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Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

Roy: Concentrate!

What? You were kicking some imp ass. You have a bunch of grist now, if it's useful for anything.

Roy: ....ask your sprite.

Oh right. He's your guide and all.


ROY: ....sleuth.

5LEUTHSPRITE: do not CALL me that.

ROY: What? Why?


ROY: Why is your head shaped like Fin's from the Midnight Crew? Why is your hat orange? And what do you mean "sleuth"? That's what I called you!


ROY: Sleuth.

5LEUTHSPRITE: it's SPELLED with a 5.

ROY: Uh.....huh. Now answer my questions. Also, what does grist do?

5LEUTHSPRITE: i look like fin because i AM him. i touched your fin model thing. grist is a MATERIAL which the game NEEDS to make things.

ROY: Make things?

5LEUTHSPRITE: do all the THINGS that you did with the pre-punched card, except PUNCH the cards. if you insert TWO items at the same time, you will make a COMBINATION.

Oh you are going to have some fun with this.
CL: wow...

CL: ...prototyping a blank slate with a blank slate...

CL: ...that's...

CL: ...interesting...

CL: ...O-O

Fish mom sprite: fiddle with mouse

The urge to sit on the keyboard long gone, you are now entranced by the movement of the mouse. You quickly slap it causing psaryn to accidentally place a small wall on the roof.

CL: Oops!...

CL: ...it looks like...

CL: ...there is now a wall on your roof...

CL: ...

CL: ...my sprite slapped my mouse...

CL: ...O-O...sorry...

@Twilight Vidale
CS: Oh. Um. Alright.

CS: I am not sure that my roof matters anyways.

A begrudgingly friendly sprite floats over.

Lill: Talk to impsprite.

IMPSPRITE: So I guess it's my job to tell you stuff.

IMPSPRITE: I'll do that. Fine.

IMPSPRITE: I still want to kill you, though.

IMPSPRITE: I just can't do it now. Stupid game.

IMPSPRITE: Whatever. Anyways, you have a quest and stuff.

IMPSPRITE: It's some fancy rhyming words, but I'll skip all that.

IMPSPRITE: Basically, just go... do things. And "bring light to the dark lands" or some crap like that.

IMPSPRITE: Frankly, I really should just tell you to go fight your denizen.

IMPSPRITE: But I GUESS I can't do that. Again, there are rules to this sprite thing.

IMPSPRITE: Normally getting a bigger house would be a good idea, but OH LOOK there's a ceiling.

IMPSPRITE: Though you'll need to do that at some point.

It looks as if you were talked to rather than talking to. But you got the information that you needed, at least kind of. Perhaps prototyping with a friendlier object would have been a better idea. The sprite scowls at you as you walk away.

Lill: Go back to pestering Psaryn.

CS: So, I just talked to my sprite.

CS: Though you probably saw that as well.

CS: Any idea what "bringing light to the dark lands" could mean, or how I could do that?

CS: Also, thanks for being my server player. You have been really helpful.

CS: Keeping me alive and all that.

@Kurai Okami
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==> Lill: Pester Roy.

Thinking back to the list of other players that CL gave you earlier, you recall that there were a few other people you know on there. In all the chaos, you had barely thought to pester them as well. This seems to be a good chance, though, as long as you stay on watch for more imps.

--- captiousSilence [CS] began pestering kittyEnthusiast [KE] ---

CS: Zach.

CS: I think Psaryn said you were playing this game as well, correct?

CS: Assuming she was right, have you already entered it?

CS: Would that mean we can find each other down here

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====> get startled

you jump at the sudden notification of pester log

====> answer

[ KE ] yeah i entered, its pretty neat :3

[ KE ] about meeting each other, im not sure, im sorta trapped on a floating mountain....thing :3

[ KE ] wait you were talking to psaryn?

[ KE ] tell her im worried as hell and that she should answer my pester ! ive been sitting here thinking that she was dead or some shit!

@Twilight Vidale
==> Lill: Respond to Zach.

CS: Floating mountains?

CS: No, that does not sound right.

CS: I am trapped in an underground cavern of some sorts.

CS: It is filled with glowing mushrooms, and I do not see any holes in the ceiling.

CS: Perhaps my first goal is to leave these caves and find you and the others?

CS: Grouping up seems like it would be a good strategy.

CS: I will let Psaryn know once she responds, although she does seem somewhat preoccupied with the game as much as we are.

CS: Also, do you have any idea what "bringing light to the dark lands" might mean? It is supposedly my quest, but I have a feeling that casting a spell to create light will not be enough.

[ KE ] hmm :3

[ KE ] im not sure maby we could meet if your a prosprit dreamer :?

[ KE ] im just waiting for the imps to come to me so i can upgrade my wheel chair :3

[ KE ] my server player sorta dissaperd on me so im stuck until i can make my wheel chair a rocket or something :3

[ KE ] omg that would be amazing :3

@Twilight Vidale
CS: Prospit dreamer? I am afraid I am not sure what you mean.

