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Fandom Attack on Titan

Anessa surveyed the scene quietly, a small frown on her lips. Really, they were getting dust and dirt over their uniforms.
That was the turning point for Urijah. At first it was fun, but then the other trainee attempted to wrap his arm around his throat. That was a no-no. Instead of letting this happen, Urijah lifted a forearm in between his neck and the other man's arm to halt it's progress before grasping it. Then, Urijah twisted his body at a violent force, flipping Michael over his body and slamming him through the bench belonging to one of the tables behind them. Urijah was getting ready to drop to his knees and begin elbowing the downed cadet in the face, but instead a couple of other trainees would grasp Urijah by the arms and stomach, holding him back.

YOU WANT SOMETHING TO BE MAD ABOUT, BITCH!" Urijah screamed at the top of his lungs while his body was dragged to the opposite side of the mess hall, confining him to a corner where four of them attempted to keep him calm. The entire time, Urijah was staring at Michael, trying to break free of the guard that the other trainees provided. He was extremely pissed off at this point - the anger and adrenaline both clouding his judgement simultaneously. Of course, Urijah's behavior was less-than-enviable on paper, but such a reckless demeanor would more than likely prove to be a positive feature in the long run.

At that time, Michael attempted to whip his legs up and kick the other cadet in the chest or the face, but by that time he had been restrained by others and pulled away. Michael was being held as well. He tried to shake free, pouring out his anger in a vicious yell. He was able to flip one of the cadets holding him, but another quickly took his place. There was nothing he could do. Besides, in the end, Michael wasn't particularly mad at anyone, he was just mad.
The girl removed her gaze from the two angry men, focusing on finishing her food. Reckless, impulsive, and temperamental - three things that Anessa disliked. And on the first day. She was beginning to despise some of the cadets' attitudes. They would certainly fail training if they didn't learn how to control their feelings.
Allyna stared at the mess hall filled with trainees, and the two that were being dragged away from each other. She internally rolled her eyes, though she looked as emotionless as ever on the outside. She spotted a girl sitting at the edge of an empty table, and she moved to sit at the other end without making a sound. It was obvious the girl didn't want any company, and Allyna was absolutely fine with that. She started eating her meal quietly and neatly, finishing most of the things on her plate.
Kyle had taken a seat off by himself in the dining room while he ate the food that he had assembled. He was mildly exhausted from the training, but he felt that the training wasn't sufficient enough for him. Sure, it was to prepare him for the physical toll that would be required to fight titans but it didn't allow him to use his head, that he felt he could use better than any of the other cadets. Too many of them were clouded by vengeance and hatred that he believed they may as well be cannon fodder.

What disappointed him most about the training was that they couldn't even get to see a single Titan. Of course, he hoped that they'd eventually allow for one of the abominations to be viewed, but Kyle was anxious. He wanted badly to see one up close, to observe its movements and actions, to watch how it healed itself. There was just so much that he wanted to see that he found himself audibly sighing while he thought.

Of course, Kyle's attention was brought away from his thoughts as he watched a couple of cadets get into a little scuffle. Such waste he thought, shaking his head in disapproval. These people were the biggest example why he felt that brains was always superior over brawn's. Letting yourself get carried away by anger and fighting for no reason was just a sign of an idiot. Put them with a Titan and see how long they last. Probably as long as the fight.

Finishing up his food quickly, Kyle prepared to just sit back and relax when his eye caught on a particular girl who sat at a table with another girl quietly. Why not make some friends first, get in with a good crowd? Standing up from his seat, Kyle made his way over to the girl and took a seat beside her. After sitting silent for a few seconds, Kyle casually said, "So, did you see that fight that just broke out? What do you think of it, because personally I think they won't last long with tempers like that. Need to be calm and smart to last. By the way, names Kyle. What's yours?" He extended a hand out to the girl, smiling lightly. It didn't seem like she wanted to talk much judging by her emotionless expression, but as he always said, you never know till you try.
Anessa watched a man come over and introduce himself to the girl beside her. She made no effort to move away from the two, as all the tables were currently occupied. The girl stared blankly at her food, which was beginning to cool, and back to the scene. Her eyebrows knitted together as the man stated some of her thoughts.

