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Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]Oh. That's reasonable.
TC: (^ oxo ^) > Oh.

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > That's alrright! Sometimes my lionmom is like that too.

You try to sympathize with DD.

DD: Thanks.....

DD: If Only I Could Get Out Of The Hive.....

DD: But At The Same Time, I Don't Want Too
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
DD: Thanks.....
DD: If Only I Could Get Out Of The Hive.....

DD: But At The Same Time, I Don't Want Too

TC: (^ owo ^) > There's so much to expurrlore anywhere outside a Hive!

TC: (^ OwO ^) > Mewbe you courrld join one of my FLARP sessions or adventures one day! That way, you'll expurrlore, meet new trolls, and make furriends!

TC (^ ^w^ ^) > And even, pawssibly, fill your clawdrants!! 83
[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]
TC: (^ owo ^) > There's so much to expurrlore anywhere outside a Hive!
TC: (^ OwO ^) > Mewbe you courrld join one of my FLARP sessions or adventures one day! That way, you'll expurrlore, meet new trolls, and make furriends!

TC (^ ^w^ ^) > And even, pawssibly, fill your clawdrants!! 83

DD: Heh.... Thanks

DD: Maybe I Will
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
DD: Heh.... Thanks
DD: Maybe I Will

TC: (^ owo ^) > Hee hee! No purroblem!

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Speaking of adventure... Do you have a game clawlled 'S13ur6' or 'SGru6'?

[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]

TC: (^ owo ^) > Hee hee! No purroblem!

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Speaking of adventure... Do you have a game clawlled 'S13ur6' or 'SGru6'?

DD: I heard about it going around

DD: Do you have it?
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
DD: I heard about it going around
DD: Do you have it?

TC: (^ ^w^) > Mhmm! I'm wondurring whethurr or not I can have two surrver purrlayers or clawlient purrlayers!

TC: (^ owo ^) > But so fur, I have no answurr. 4nd, furrom a lot a people, I've heard it's a grreat game! 83
[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]
TC: (^ ^w^) > Mhmm! I'm wondurring whethurr or not I can have two surrver purrlayers or clawlient purrlayers!
TC: (^ owo ^) > But so fur, I have no answurr. 4nd, furrom a lot a people, I've heard it's a grreat game! 83

DD: Well I Do Not See Why You Can't.....

DD: Would You?
====> zach lose your shit

you cant take it anymore! youve been bored for almost and hour and your sweater was almost done and youve noticeed it was green

what is up with you and the color green today ? NEVER MIND THAT


kittyenthuses began pestering provocativeReactor



[ KE ] ZILCH :3

[ KE ] NADA!

[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
DD: Well I Do Not See Why You Can't.....
DD: Would You?

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Well, I wourrld if I knew I courrld.

TC: (^ owo ^) > Mewbe you shourrld ask your minotaur Lusus if you courrld get the game!

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > Adventure awaits!

Hm. Maybe she'll get the game.



Or maybe not. Either way, you want her to go adventure and explore everything outside of her Hive.
> Roy: Pester someone!



PR: I figured it out myself too!

PR: JUST put in the client disc and download!

PR: AND then it'll tell you you can connect.

PR: IT'S so obvious!

Wow. You need to calm down.

[QUOTE="A Smol Bean]
TC: (^ oxo ^) > Well, I wourrld if I knew I courrld.
TC: (^ owo ^) > Mewbe you shourrld ask your minotaur Lusus if you courrld get the game!

TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > Adventure awaits!

Hm. Maybe she'll get the game.



Or maybe not. Either way, you want her to go adventure and explore everything outside of her Hive.

DD: Maybe I Will

DD: You Are Right
you sigh finnaly someone has talked to you

you feel you sanity coming back

====> reply

[ KE ] alright sorry, my grandmother sorta dissaperd so ive been alone ever since and i hate being alone :3

[ KE ] ill download it right now : 3

[ KE ] but wait whos going ot be my server player : ?

[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
DD: Maybe I Will
DD: You Are Right


Well then.

TC: (^ oxo ^) > Rrreally?

