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Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

Aah there are so many people pestering you today! and worse yet you did your spacing out again

Psaryn: answer Aveena

CL: Oh um...

CL: ill get it... downloaded

CL: ...right now..


Psaryn: get to Husktop

You reach your bulkier husktop where you start downloading the clienr and server disks.

Psaryn: answer Zach

CL: Oh...

CL: I dont ... uh

CL: actually...know how to...uh

CL: ...play...

CL: .... but im sure we can... uh

CL: figure it out.... i hope


@Haurko @A Smol Bean
====> zach be bored

you groan waiting for your morail and you are not sure what to do

=====> zach knit some more

you decided to work on a special gift to your new cat friend and you begin

====> zach finish gift

you have finished the gift after an hour it was a light green kitty plush your not sure how to send this to her

=====> pester tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]

KittyEnthusiast begin pestering tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]

[ KE ] hey dude how do i uh....send things to you? i uh...got something for you :3

@A Smol Bean
as you wait you noticed your morail replied!

====> answer Psaryn

[ KE ] that okay dude we will figure this out together :3

[ KE ] oh yeah cant believe you forgot about my birthday!

[ KE ] i thought we were this ---> <>

@Kurai Okami
CL: I remembered...

CL: i just... am always too awkward to...

CL: Engage the conversation...

CL: ...Happy Birthday...


god you seriously hope you didnt mess this up! ... what kind of a holiday is a "birthday" anyways... i guess you'll never know

[ KE ] its fine, i shouldn't get mad at you im sorry :3

[ KE ] im sorry if i was a jerk just im mad that this stupid game wont let me play and i don`t know what a host is!

@Kurai Okami
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You suddenly hear a ping.

You practically jump out of your spinny-butt-seat.

Aveena: Check new messages.


You've got new messages, and they're from Psaryn and Zach!

Aveena: Answer Psaryn first.

You decide to answer Psaryn first.

TC: (^>w<^) > *TC purracticlawly jumps fur joy!* I gotta pattella mew, I was worried, tibia honest!

TC: (< ^x^ >) > Eheehee, I mean, hey!

TC: (^o♡o^) > Yeee! Alright, mine's downloaded! And sorry, I got too excited and carried away with the puns.

TC: (^-♢-^) > And I also met your meowrail, hee. 4nymew, I'll be rright back! 83

---- tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]
ceased trolling cautiousLibrarian [ CL ]. ----


Aveena: Sigh in relief and answer Zach.

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > Hello again, Zach!

TC: (^owo^) > Send things to me? Hm. How a6out I change my modus to Mail6ox Modus?

TC: (^o♢o^) > If mew change mewrs to Mail6ox, you can receive things 4ND have an easier way of getting to mewr stuff?


You notice either one are replying. Hm, must be talking to each other.

You are suddenly hit with a pang of regret and that one feeling when you forget something, but you don't know why. You are also hit with a feeling you can't describe, but you know you feel it when someone else talks to Psaryn.


...meh. You must be hungry, you guess.

Feelings are weird.


@Kurai Okami
====> zach answer tranquilCatgrass

[ KE ] okay ! sure ill uh do that! :3

[ KE ] ill be right back! :3

====> zach do what the lady says

you switch your modus and stuff the plush and send it to her

now you wait

just kidding!

=====> talk to the cat lady again!

[ KE ] alirght i did that! it shoud be there soon! :3

[ KE ] man its funny that im givning people stuff on my birthday lol :3

@A Smol Bean
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TC: (^ ^♢^ ^) > 4lright!




TC: (^o♢o^) > OH. MY. GOG.


Aveena: Flip YOUR SHIT.

You do just that, for two reasons; 1) You've wanted a plush like this for SWEEPS! 2) Now you know why you had that forgetful ang regretful feeling!
====> zach be worried

you hope they like it and that they jus didnt die suddenly

====> zach check on tranquilCatgrass

[ KE ] hey um.. you okay? :3

[ KE ] you haven't replied in awhile and uh..

@A Smol Bean
Aveena: STOP flipping YOUR SHIT.

You reluctantly stop FLIPPING YOUR SHIT, and calm down.

Now, suddenly, there is a third reason as to why you flipped YOUR SHIT.

3) YOU.



Aveena: Reply to Zach in a mannerly order.



TC: ...



> Try again.

TC: (< ^x^ >) > 444444h, sorry for that random outpurrst.

TC: (^owo^) > Eeeh, I'm fine. Thanks fur the gift!

TC: (^v3v^) > 4nymewwww.. Hold on, I'll make mew a gift.

