lot of time on your LAPTOP, though not doing any particular activity. Rather, you change what programs you use on a regular basis.

==> Lill: Go back to messaging someone.

Having properly introduced yourself, you sit back down at your desk and open your current messaging client: Pesterchum. It seems rather popular among your friends, and you figured it was worth a try.

You feel defiant today. You ignore the voices in your head, and instead stare at the WOODEN CARVINGS on your desk. You never did finish that dragon statue.

==> Lill: Do something, at least.

You pick up the dragon statue and begin carving it. Perhaps you will be more active if someone pesters you, but for now, carving will suffice.
[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]
TC: (^ o♢o ^) > *TC stops jumping, and is suddenly clawncerned fur her new furriend.*
TC: (< OxO >) > DD, why don't many trolls clawntact you efurry once and a while?

TC: (< uxu;; >) > *TC doesn't mean to insult mew.*

You aren't trying to insult her. You are concerned for her, that's all.

DD: Well..... I am not well know....

DD: I used to indulge in many live rp's...... but don't any more

DD: My Lusus is protective over me so I am not seen a lot.

This was all truth you were saying. Your Minotaur Lusus was the overprotective type.
[ KE ] no problem im glad just enjoy :3

[ KE ] oh yeah! i did the stuff you asked of me so yeah...um ill see what to do next see ya

Kitty enthustis
ceased pestering allknowingAlien

====> zach what now?

you think for awhile, you dont have sever player yet and your not sure what to do

====> wait to be pester

you sigh you guess you'll wait to be pester so i guess make use of time and knit?

==> Duke: Start drooling.

*Smacks face*

No, you will act like a civilize man and do no such thing. You shall instead wait patiently for-


*Looks outside from a window to see that a space delivery drone has a package.*


Well it's about time, you thought it would take forever for NASA to get their shit straight.

==> Duke: Go retrieve package.

You make your way to the hanger bay and watch as the SPACE DELIVERY DRONE flies on in. You watch as it flies through the SCIENCY-WALL THING and into the actual hanger. You really don't understand how the heck the SCIENCY-WALL THING works, but all you need to know is it keeps the air inside and the space out. That's good enough for you.

==> Duke: Observe Space delivery drone land.

You watch as SPACE DELIVERY DRONE delicately lands insi-

*Space delivery drone ceases elevating itself and drops to the ground*

...Well at least it's inside.

==> Duke: Open package.

Hey, what do you know, looks like that PIE that Zach sent you just arrived...Wait, the pastry your friend JUST sent you got here before the SBURB CLIENT COPY that you had to sign paperwork for in triplicate that's being delivered by freaking NASA...What, how even?
====> zach knit something nice

you decided you'll knit a sweater until Roy pesters you back about being his client? if you even know what that means or maybe aveena would talk to you, you miss talking to her two and your freaking moral but alas no one has pesters you since the last hour, you wonder where your grandmother has whet to,

shes probably fine.

====> zach be pesterd

what? who could possibly be pestering you at this time? no one has talked to you in an hour so you assume one of your friends had began playing the game most likely Roy your not sure but you sit here alone
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
DD: Well..... I am not well know....
DD: I used to indulge in many live rp's...... but don't any more

DD: My Lusus is protective over me so I am not seen a lot.

This was all truth you were saying. Your Minotaur Lusus was the overprotective type.

Oh. That's reasonable.

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Oh.

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > That's alrright! Sometimes my lionmom is like that too.

You try to sympathize with DD.

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