CS: I do not really remember dreams frequently.

CS: But I think I dream like anybody else does.

CS: Is there a way I could connect as your server player? I have both versions of The Game set up.

CS: Maybe I could serve as a secondary server player until they return?

CS: Here, I will try to set it up.

==> Lill: Connect to Zach.

You double-click on the other icon for The Game, labeled as the server version. When you do so, it produces a list of available players, which happens to be the same list you were told about by Psaryn earlier. Almost as if you are the only ones meant to play it? You select Zach's chumhandle (strange that The Game knows it) and after a brief loading screen, it shows a picture of a boy in a wheelchair, on a floating mountain like the one Zach had mentioned earlier. You suppose this means that you have successfully connected to him.

CS: Alright, I see you, I think.

CS: It looks like I can place some objects, and compared to what I have to work with, they seem rather cheap.

CS: I hope that you can figure out what to do with them.

==> Lill: Deploy further machinery.

You set up one of each object you can afford and hope that Zach has some idea what to do with them. This game does not seem to have any kind of tutorial, which you find incredibly frustrating.
===inspect items

You look around , and now you are seeing double, it appears your new server player took the liberty to make more things that you already have

===> Reply

[ KE ] hey um...you sorta took roys spot on the um...never mind :3

[ KE ] and by prospite dreamer I mean when you sleep you wake up on these plants called persopt and deres, I read about it online :3

[ KE ] and erm...you sorta duplicated my equipment...roy already placed them down for me before he stopped talking to me :3

[ KE ] cam we like...get rid of them?

CS: Oh.

CS: I did not realize I was being too pushy and getting in the way. I am sorry.

CS: I thought that from what you said that it would be useful for me to help until he is back.

CS: I can disconnect if you would like.

CS: Shoot, I did not see the other copies of the equipment. My bad.

==> Lill: Clean up.

You attempt to delete the extra machinery, and accidentally make a third alchemiter in the process. You delete it - hopefully before he notices - along with the other duplicates.

Perhaps you are not very good at the whole server player thing.

CS: Is that better? Sorry.
===> feel bad

You just realized what you said, God your an asshole you better apologize

====> reply

[ KE ] yeah, thanks :3

[ KE ] i didnt mean to be an asshole, im sorry :3

[ KE ] i appreciate the help ill be able to get the things i need :3

=====> be startled

you hear a noise like a window being broken

your not sure what to do

=====> ask CS to check out noise

[ KE ] hey um... cs i heard a window break, do you think you can tell me what it is :3

[ KE ] im sorta defenseless here cause i cant use my strife properly :3

[ KE ] please : ?
Lill: Strife?

Computers are not exactly part of your strife specibus, but you can make it work. You use the game's camera to find that one of the uberphotosyntheticbirdcatimps has broken in through a window in the living room and is making startlingly quick progress towards him. You grab the first weighty object you can think of and drag it across the screen, taking care not to hit your friend with it in the process. The imp is launched across the room and through another window.

Crisis averted, you stop to look at what it is you used to defend Zach. It is... a toilet. Unknown to the members of your session, this event was obvious. What else could it have been?
=== > look over

You noticed the loud noise from across the hall, with all your might you roll over to the hall looking out

====> notice the oven now hanging out the wall along with...a toilet?

Your eyes widen when you see black markings along with your oven and toilet merged together that seemed to be crushing something. What ever it was is gone now but your toilet is gone FUCK
CS: Um. Oops.

CS: But hey, the imp is gone!

CS: I could try to put the toilet back but I have a feeling that wouldn not go well.

CS: These controls are very touchy.

[ KE ] yeah, dont worry, thanks though, makes me feel safer after all :3?

[ KE ] dont worry, i have a spare downstairs :3

====> be startled

your sprite seemed to have sneaked up on you

you jumped in surprise

Gcat: what are you doing cranberry? you talking to on of your friends

zach: the hell grandma! and yes its one of my Friends, shes my server player at the moment,until roy can come back

Gcat: ah i see, she seems like a nice g-BANANA

zach: erm..im just going to assume you'll say that no matter what

=====> introduce gcat to CS

[ KE ] well cs...say hi to my grandma...cat thing :3

[ KE ] their not so bad so i guess they wont hurt you :3

CS: Oh, okay. Hello, grandmother of Zach who is apparently also part cat.

CS: It is a pleasure to meet you. I think.

CS: You are his sprite, yes? Any suggestions for how I should help him in his quest?

==> Lill: Figure out how to alchemize.

After looking through all of the options in the interface of the game, as well as a mysterious walkthrough you found online, you begin to figure out that punching cards is the easiest way to create new items and combine ones you already have. However, you learn best through practice.

==> Lill: Combine candles && darts.

That was simple enough. You create Flaming Darts.

==> Lill: Combine flower && candles.

