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Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

==> Lill: Reply to Psaryn.

CS: Would you be willing to? That would be great.

CS: But... How could all of this be tied to the game? I have not even started playing it.

CS: If the game made this happen, does that mean that we can stop it with the game as well?

Even though you have more questions (and a lot of them), you give Psaryn some time to respond. Hopefully you did not get her flustered. You hate doing that to her even in normal situations, let alone when your life might depend on it.

@Kurai Okami
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CL: ...

CL: ... I haven't thought that far...

CL: ... this game...

CL: ... defies a lot of physics...

CL: ... i should write a book about it...

CL: ...

CL: ... maybe self publish...

CL: ...

CL: ... sorry let me get back to my pc...

Psaryn: run back to the house

You run back into the hive and send the request to CS

@Twilight Vidale
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CS: Oh, you write? I am sure that kind of book would be very helpful, especially if this game is half as complicated as its relation with the real world is.

CS: So what all do I have to do to stop the meteors? ...Or whatever I am supposed to be getting done in the game.

You switch back over to The Game, where you see that CL has sent a request to be your server player. You readily accept, and the game rapidly installs dozens, hundreds of files as you watch. This will be interesting.
======> zach open your eyes

you groan and open your eyes and you were on the floor and you were grasping your backpack tightly and your wheelchair was upside down and your lap top still safely in your sylladex along with your other items

======> make your way to the chair

you groan not wanting to do this again you began to crawl but, the wheelchair dissaperd


???: you're looking fur this CRANBERRY!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b58d12a_GCATsprite.png.5aa67a76122d60e4e3d32b4840f09502.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b58d12a_GCATsprite.png.5aa67a76122d60e4e3d32b4840f09502.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

====> scream

you yelled loudly but your mouth was coverd by the sprite

???: is that how you treat your grandmother?

zach: wait...GRANDMA!

???: yes its me zach but im GCAT SPRITE now ill be helping you through this game dear

zach: oh sweet! im glad your both okay!

gcat: yes, same to you CRANBERRY now lets get you back in that chair and kick some imps butt!

=====> get help in the chair

gcat sprite helped you back in your chair and she began pushing you outside

zach: um grandma? what are we doing?

gcat: furrst step! getting to know your surroundings! meow

zach: oh okay!

=====> go oustide

you are led outside and what you see makes your mouth drop

you see many numbers of huge flying mountains of numerous colors and some had water falls coming out of them

the one your on has a small pool of water but no water fall wich is a pity but hey! maby you can finally get a chance to swim!

you house seemed to of luckily not mugred with the mountain.

gcat sprite led you to the edged and you looked down the area was covered in water so if you fall you may not die at first!

====> go back inside

you both head inside

gcat: alright sonny im gonna explain some things okay?

you nodded not wanting to protest

gcat: good, what ever you do effects the hole game! you see now that vector was first to be prototype by you the imps and other baides will look like him! the same thing to with the queens! the queens are very powerful they both have a king (which wont totally be a boss) and a side to rule white and black. but you'll learn more about that later! and you must fight the imps no matter how cute they are! meow

gcat: now be ready it wont be long until you have to fight a few so be on guard ill help in any way i can z-CRANBERRY

and with that gcat sprite flew upstairs

after that heavy explanation you feel realy hungry so you deiced to eat a pie in your pack

====> get the pie

you open your bag and find the pie


====> eat the pie

you quickly eat the pie and you decide to pester your buddy roy

kittyenuthist began pestering proactivereacter

[ KE ] hey man im in the game its pretty cool :3

[ KE ] my grandma inst dead wich is good shes my sprite now! neat huh :?

[ KE ] i dont know whats going on out where you are? is everyone dead? was it our fault? im realy nervouse :3




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CL: uh yeah its...

CL: ...Its a small thing i do...

CL: ...sometimes...

CL ...so uh...

CL: ...the meteors...

CL: ...you don't technically...

CL: ...stop them...

CL: ...more like...

CL: ...escape...them...

CL: ...i guess... o-o

Psaryn: place things down

The first thing you notice is CS's lack of horns and weird skin color, but you are too nervous to ask, so you just place down the machines instead.