------------- tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]
is idle. -------------

Aveena: Secretly flip YOUR SHIT AGAIN, and make a gift.

Well, you succeed in FLIPPING YOUR SHIT AGAIN.




Aveena: Frantically search your cluttered area and make an appropriate gift.

You scrape together some materials, and captchalogue them. You combine them, making a plush that represents a blue cat.

You did not notice you accidentally put a green heart on it.

Aveena: Use your Mailbox Modus to send the cat plush to Zach.

TC: (< ^w^ >) > 4-4lright. I've sent meer gift. 83

=====> zach be confused

you are confused

=====> zach be victor the cat

you are now victor

you curse the old woman for scratching you left eye out

what will you do?

======> victor visit zach

you climbed the stairs and find zach giving a oddly expression and wasn't responding to his pester-log

======> victor push on the key bored

you jump up and began rubbing your face on the key bored

[ KE ] o wdcfuiohhhhhhhhhhhhwdvn bmjw L.1D.';[;POLI,m* NWS BNSZGM

[ KE ] jsd;a/cweocfw8efhned/qbloc'cfenbdl/cei/wvnwlcfhwecfwe;lvnwl

=======> victor stop pushing keys

you got bored and you jump on zachs lap and you await for him to respond

======> stop being victor

you are no longer victor

======> be grandmother

you are now grandmother

======> grandmother continue baking

you make unreasonably amounts of cranberry cookies and makeing prune pie

this is boreing

======> stop begin grandmother

you are no longer grandmother

======> be zach

you are now zach


you snap out of your


you see your cat was in your lap

and you notice a package

=====> open the box


you are looking at the most cuties cat plush in the world

you grip it tightly you dont want to let go



@A Smol Bean
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Aveena: Nervously await your friend's reply.

Okay, okay. You've got this..






Aveena: Answer Zach.

TC: (^o♢o^) > Really?

TC: (< O♡O >) > 4444444444H

TC: (^v3v^) > I mean, yee! So, uh, 'Happy 13irthday'?
[ KE ] thanks :3

[ KE ] its realy cool i never realy got a plush of a cat, i have like five alive ones that are everywhere on the island so this is so cool! :3

[ KE ] so uh.. oh yeah! i got the game from my grandma :3

[ KE ] your plant worked perfectly or should i say purrefectly :3

you laugh at your own pun as you finished replying

@A Smol Bean
You grin at the pun. You begin typing again.

TC: (^o♡o^) > That was grrreat!

TC: (^ uwu ^) > I've got to hand it to you! That was quite.. HUMER-us!

You are starting to feel more comfortable.

You like these puns.


you chuckle at the funny pun

[ KE ] yeah i guess that was pretty RIB-tickling :3

you fell pretty calm talking to her shes pretty nice

you sense your gonna have a good friendship with her you pray to god you don`t fuck this up

=====> change the subject zach

[ KE ] so uh the game asks to be connected with a host? im not sure what it means by that cause i cant realy do much :3

@A Smol Bean
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TC: (^o-o^) > Oh.

TC: (< o3o >) > Uh, I asked Psaryn if she'd be my surrver purrlayer. But I haven't connected with her yet.

TC: (^owo^) > If Psaryn lets me be your surrver purrlayer, I'd gladly accept and help mew out! 83

You are now very conflicted.

You were very RED for PSARYN for sweeps, but now, you're suddenly as much RED for ZACH.

Oh cripplenuts.


@Kurai Okami
[ KE ] sweet i might ask my friend Duke hes a fucking genuis to this game ill go as now! see ya! : 3

kitty enthusiast
has ceased pestering

you quickly contact duke

kittyEnthusiast began pestering allknowingAlien

[ KE ] hey uh dude i um.... got the game back and ah yeah i guess im asking is tell me what i need to do man :3

==> Duke: Listen.

Hm, listen, listen to wha-

*Gurgling sounds originating from Duke's stomach*

Oh...Well I guess it HAS been a while since you've last eaten anything, but that's mostly due to the only think you had to eat was CRAPPY SPACE FOOD. Ugh, It was at times like this that you wish you had some NORMAL FOOD. You'd welcome any donation, even crumbs.

==> Duke: Examine Pesterchum account.

Before you can go get some CRAPPY SPACE FOOD, it appears as though another friend of yours is wanting to make some conversation. Seems to be your pal Zach, probably asking a Sburb-related question or something.

==> Duke: Answer Zach.

AA: Ah, hello Zach.