You take what remains of the work of your mother and combine it with candle codes. This produces an Everburning Flower which seems to grow at the same speed as it burns. It could be useful as a source of light.

==> Lill: Combine candles && darts && Felt poster.

You create what the game insists is a Burning Demondart. But you do not think demons are supposed to be green, which this dart certainly is. You dismiss it as a completely trivial quirk of the game and go on.

==> Lill: Combine ember shirt || dragon statue.

You create a dress with subtle yet ornate dragon patterns, and a quick || combination with your candles adds the appearance of fire as well, causing the dress to make you look like the emissary of death itself. Fitting for a witch like you. Which you definitely are. You are not faking magic powers because you like believing they are real.

==> Lill: Combine...

You seem to be almost out of BUILD GRIST, and so you cannot nearly afford expensive combinations such as flower && (possibly fake) spellbook. You will need to do a lot more fighting before you can create... whatever that would create. But you still have enough to make one more combination which seems pretty important.

==> Lill: Combine laptop && necklace.

You create the Amethyst Medallion, which allows you to pester on the go, seemingly by reading your thoughts since it has no keyboard.. You will have to be careful with that, but it could also be very useful.
===> gcat take over zachs pester while he isn't looking

[ KE ] well banana, its simple, help him get to the next level, wich should be above this house meow

[ KE ] best way to do that is building the house up wards and getting him some sort of floating device, or better yet

[ KE ] help each other to achieve your god tiers! but that would be tricky so i wouldn't put all yuuur hopes on that meow

[ KE ] ill be able to help zach fight in the best of my


[ KE ] after all i am an old woman

[ KE ] these emoji s you kids use these days are very interesting!

======> get disturbed

you felt like someone or something was wacthing you

=====> face whatever

you turn around and face an imp. who seemed to of tackled zach to the ground!

=====> STRIFE


you quickly bit the imp along with tackling it to the ground freeing zach from the thing but it caused you and the imp out of the window

======> strife end?

=====> be zach

what the hell....

=====> pull your self up on your chair

you quickly pull yourself up, you should do something about your chair

=====> look out the window

you peer out the window seeing your sprite being surrounded by BUILDING GRIST you sigh glad their okay

they waved as they saw you, you waved back

=====> alchemize

you decide to try at least to alchemize since you have more grist

=====> combine aveenas toy cat || tank top

you manged to pry yourself from the amazing cat toy and made a comfortable light blue tanktop with green sleeves and a green heart on your chest you equip it

=====> combine wheelchair || oven\toilet

now you have a chair that can make food and keep you warm and it allows you to go take care of your bussines, now all you need to do is get it to fly or something

==> Lill: Reply to GCATsprite.

CS: Okay. Building his house is something I can do easily enough.

CS: What are god tiers? Or is that another thing you can not tell me about, since you are a sprite?

==> Lill: Assist Zach.

At a thought, your Amethyst Medallion projects a holographic version of the screen of The Game. It strikes you as weird that it is so effective yet so cheap, but perhaps communication objects are meant to be cheap. Anyways, you quickly add another floor to the house of your friend, which is relatively cheap after all of the grist he just obtained. You also start trying to find more upgrades for his wheelchair.

CS: Anything specific you want to let your wheelchair fly? Or will anything do?
====> reply

[ KE ] well I can't necessarily walk... so I guess my wheel chair :3

[ KE ] I think God tier is we're you find your dream bed with your aspect ON it and You do something on it...I'm not sure :3

[ KE ] but when your in God tier mode you can fly and such! It's neat, I read about it on a wiki
CS: Interesting. I certainly have not seen anything like that.

CS: Until then, upgrades for your wheelchair will have to do.

CS: Hopefully I can find something that can do it... unless you know of anything you want me to grab.

CS: I think I am better equipped for finding and grabbing things in your world, since I can scroll a lot more quickly than you can move.

==> Lill: Begin wreaking havoc.

The imps down here do not seem like they will be so challenging for now, and your fire darts will probably do plenty of damage to them. They are part plant, and this is a game, after all.

Your suspicions are confirmed when you jump off the roof of your house and begin throwing your weapon of choice. In an almost comical fashion, they panic at the presence of fire and begin running about. You keep hurling volleys of the darts until all that is left of the dozen imps surrounding your house are a few handsomely-sized piles of grist, much more than you had started off with. It is rather surprising how quickly grist amounts increase - not that you are complaining. This will undoubtedly be useful. You will need to find some more things to upgrade your weapons with.

As you turn around to return to your house and the alchemiter, an enormous imp - if it can even be called that at such a size - blocks your path. It shares the traits of its smaller comrades, but as it releases a guttural growl and lashes the vines on its back in anger, you are certain that it will be much more difficult to defeat and is much more competent with its powers.
====> zach look around

you deiced sitting about was boring, you began looking around, sighing nothing of interest


your stomach is giving you the rumbles

but what to eat? maby a freind can help you?

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