TC: (^ owo ^) > Today has defurnitely been inturresting!
Psaryn: wait

It doesn't look like hes going to respond... hes probably busy... probably...

Psaryn: visit your lusus

shes gone atm so maybe visiting an empty fishtank is a bad idea, mostly pointless since you are waiting on people.

Psaryn: just... uh talk later?

CL: ...you seem to be....

CL: busy...

CL: im gonna... let you do that

CL: talk to ya later O-O...<>

cautiousLibrarian [CL] ceased trolling kittyEnthusiast [KE]


Haurko said:
you sigh finnaly someone has talked to you
you feel you sanity coming back

====> reply

[ KE ] alright sorry, my grandmother sorta dissaperd so ive been alone ever since and i hate being alone :3

[ KE ] ill download it right now : 3

[ KE ] but wait whos going ot be my server player : ?

PR: I will!

PR: RIGHT now, i'm a client.

PR: ANYWAYS, it should say a host is attempting to connect.

PR: PRESS enter!
[ KE ] alrigth ill do that :3

[ KE ] okay i did that :3

====> noticed your morail ceased pestering you

you sigh and double pace palm like a fool

you'll make it up to her later

====> while waiting finish the sweater

you finished the sweater in no time, god damn your fast with those things

====> decided what to do with the sweater

you decided to send it to TC since you assume she likes the color green

====> send the damn sweater

you sensed the sweater and now you wait


@A Smol Bean
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==> Duke: Examine pie.

You lay your eyes upon the delicious homemade pastry with temptation and excitement. The fact that it wasn't something you needed to hydrate was already outstanding enough. You were so tempted to just shove your face right into it, but then you would just have to deal with the mess. Still the thought lingered in your head as a goofy fantasy. But enough with the imagination, time to actually give it a taste.

==> Duke: Take a bite.

*Duke reaches for a slice, only to be pushed away from the pie by a silhouetted figure. The mysterious person seemed to be upset with Duke, shaking around some paperwork in front of his face. Duke proceeds to slap the paperwork away and anger mystery guy even more. The two of them begin to bicker.*
You decide to Troll one of the only people that actually know you.

>Celia: Troll Psayrn

DarkDeath [DD] has started Trolling cautiousLibraian [CL]

DD: Hey Psayrn

DD: how are you?
Psaryn: answer

CL: Im doing fine...

CL: ... waiting for friends...

CL: we're playing SGRUB...

CL: ...

CL: ive got everything downloaded...

CL: waiting for people to connect to me...

CL: or vice versa...


@The Unamed Beast
Kurai Okami]Psaryn: answer [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: Im doing fine...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... waiting for friends...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: we're playing SGRUB...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ive got everything downloaded...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: waiting for people to connect to me...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: or vice versa...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: O-O[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
DD: Yeah.... I Was Just Talking About That With Someone.

DD: Can I Get A Copy?
Haurko said:
[ KE ] alrigth ill do that :3
[ KE ] okay i did that :3

====> noticed your morail ceased pestering you

you sigh and double pace palm like a fool

you'll make it up to her later

====> while waiting finish the sweater

you finished the sweater in no time, god damn your fast with those things

====> decided what to do with the sweater

you decided to send it to TC since you assume she likes the color green

====> send the damn sweater

you sensed the sweater and now you wait


@A Smol Bean
PR: ALRIGHT. i'mma dump all the shit in your room.

> Roy: Do it.

You....do it.

PR: OK there's some shit in your room. mess around with it.
Kurai Okami] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: I dont know...[/COLOR][COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...I suppose you could...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: Pirate it from online...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... O-O[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: or i could talk to the mail guy...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... I have his trolltag ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
DD: Please Do.....

DD: My Lusus Is In His "Protective" Phase Again....

DD: You Know...... That Thing

DD: He Won't Let Me Leave The House, I Have To Fight To Leave My Respit Block.
[ KE ] um.. thanks? what is it? its huge i dont think i can get to it in my wheel chair, maby put it in the living room? or something? so i can get to it better? if not thats fine :3

====> zach try and usethe new shit in you room

you try but you cant realy move well


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