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Fandom Attack on Titan


Crimson Kiss of Death


Over one hundred years prior to the beginning of the story, giant humanoid creatures called Titans suddenly appeared and nearly wiped out humanity, devouring them without remorse or reason. What remains of humanity now resides within a country surrounded by three enormous concentric walls: the outermost is Wall Maria; the middle wall is Wall Rose and the innermost is Wall Sina. Inside these walls, humanity has lived in peace for one hundred years; many people growing up without ever having seen a Titan. This all changes when one day, the Shiganshina district which juts out of Wall Maria, a giant 60-meter (200 ft) tall Titan known as the Colossus Titan mysteriously appears and breaches the outer wall, allowing smaller but still deadly Titans to infiltrate the district. Many are killed and the wall separating Shiganshina from the lands within Wall Maria is breached when a second Titan smashes clean through. Mankind is forced to abandon the land between Wall Maria and Wall Rosé, evacuating the remaining population into the inner districts. The sudden influx of population causes turmoil and famine.

The Titans are giant humanoids, usually masculine in form and naked (with no reproductive organs). They vary between 3 and 15 meters in height, with the exception of the so-named Colossus Titan. Titans appear to instinctively attack and devour humans on sight. Despite this behavior, they apparently do not require food for sustenance, as they do not prey on animals and have survived for one hundred years in a human-free environment prior to the inner wall breach. Most of their energy has been found to come from sunlight, though they remain active, however sluggish, in the absence of light. Their skin is tough and difficult to penetrate and they have the ability to regenerate from injuries, even the loss of their head, after a short time. The Titan's only apparent weakness is a spot on the nape of the neck which, when cut deep enough, effectively kills the Titan. This revelation led to the development of the Vertical Maneuvering Equipment which allows trained humans to navigate quickly in a three-dimensional space. Although it permits great mobility to a skilled user, it carries a large risk of overtaxing the muscles, requiring extensive physical conditioning and agility.

----(( <^> ))----

It's been four years after the fall of Wall Maria, and you've been recruited in the 104th Trainees Squad. Your first days of training start in a week, giving you enough time to say farewell to your family.

You will choose between 3 Regiments to join after your hard training.

Will it be the Survey Corps, the Military Police, or the Garrison?


After you have chosen your regiment, will you survive the tough environment of the 3 Walls?

Or will you perish in the mouth of the Titans?​



Survey Corps Headquarters




If a rule is broken, please notify me via Private Message. If a rule is broken, you will be warned. Breaking rules at least 3 times will result in the elimination of the Role-Player.

(It is recommended that you watch the anime before roleplaying. If not, some terms may seem confusing)

Rules and Regulations

1) Be kind and do not bully or insult outside of the Role-Play.

2) No Mary-Sues or God-Mods are allowed.

3) Be active! Post at least once every week or two.

4) There is a three characters per Role-Player limit.

5) Do not base or use a licensed character.

6) In this Role-Play, you must use sentences with periods and capitols.

7) Keep one-liners to a minimum and try to have depth in your posts.

8) Keep it PG-13!

9) Have FUN!

10) Look below.

If you have read the rules completely, place this hawt gif of Levi in your character sheet.

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CloudKitteh updated @Braxnond







((If I've missed someone, please tell! This is not in my character's third-person view, this is just the introductory narrative. The General will pass those who have survived the fall of Wall Maria and those who have witnessed terror in their lives. He will question the more..innocent ones.))

Four years have passed since the fall of Wall Maria. Four years since humanity was reminded of how they lived under the mercy of the man-eating beasts outside of the walls. You held your hands to your side, wincing slightly at the loud voice of the Trainees Squad's General. He was relentless, ruthless, and down-right cruel. You never faltered as the General planted himself in front of you, your gaze unwavering.

"Why are you here in this squad?!" he shouted. Amazingly, you could hear after the harsh noise that attack your ears.

But really...what was your reason for joining?

You raised your right fist and planted it upon the left of your chest, prepared to tell him why you had left the comfort of home for this brutal training.