@Twilight Vidale
CS: Would you be willing to share some of your writings? I have always enjoyed reading.

CS: And what do you mean by escape the meteors? Does it shield us or something?

==> Lill: Examine new objects.

What new-- oh, wait. As you type out your reply to Psaryn, a large... machine? appears in the center of your room. It is big and flat, with a strange, green geometric design on it. To the side of it is a much smaller platform and a camera attached to a robotic arm. You... have absolutely no idea what this could be.

Your attempts at examining this are rudely interrupted by a loud sound from the living room.

==> Lill: Investigate the sound.

You exit your room to see yet another device. It also has a large, square base, but features a large, cylindrical shape in the center. A wheel is on the side, but you can not imagine why. Perhaps turning it would help?

==> Lill: Turn the wheel!

This is a bad idea. What if there is an order to how you should do things? Or if you are supposed to wait for everything to be ready? There are dozens of ways for this to go badly. But you do it anyway. Life is short, as the meteors have demonstrated. You turn that wheel.

The top of this... Thing opens up, and a glowing purple cylinder is revealed to be inside. Continuing to turn the wheel pushes the cylinder upwards.

More worryingly, a timer starts when you begin turning the wheel. It is set to seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds, three of which you have lost by thinking the number in words rather than numerals. But it was worth it. Unfortunately, the text on the timer is red, which is always a bad sign. This timer is surely an omen of doom.

==> Lill: Inquire.

You pester Psaryn again. She seems to know what she is doing.

CS: Also, any idea what this timer is for?

CS: It started counting down when I turned the wheel on this machine in my living room

@Kurai Okami
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@Kurai Okami[/URL]


.....ok? You wonder if that really matters.

Roy: Check purple orb thing.

Oh yeah. The thing that came out of the machine. You check that. You had thrown a Problem Sleuth poster in there, which was weird, considering that you love Problem Sleuth and would never sacrifice a PS poster for no reason. Nerves, you guess.. In any case, the orb is now gone. In its place, however, is....

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/sleuthsprite.png.b1fa57894e251cfaaee94713e8122a89.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/sleuthsprite.png.b1fa57894e251cfaaee94713e8122a89.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Roy: Converse.


ROY: Uh, what?


....this game just gets weirder and weirder.



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CL: my best guess for the timer...

CL: ...Its uh..

CL: ...dont panic..

CL: ...but i think its the countdown for...

CL: ...your own personal meteor...

CL: ...coming at your house...

CL: ... as for escape its...

CL: ... me for example...

CL: ... i seem to be in a land of clouds and...

CL: ...some sort of weird liquid...

CL: ...its very pretty and aether-like...

Psaryn: focus

you realize all you've been doing is talking about the game when CS is clearly in danger!

CL: ...Uh!..

CL: ...lets get to making you live...

CL: O_O"

CL: ...so just take this...

You place the card down in front of lill

CL: ...and uh...

CL: ...take the purple...

CL: ...cylinder...

CL: ...and put them in the uh...

CL: ...

CL: ...totem lathe...

CL: ...O_O"

CL: ...do that now...

CL: ...please

@Twilight Vidale
Kurai Okami] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: my best guess for the timer...[/COLOR][COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...Its uh..[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...dont panic..[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...but i think its the countdown for...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...your own personal meteor...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...coming at your house...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... as for escape its...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... me for example...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... i seem to be in a land of clouds and...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...some sort of weird liquid...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...its very pretty and aether-like...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040]Psaryn: focus[/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040] you realize all you've been doing is talking about the game when CS is clearly in danger![/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: ...Uh!..[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...lets get to making you live...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: O_O"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...so just take this...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040]You place the card down in front of lill[/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: ...and uh...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...take the purple...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...cylinder...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...and put them in the uh...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...totem lathe...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...O_O"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...do that now...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...please[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31495-twilight-vidale/ said:
@Twilight Vidale[/URL]
CS: Alright, I will do that.

You captchalogue the cylinder thing with your trash can modus. The organization is a pain, but at least your modus will get rid of things you do not need once you have forgotten about them.