No, they won't last. Not unless they control that temper of theirs.
As Yuri finishes his meal he thinks of what happend as a fight broke out he dosent knoe why,he ask too sit on a table and she walk away.Lots of things were happening and he dint know why maybe people are kinda nervius thats all.But as he think of it he would go outside and look at the wall in the distance and say too himself "Father i will do what you have thought mi"he says too himself silently as he looks at the wall on the distance,as he would go back in and sit on a lone table as he dint had nothing too do as he alredy train but he says kinda too any one that answers "so any of you seen a...Titan before?"
"Allyna," Allyna replied curtly. She didn't exactly feel the need to grace the boy with anything other than her name. She went back to eating, ignoring the boy's attempts to introduce himself to her. It wasn't that she hated him, it was just she didn't really care enough to bother with it. Her name was common knowledge anyways, since she'd introduced herself as a cadet.
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Michael continued to struggle, growling and trying to hurt someone, anyone. This continued for about a minute until he just started to shiver and his growls became sobs. Tears came to his eyes and he dropped to his knees, defeated.
Nuka sat on one of the tables watching quietly as everything took place he wasn't one to get involved in fights or even struggles like this so instead he just watched from a table "such an interesting group of people"they really were interesting.
Yuri would chake his head as he gets up and heads outside and thinks too himelf great...now people are loosing it as he would head towards the traning grounds and start to train hand to hand combat,it dosent help with titans but helps him stay alive here longer
Ciana sat in the corner next to a few people. They didn't seem to notice her (well no one did) but she didn't mind. She was use to being alone and quite liked it. She chuckles to herself as the fight finally came to a end. Which was all she could really do she had no desire to get involved. She wanted no drama or problems especially on the first day. She mixed her peas, corn, mash potatoes, and beef together; she found it much easier to eat that way. She pushes her plate, as it grew empty, to the side as she presses her head against the table. She closed her eyes focusing on the mindless conversations everyone were having. Most was about the fight and what people thought about it. She starts groan softly picking at her nails. Just wanting to drown everything out at the point in time.
"Shit never changes." Urijah muttered, as he shook off a couple of the cadets who were holding him. He didn't return to his food, to sit down to eat; well, to start off with, he couldn't because it had been overturned when Michael jumped over the top of the table. But, if it was there, he wasn't about to sit back down and eat it. No, instead he turned from the mess hall completely and walked out. It wasn't like anybody important or worthwhile had been talking to each other anyway - on the contrary, it seemed that almost everyone was stuck to their own corner or clique, something that Urijah hated. After all, he hadn't been aware that they were all trying to join the military to re-enact high school.

Hands pressed against a door which lied straight down the hall. Opening the wooden slabs, Urijah walked outside. Grabbing the pack containing cigarettes that had been rolled up on his own prior to the start of the day, the teenager removed the wrapped-up tobacco and placed the appropriate end in his mouth. He brought fire to the opposite end with the means of a lighter, which engulfed the paper at the tip in flame. He let the smoke gather in his mouth, and let it out - not inhaling the first hit. Though, when the ignited cherry reached actual plant matter, he inhaled a rich amount of smoke which poured from his nostrils and seeped through his lips after a couple of seconds.

None of this mattered. What mattered was the Survey Corps - which was where he was headed to right after he got through this training.
Ciana grew quite tired of the meaningless topics. She threw her remains away before leaving silently. She inhaled the derby of smoked left fom Urijah's cigarette. A warm smile crossed her face as it reminded her of home. She walks towards the lonesome man. She takes a seat next to him "May I have one?" She drew out some pocket change from her pants enough to cover a new packet. "Here it should cover another packet!" She handed the money in exchange for a cigarette. She broke the habit a few years ago but with the way things were going she need some sort of medication for the stress.
Kyle frowned, pulling his hand back from Allyna. Maybe she just wasn't in the mood to talk. Sure, being in the military wasn't supposed to be all talk, but why not? He usually wasn't the type to seek out someone to chat with, but since it was the first day of training he wanted to make a first impression that set him apart from the rest so everyone would take notice, and not in the same stupid way those others did, as that only gained them a reputation of impulsive and stupid.

Kyle casually leaned back and uttered, "Oh, so you're the strong, silent type, eh? That's cool, usually means you can handle yourself to a degree. However, why are you like that?" Kyle lightly smiled as he began his usual psycho-analysis. Whenever he did this it was usually when someone was being stubborn, he was genuinely interested in the person, or he was just bored, and at the moment it was a bit of everything."There are times where someone is just raised that way and to not care about anything but the important details, but usually it is caused by some sort of trauma, and for some reason I have a feeling it was the latter for you. What was it? Parent died, family member killed, near death experience, or were you present when the Titans broke down Wall Maria? Why are you the way you are? In reality, now that I think about it and my assumption about a trauma making you the way you are is correct, doesn't that make you weak?" Kyle always found it interesting to learn about a person and how they ticked. He stayed in his laid-back position with a smirk on his face as he spoke, intently watching the girl. He was hoping he struck a nerve somewhere and that he would find out whether she went unfazed or was just like the boys from earlier. He wasn't necessarily doing it out of spite. He was just interested in psychology and everything around it.

After having a short breakdown, Michael slouched near the wall of the lunch room. The other cadets had let him be, he was no longer trying to wreak havoc.

Michael felt sick. He knew the other kid wasn't trying to insult him. Yet criticisms always made him feel inferior, which always brought him back to a worse memory. It was something he had to learn to control if he was ever going to make it anywhere in the military. After five minutes of contemplating, he slowly stood and walked toward the door. As he stepped outside, he noticed the cadet he had tried to fight.