((You may introduce your characters!!!))​
Ciana's palms shook with fright and exhaustion. She forced herself to stare up into the harsh yet gentle eyes of her general. Her voice shook viscously as she followed his every command. She gluped a little as she inhaled deeply. She responsed with an assertive force in her voice. "Ciana Loar! I'm 15 and was a resident of Wall Sina!" She paused to hear mocking groans. It was nothing new but it seemed to bother her more then usual. "My reason for joining is to prove to everyone that money can't define me. It's my actions that do! We must fight for what is rightfully ours!!"

((Sorry if I mess anything up. I'm still trying to figure this site out! -Thanks- :) ))
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Patrick planted his his right fist over his heart, and his left hand behind his back. "Patrick McVaughn! I'm 15 years old and was a resident of Wall Rose!" he said, before continuing right on to his reason for joining, "My reason for joining is to fight for a world worth living in!" he shouted, telling nothing but the truth. That was precisely why he joined, to fight for a world worth living in. To fight for a world like those in the books his father wrote, stories without Titans, and stories without the slaughter they brought. He stood there, at attention, staring straight forward, into the eyes of the General.

((Am I going to be the only person in the Garrison Regiment?) 
((Wait, nvm, there's Rei.))
Nuka looked up as the commsnder psssed on to him although he was a too loud for his taste but he'd respect him nonetheless, Nula stood up straight looking the commmander right in the eyes and threw his fist over his heart in the usual salute and raised his voice in a way he would never do "Nuka springer sir! I'm sixteen and I hail from Wall Rose!" He remained focused on the task at hand and continued on "My reason for joining is to get rid of the diseased plague we call Titans and to avenge the loss of my parents and I will do so even if it means laying down my own life to make it happen! " at that moment Nuka's eyes were burning with the desire to defend the world he wants to live in and with the right training he'd do just that and nothing would stand in his way.
Michael McCrimmon

Michael quietly stood at attention, following the swirls of dust on the ground. It flows freely without a care. Nothing has an interest in eating dust. Yet it has no self awareness. No understanding of evil, and therefore no enjoyment of good. It just exists, being tugged along by the whims of the wind. For every evil, there is supposed to be an opposite good. That's how the universe keeps in balance. But what is the opposite for the titans? What good have the humans been awarded? As of yet, nothing. Has the universe abandoned us? Or are we destined for an eternity as dust?

The general was using an intimidation factor on some of the new recruits. He was trying to see if they were really up to the task of joining the military. Some of the trainees answered sternly, showing they had promise. However, there were some that broke down in front of him, losing their nerve.
Do they have no pride in humanity? They can't even think past their own selfish fears. Screw them.

As the general loomed over, Michael stared him directly in the eyes. He wasn't a bit intimidated. There wasn't anything the general could do to him that the titans couldn't do better. After a moment, the general moved on without a word. Michael continued to watch the dust.

PT. There were a couple of reasons that soldiers underwent excessive physical training, but usually there were only two factors that effectively had people doing so much work. One, was negative health or bad physical form, both of which could be positively influenced by working out. The other was punishment. While the commander continued to ask other trainees what their desire or end-goal was for attending the academy, Urijah was running laps around the entire compound of space, which was obviously enclosed. Now, do you think he was running because of his negative self-image?

No. When the commander yelled in Urijah's face, the first person whom he screeched at about why he was training to fight the titans, Urijah reacted in an offended manner. As a result of the young man deciding that he didn't like the commander's breach of personal space, in addition to a pinch of his rebellious nature and hatred of authority... Well, the confrontation would go a little something like this:


"Why are you here in this squad?!"


"What the fuck are you yelling in my face for ?!"

As he ran as fast as he could, sweat poured down his face - light strands of hair pushed over to the side so the tips wouldn't poke at his eyes. Urijah didn't say anything, he just continued running his laps. Even when the trainees were done with their appropriate meet and greet scenario, Urijah would probably be stuck running. He was one lap into a forty lap sentence. The man didn't mind running. Actually, when push came to shove, it gave the trainee a reason to be alone, and solidarity was something he cherished. Being in the academy with all these other trainees didn't exactly give Urijah the alone time he would have preferred to endure. Then again, he wasn't exactly a people-person... Not that many introverts are to begin with.
CloudKitteh updated Attack on Titan with a new update entry:

Only 3

Only 3-4 characters are allowed to join one Regiment. Here are the spots available.
Survey Corps

3 Spots Available (1 taken by me)


3 Spots Available

Military Police

3 Spots Available

I will handpick the people who will go in each Corps. Your recommended decision in your character sheet will be considered.
Read the rest of this update entry... 