You do the same with the card that was placed in front of you. It looks like a normal captchalogue card, except for a handful of rectangular slits placed seemingly randomly on it. Weird.

==> Lill: Notice that thing.

As you captchalogued those two items, a second object came from the machine. It looks like some kind of spherical version of the spirographs from the loading screen of The Game. You decide to leave it alone, as Psaryn has not said anything about it and the last time you touched something you predestined your house for destruction.

==> Lill: Proceed to the Totem Lathe.

You suppose that is the newest piece of machinery in the room. It looks a bit like a desk with a built-in keyboard and an empty space for, presumably, the cylinder you picked up. There is also a captchalogue card-shaped opening above the keyboard.

==> Lill: Insert cruxite dowel and card.

You are not sure how you know that the cylinder is a "cruxite dowel", but you decide to go with what the voices in your head are telling you. They tend to know what they are talking about. You place both the card and the dowel in the machine and watch as a laser cuts the dowel into a vaselike shape.

==> Lill: Await further instruction.

Fair enough. Although while you wait, you return to the cylinder machine - the Crux Extruder, as your voices inform you - and make a handful of extra dowels. They seem like they might be useful, and if not, you could put wicks in them and use them as candles. They are a pretty color, after all.

@Kurai Okami
CL: uh ok...

CL: ...now...uh..

CL: ... put it on the...

CL: ...

CL: ...alchemeter...

CL: ... which is the largest machine...

CL: ...the one with the flat top...

CL: ... O_O"

Psaryn: stop shaking!

you're not- oh... you are... o-o. You try to stop shaking but its pretty hard since this is very nerve wracking for you.

@Twilight Vidale
Kurai Okami] [COLOR=#8000ff]CL: uh ok...[/COLOR][COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...now...uh..[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... put it on the...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...alchemeter...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... which is the largest machine...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ...the one with the flat top...[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] CL: ... O_O"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8000ff] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040]Psaryn: stop shaking![/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040] you're not- oh... you are... o-o. You try to stop shaking but its pretty hard since this is very nerve wracking for you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#404040] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31495-twilight-vidale/ said:
@Twilight Vidale[/URL]
==> Lill: Alchemize.

Returning to your room, you place the dowel on the smaller of the two platforms - it seems to fit better there. The mechanical arm whirrs to life and begins scanning the carved object, much like a CD player reads a disk. There is a sudden flash of light, and an object appears on the larger platform. It is... A...

Candle. And not a fancy one, either. It nothing more than a thinner version of the original cruxite dowel. How anticlimactic.

Of course, since making this object has been so important, and there is really just one thing that one can do with a candle, how you must proceed is obvious. You light a match and...

What was that noise?

==> Lill: Investigate.

By looking into your living room, it appears that your kernelsprite has somehow merged with the potted rose plant which your mother has tended for years. Predictably, she is infuriated by this and is currently trying to strife with it.

Being a flower, it is not harmed whatsoever, and seems uninterested in fighting back.

More alarmingly and immediately pertinently, the timer is already almost over!



You light the match.



There is a horrible crunching sound as a mass of rock breaks through your roof.

==> Lill: Strife!

A dart will not do anything to a meteor, stupid!

You light the candle and the world turns to black.

Land of Luminescence and Ice
CL: uh....

CL: ...so...

CL: ...i dont want to sound rude...

CL: ...But uh...

CL: ...now that you're out of harms way...

CL: ...uh...

CL: ...i... wanted to ask...

CL: ... what... exactly are you...

CL: ...

CL: ...Im sorry thats a stupid question...

CL: ...forget i asked...

CL: ...O_O"

Psaryn: facepalm

you smack your face for asking that, you've probably offended them. god you're such an idiot.

@Twilight Vidale
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==> Lill: Reorient yourself.

Once you come back to consciousness, you look around. It looks like you are still in your bedroom, but an unusual blue light comes in from the window. You see that Psaryn has messaged you, and attempt to type a reply. This is more difficult than it should be because for whatever reason, it is suddenly EXTREMELY COLD.