AA: So you got Sburb too, I metaphorically see.

AA: Nice.

AA: Tell me, have you installed both of your copies onto your computer yet or not?

AA: If not, I'd suggest you take this time to gather some supplies.

AA: Rations, armaments, etc.

AA: Perhaps even wrangle-up your loved ones.

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====> zach respond

[ KE ] wait what? oh yeah i see the two copies :3

[ KE ] im not sure how to get a server person thing :?

[ KE ] er...yeah and i don`t think ill be able to do much cause hey! cripple here :3

[ KE ] but getting food will be easy, but its mostly cranberry cookies ew :3

[ KE ] no i haven't downloaded yet, ive been distracted

[ KE ] ill go do that right now, see ya

Kitty Enthusiast
ceased pestering allknowingAlien

=====> zach download the game

you place your game in your laptop and you began downloading it requested a sever host but you dont have one maby one of your pals could help you later

=====> zach do what duke said

you decided to look around for armaments? i think its weapons zach, yes it is weapon

=====> look for a weapon

you search around, but you only find your second set of knitting needles and your finger less gloves you feel like you could put things tings together but you cant not yet zach

=====> make the needles your strife

you decided your needles were more effective then your gloves but you put the gloves in your bag for safe keeping

=====> look for more shit

you look around for more shit

and you see your cats all in a pile victor was peacefully on your lap so you wont disturb his slumber

you see that lovely cat plush that Aveena made for you. you place it in your in your sylladex for safe keeping

=====> zach be grandma

you are now grandma

=====> receive weird feelings

your gut has received a weird feeling, as if your home was soon to be crushed by a meteorite

=====> go to zackerys room

you quickly go to your grandsons room and you put down the cookies and pies you made for him

Gma: happy birthday zachery 14 years today! spend this day will sonny!

zach: thanks grandma means a lot, love you grandma

Gma: love you two kiddo

=====> leave the room

you kiss your grandson on the head and head back downstairs

=====> head to the roof

you quickly head for the roof of this boat house so if something dose come you will be ready

=====> stop being grandma and go back to zach

you decided to ask aveena to be your server player

kittyEnthusist [ KE ] began pestering tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]

[ KE ] hey uh i downloaded the game and guess what? i need a sever player :3

[ KE ] so i came to ask if you would like to be it? if you arent anyone's yet?

@A Smol Bean
Psaryn: be bored

who's bored? you cant be someone who doesnt exist, but what you can do is get your sword whilst you wait for the download to be completed.

Psaryn: search for sword

You check in your closet where you find not a sword, but two pistols. You remove the hammer of the pistol to reveal a sharp well maintained blade to which you flip out as if you were trying to be cool with a flip phone. You capchalog the sword and the pistol but they immediately go into your strife specibus as SWORD and PISTOL KIND.

Psaryn: Check husktop

You check on the download which seemed to have completed whilst you were mucking about your closet.

Psaryn:pester someone

You don't want to bother anyone so... you just wait i guess?
==> Duke: Growl like a dog and destroy your computer.

Wait, what? Why would you even consider that? You have worked very hard to get all the bits and pieces for that blasted thing and you really don't feel like making it all in vain. Beside, you think your stomach is growling loud enough. There's no need for any additional savage sounds.

==> Duke: obtain edible substances.

Ugh, you would if there was anything else to eat besides CRAPPY SPACE FOOD! That seems to be the only thing edible in this rust bucket...


You really miss REAL FOOD.
====> zach send food to duke

you had some left over pie you feel generous today you put some pie in the mail modus and sended it to duke

====> alert duke that you have sended him food

Kitty enthusiast [ KE ] began pestering allknowingAlien [AA]

[ KE ] hey dude i send you some food cause i dont know if anyone eles would like pie cause yeah enjoy dude

==> Drey: Open browser.

As you micromanage with overlooking on Roy progression with entering the game and waiting for your own client copy of Sburb to get here, you open the HEH web browser and occupy your time with something intertesting.

You seriously cannot wait to see that battle go down.

Oh, looks like you got another message on pesterchum.

==> Duke: Answer Zach.

AA: Alright, cool.

AA: That sounds ni-

AA: Wait, what?

AA: You're serious right now?

AA: You sent me a pie, at most a fraction of one?

AA: Like a real pie?

AA: No package of dehydrated crud?

AA: The thing you sent me is a baked dish that contains a filling of various sweet or savory ingredients?

AA: You're not bullshitting me right now, are you?

AA: Like you're full-on serious that you sent me something that can relate with my taste buds?


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