Anessa saluted firmly as the General planted himself in front of her small bodice.

"Who are you and why are you here in this squad!"

"That, sir, is none of your business," she replied coldly, her eyes remaining sternly on his visage.

"Repeat that, please," he replied heatedly.

"I find no reason to, as you certainly are not deaf. I'm amazed, however, that many of the others' ears are still working as of now."

She had a bored expression on her smooth face, which irked the General to the point where he stormed off to the poor cadet nest to her. The girl raised her hand to study her nails, a small smirk on her lips. She had succeeded in making the first day much more worse for the other cadets. The other boy was already up and running, and the others...well Anessa paid no heed to them. Looking over at the fear of the other contestants amused her slightly. The girl had no doubt that certain others were wetting their pants.​
Coal would be in line as the general facing others and asking them and some loosing there nerves and some brave and say it as the general would face him as he look at him as he quickly respons too him wen he ask

"Yuri Solotov from wall Rose sir! mi reson of joining is too get rid of the plaghe and follow mi fathers foot steps sir!"he says looking him in the eye as he was a litel chaki of him looking like that but as he would move on from him thats one creepy general he says in his minde.
Allyna stared at the general blankly, face completely devoid of emotion and unaffected by the general's stare. "Allyna R. Glade, 16, from Wall Sina, sir. My reason for joining is to follow the footsteps of my brother, sir." she said flatly, ignoring the other students mocking her residence. It wasn't disrespectful with the way she said it, but she didn't sound like the most enthusiastic reply either. She didn't pay much attention to the rest of the trainees, ignoring what most of them were saying.
Kyle rocked back on the heels of his feet casually, hands behind his back as he observed the General approach the others. It was interesting to say the least, watching the different ways the cadets reacted. Some of them broke down obviously unfit for what was to come, some felt the need to act rebellious, and others simply did what was expected of them. How many of these people were doing this out of some need for revenge or hatred against the Titans he wondered.

Way too many people followed such a simple path of vengeance into battle, all of them he considered foolish. Such simple-mindedness never got society anywhere but in a hole in the ground. What was required was an understanding of the enemy, and that he hoped to gain. Such curious, fascinating creatures that no one really knew much about. Why hate them just because they have wronged you? Who knows what secrets these Titans hold? Getting up close and personal with them seemed like a good way to observe them closely, and that was why he was where he was.

Of course, when the General came around to him and asked him who he was and why he was in the squad, he didn't answer truthfully, as that would likely gain him many, MANY enemies, as he was pretty sure that most of the cadets wouldn't take too fondly to someone who didn't hate the Titans and actually liked them. Instead, Kyle lazily got into salute position as he said, "My name is Kyle Cornelius, age sixteen, and since I don't feel like sharing my reason being here I'm just going to say I'm here to 'free humanity from the scourge of the Titans' and be done with it, sir!" He ended with an extremely mocking tone, smirking at the General as he maintained eye contact. First impressions were important, and though he wouldn't be as rebellious during the coming days, Kyle wanted to make sure that the General knew that he wasn't a simple-minded soldier to be pushed around. After staring back at the Generals silent and heated gaze for a few moments, likely trying to get him to crack, he felt satisfied as the General moved on. Maybe he believed it worked and Kyle was just good at hiding it, maybe he just gave up. Either way, things seemed to have gone well for him.
Ciana leaned against the hardwood walls of one of the several cabins. She examined each trainee as some of them struggled while others exceeded in every possible realm. She had finish a little while earlier as she hadn't stop for a lunch or bathroom break. It wasn't anything new since she had been more of an over-achiever for most of her life. Many people saw it as kissing up to the boss or something negative but it was more of a leaned habit. She didn't wanna learn it but it was the only way to please her parents (and to keep up with her older brother). He was more of the favorite child maybe it was because he was more of their trained dog then a son. She stumbled over to the water bowl softly taking a sip as her legs struggles to not collapse from under her.
CloudKitteh updated Attack on Titan with a new update entry:


I've been quite busy, so please excuse my absence. We will time-skip to the first meal, and everyone will meet each other and etc. Ack, I'm so sorry!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Anessa sat idly at one of the wooden dining tables, picking at her food. It was true, her muscles ached some from the training, but she would learn to ignore the pain in time. Some others were conversing in hushed voices, most complaining about how their body ached.