CS: What... Am I?

CS: Um.

CS: A human, if that is what you mean.

CS: Are you not one as well?

CS: I know you referred to yourself as an alien in the past but I assumed you were joking.

CS: Jegus, why is it so cold all of a sudden?

CS: I can barely type!
CL: uh...

CL: ...i am not in fact...

CL: ... human...

CL: ... i am...

CL: ... well on my planet we're called alternians...

CL: ... but most just refer to ourselves as "trolls"...

CL: ... uh...

CL: ... we have orange horns...

CL: ...and grey skin...

CL: ...

CL: ...O_O"

@Twilight Vidale
CS: Oh, really? That is interesting. What is it like there?

CS: Also, who else is playing this game? Is there anything else I need to do?

==> Lill: Look outside.

You go to your window and look out. You appear to be in some kind of cave filled with glowing blue mushrooms. These give off a surprising amount of light and allow you to see that the cave itself is seemingly made of ice. That explains all of the cold.

==> Lill: Alchemize.

Currently unaware of the rules regarding punching cards, you carve random patterns into a few of the dowels you created and toss them onto the alchemiter.

This creates an ugly jpeg sord, a potato battery, and a plastic toy shield that is broken into three parts. These all seem rather useless and do nothing when you try to intearact with them.You toss them all in your trash can modus, where they will wait for about a day before being deleted from existence.
CL: All i know of other people...

CL: ...is my moirail zach...

CL: ...one of my friends...

CL: ... Aveena,...

CL: ...and my server...

CL: ...Celia...

CL: ... and alternia can only be described as grey...

CL: ... i lived near the ocean...

CL: ... there were a few temples on the land that i liked to explore...

CL: ... but my main concern were sea-dwellers and pirates...

CL: ... they always tried to hurt my lusus for their own greedyness...

Psaryn: realize you are rambling again

CL: ...but enough about me...

CL: ...whats your planet like...

CL: ...

CL: ... if you dont mind me asking...

@Twilight Vidale

=====> zach groan

you deiced roy dose not want to talk to you so you decide to stop laying about and find these proclaimed imps

=====> venture outside

you roll your wheel chair out side and see nonthing

you pause trying to thing of what to do

=====> look around

you notice a tree as you look around you wheel towards it

=====> inspect tree

birch wood and thick trunk and lots of leaves and a few claw marks on the tree most likely from gcat

=====> what do you do?


you quickly pull out your one claw and glove kind weapon


you quickly strike the base of the tree quickly the tree made no counter movements


you stabbed the tree

your hand got stuck


you cant fight this enemy! it knows your attacks

you quickly absconded

=====> feel embarrassed

i can not believe you just lost to a tree you ZACHERY BERDOLT lost to a tree then again you never fought anything before so you give your self a pat on the back

=====> head back inside

in sigh of defeat you head back inside

=====> what will you do?

you decide to knit while you wiat for the enemy's to come to you
@Twilight Vidale[/URL]

CS: Grey? That sounds rather dull.

CS: Although if there were pirates you had to fight off, I am sure it was anything but.

CS: My planet is pretty diverse.

CS: There are forests, cities, deserts, oceans, and all kinds of other terrain.

CS: I live in a fairly big city.

CS: Or I used to, I guess. Now I am... wherever this is.

CS: There were all kinds of people, but it was always a bit crowded for my taste.

CS: What is a lusus? Is she still safe?

@Kurai Okami
CL: my lusus is my guardian...

CL: ...she would always go out every day...

CL: ...and swim and fly around...

CL: ... and then she would come home...

CL: ...and i would come home..

CL: ...and we would both be back before sunrise...

CL: ...thats when i would organize my loot from the temples...

CL: ...

CL: ... shes my sprite now...

CL: ... so i guess she is gonna guide me?...

CL: ...

CL: ... she says hi...

@Twilight Vidale
CS: She flies around?

CS: Trolls have wings, too?!

CS: That is amazing.

CS: Tell her I said hi back, please.

You turn around to see that the rosesprite has come into your bedroom. Your mom does not seem to be around, despite the sudden change of scenery.