Approaching him from behind, Michael put a hand on his shoulder.
"What is your name?"
cojemo said:
Kyle frowned, pulling his hand back from Allyna. Maybe she just wasn't in the mood to talk. Sure, being in the military wasn't supposed to be all talk, but why not? He usually wasn't the type to seek out someone to chat with, but since it was the first day of training he wanted to make a first impression that set him apart from the rest so everyone would take notice, and not in the same stupid way those others did, as that only gained them a reputation of impulsive and stupid.
Kyle casually leaned back and uttered, "Oh, so you're the strong, silent type, eh? That's cool, usually means you can handle yourself to a degree. However, why are you like that?" Kyle lightly smiled as he began his usual psycho-analysis. Whenever he did this it was usually when someone was being stubborn, he was genuinely interested in the person, or he was just bored, and at the moment it was a bit of everything."There are times where someone is just raised that way and to not care about anything but the important details, but usually it is caused by some sort of trauma, and for some reason I have a feeling it was the latter for you. What was it? Parent died, family member killed, near death experience, or were you present when the Titans broke down Wall Maria? Why are you the way you are? In reality, now that I think about it and my assumption about a trauma making you the way you are is correct, doesn't that make you weak?" Kyle always found it interesting to learn about a person and how they ticked. He stayed in his laid-back position with a smirk on his face as he spoke, intently watching the girl. He was hoping he struck a nerve somewhere and that he would find out whether she went unfazed or was just like the boys from earlier. He wasn't necessarily doing it out of spite. He was just interested in psychology and everything around it.
Allyna felt the need to stab him with something sharp and shiny, preferably one of her swords or the butter knife. She mentally snorted at how utterly insensitive and highly annoying someone could get. She was sure if the boy talked to anyone else who wasn't used to being barbed, he would've be punched, kicked where it hurts, and beaten to a bloody pulp. She definitely had enough experience to keep her cool. After all, surviving the side glances and whispers in the so-called high society of Sina took much more effort. Especially to not massacre every single one of her stuck-up relatives.

The boy was definitely to troublesome to deal with; and she did not have enough energy to deal with him after training. She stabbed at the food on her plate without showing any outward change, and snatched a piece of food from the boy's plate. "I'll assume that if you have the energy to be be digging into others' personal lives, you weren't put out as much as others were. Under that assumption, I will be taking the unnecessary food which you will not need to replenish your energy." She replied emotionlessly, chewing on her meal quietly.
Anessa finished her meal and silently stood up. Let the girl suffer alone. she thought bitterly, letting out an inaudible sigh. Placing her utensils away, she headed for the exit. The girl took in a breath of night air and leaned against one of the rails, replaying the training in her head. It was intense, as needed to be, and already, some cadets were kicked out and sent back from whatever hell hole they came from.

She couldn't help but wonder who would be dropped out next.
Patrick had sat alone, in a corner, watching the others. Most of them seemed like self-absorbed assholes, especially Kyle. He turned his head, watching him now, as he dug into Allyna's personal life. He was astounded that someone could say things like that. I mean, I'm an asshole, but this guy? he thought to himself, as Allyna made her retort. He chuckled, almost choking on the piece of bread he was eating.
Yuri would return from his long day in Traning on hand too hand,3D Manuvering gear,and others as his body hurt all over and dint whant too walk or move as his soul hurts aswell,as he would walk in the Messhall and quickli sit down on one of the nerest tables and relaxe there as it was the nerest area too the traning ground and the fastest too reach,as he would lay back and rest as his bones were killing him
"No, it's okay." Urijah responded appropriately, handing the female a cigarette without taking her money. "I don't need it, really." Urijah knew the struggle of those addicted to nicotine - especially when they happened to not have a cigarette. A couple of times, Urijah had found himself without one and he asked, so if it was him being the beggar, he would want to be treated with the same courteousness. When he was provoked by the same man whom he had previously fought inside of the cafeteria, the boy was surprised to see him so relaxed. Wasn't it just a moment ago that he was breaking down in a corner?

Taking a step away, he outstretched his hand toward Michael. "My name is Urijah. And I suppose you figured it would better to make peace and not another enemy, right?" He asked, raising his eyebrow slightly. Urijah thought it was 'big' of the other two approach the boy, something he admired. Michael had certainly gained some respect just by having some cojones. Originally, it hadn't been Urijah's fault that the man lost his temper, but he wasn't one to keep grudges anyway. Taking another drag off of his cigarette, the boy leaned against one of the walls beside the mess hall, which the three had been currently standing outside of. Exhaling a somewhat vast amount of smoke from a rather drawn-out hit, hues moved from the female who had approached him prior to Michael.



Michael held a concerned look on his face, as he was still bothered by the past. Yet he had locked it down into a corner of his mind. "So, Urijah huh? You can call me Mac. We've got enough trouble as it is without fighting amongst ourselves. Besides, if I'm going to make it to the top and defeat the titans… I'll need strong allies with the same ambitions to keep me in check."
The girl headed towards the dorms? cabins?, her appetite lost. The people back there all gave her a headache, and she wanted to get as far away from them as possible. Tomorrow was the start of their rigorous training, and she needed to be well rested.

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