CS: So... our sprites are supposed to guide us?

CS: Mine combined with a flower.

CS: It is not really talking much. At all.

@Kurai Okami
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Psaryn: um

she clearly got the wrong message about that

CL: ...

CL: ...trolls dont have wings...

CL: ... my lusus is a flying aqua beast...

CL: ...

CL: ...oh she says to humans she would be...

CL: ... a mix of a "flying fish" and a "bird"...

CL: ... throw something else into your sprite...

CL: ... my lusus was combined with the...

CL: ... the stupid speeding paw beast...

CL: ... that dwelt around my hive...

CL: ...to humans my "house" apparently...

CL: ... human vocabulary is strange...

CL: ... o-o

@Twilight Vidale

CS: Really? Sounds like there are some interesting creatures on your planet.

CS: Although not as interesting for you, I guess.

CS: Er... Do you have any suggestions for what to put in it?

CS: I do not really have anything interesting.

CS: ...

CS: What do you think would happen if I went into the sprite?

CS: Would I have to guide myself, or something?
CL: i dont think thats a good idea...

CL: ...although i probably cant stop you...

CL: ...if you were planning on doing that...

CL: ...

CL: ... ok apparently prototyping also...

CL: ...effects our enemies...

CL: ...so...

CL: ...it might prove useful to prototype something...

CL: ... something that can guide you, but isnt too strong...

CL: ...o-o

@Twilight Vidale

>Quick: Be Celia!

You are now Celia. It seems you have been busy since you got to your land. You already have working wands and a new outfit. Your sprite is your Minotaur combined with a magic totem so now you have a mentor in both ways. You have been defeating imps also. You seem to have gained a bunch of Grist and other materials as well, so now once Psaryn had got back he could place more items down. You place your wands into your strife holder and take out your Staff-kind strife card. You equip "The Sorceresses Staff." It doubles as a melee weapon.

You await Psarvn . You troll your other friend you had recently met.

(Forgot her name so....)

DD: Hey..... What Is Up?

@A Smol Bean
@Twilight Vidale[/URL]
CS: If it affects our enemies as well, then I am definitely not a good choice.

CS: I do not think fighting myself would be a good idea.

CS: It would be convenient if I had a pet.

==> Lill: Find something to prototype.

You begin searching around your house, but do not make it very far before you encounter... some kind of creature. It looks mostly like an imp but also has wings and claws, as well as thorny vines stemming from its back. It does not seem pleased to see you.

==> Lill: Strife!

You ready your set of THROWING DARTS. You have practiced with them a lot, so you will hopefully have good aim.

==> Lill: Aggress!

You throw a dart at the photosyntheticbirdcatimp. That was a mouthful. Perhaps "imp" will suffice for future reference. Anyways, you hit the imp in the face, and a green bar which appears over its head shrinks considerably. If you were not in the middle of an intense strife, you would toss some darts at that to see if it is a gaming abstraction or if it is real. The imp makes a weak attempt to scratch you with its long class, but you manage to dodge out of the way.

==> Lill: Aggrieve.

You throw a second dart, this one at its arm. You once again hit - this guy is pretty bad at dodging - and the bar over his head decreases to a mere sliver. Does this mean it is almost defeated?

==> Lill: Bombard.

Before allowing the imp its turn, you decide to execute an interesting new idea. You think you have found something to put in your Sprite. You do indeed bombard, but not the imp. Instead, you lunge forward, grab the imp by its bloodied arm, and swing it towards the rosesprite. There is another flash of light as the two collide in midair, and you see that the two have successfully merged. You have created the uberphotosyntheticbirdcatimpsprite, or impsprite for short. You concede to using this abbreviation, as the full version is too long, even for you. It looks almost exactly like the imp did, except that it is now surrounded by a writhing mass of black, thorned vines and its stubby legs now taper off into nothingness.

==> Lill: Pester CL again.

CS: So, I upgraded my sprite!

CS: It was already an enemy, so hopefully it will not change anything much.

CS: I am not sure why I am telling you this, since you probably just watched it happen.

CS: Oh well

@Kurai Okami

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