Well, that's what they get for joining.

The girl lowered her eyes at the semi-finished plate of food before letting out a small breath. It was going to be a long day.
Michael held a death glare on his food as he stepped into the dinning room. His entire world seemed dark and he didn't care about anything else. His soul motivation was revenge. He didn't care about anybody else. Finding a table, he sat down by himself and started to eat. The entire time, the moments before and after the fall of Wall Maria played through his head, making him more depressed.
Yuri would see the food as he was kinda hungry and aswell needed to meat some of the people as he whanted too know what wall are they as he dint hear well back there as he was only thinking of being serius and too answer the generals Question but like that now is out of the way now,as he gets some food,as he gets close too her table he gose too the other side of it and ask"Dose sombody sit here?"
Anessa lifted her gaze to meet another cadet. It seemed that he wanted to sit near her, and it didn't appeal to her.

She grasped her tray and headed to another abandoned table, giving the man the spot she had had.

The girl sat down and quickly finished her meal. She wasn't about to introduce herself as some were.
"Um...ok?" that was wierd...seems some are Very nervius"H esays too himself silently as he sits down and starts too eat..why was people like this?.....but he shake his head and continue too eat

(He dint whant too sit near her he ask at the other side of the table)
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Upon finishing his final lap, practically dead, Urijah collapsed onto the dirt. Wheezing while breathing heavily, the young man spent an abundance of time on the ground before he finally mustered up enough strength to lift himself up and get something to eat. His stomach hurt as a result of the acid within eating away at nothing but stomach lining - food was apparently scarce when you were forced to fill a quota that consisted of physical activity.

When he finally got inside, he cleaned himself up with a quick shower. It was practically empty, considering everyone had been off eating. He made sure to dress himself in something light; a white tee-shirt and gray sweatpants, before heading down to the mess hall so he could finally grab something to eat. Upon walking in, there was an uproar of chatter. Not particularly about him, just in general. Noting that there was a gentleman with a rather sour look on his face, Urijah would to decide to sit at the bench across from the fellow.

"We're all here with the same goal in mind," Urijah didn't ask to sit, he just sat, shoving food into his mouth in the process. "That salty look doesn't suit you at all." One of his free hands would move to shove some of the hair out of his face as a small smirk made its way onto his visage. "Maybe you should think about taking it easy. After all, who knows how long we all really have? Not to seem negative or anything, statistics are just statistics. Same goes for the norm."

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Nuka walked through the rows of listening to all the whispers about how he was "showing off" during training in his mind he was simply advertising his skill to the commanders and with his attitude you learned no to give two shits about what people thought about you, he made his way to a table near the end where a few people were sitting "mind if I join you guys?" He'd recognized them from the small groups in training ghey were also some of the ones who people kept an eye out for and he admired that.

Michael was startled when another cadet sat next to him. He didn't mind as long as the person didn't expect him to answer any questions. The person seemed to be quite ready to talk though. They started to complain about Michael's demeanor. The gaul this kid had. Taking it easy? He didn't have a clue.

Flicking up his sight, Michael leapt across the table and tackled the other cadet, starting to throw punches at him.
Crinkling the bridge of his nose in response to seeing the male shift in his seat, Urijah began laughing as Michael jumped over the wood and tackled him. His back hit the ground behind him, raising his arms as Michael threw his punches. Two of them hit his face; knuckles both grazed his right cheek under his eye and another hit the bridge of his own, but Urijah was throwing punches back as well. He knew a couple hit the trainee in retaliation, but he wasn't exactly sure where. Urijah had been too busy trying to sneak-shot hits to the other's face while blocking the man's punches.

"Temper, ah?" Urijah asked, as he began shifting his position slightly so that he could lift his body up. Wrapping his arms around the midsection of Michael, he took a second to lift him up into the air as high as he could in attempts to slam him into a table, bench, or even the ground. He just really wanted to slam the hell out of the cadet who thought it would be a good idea striking him in the first place. See, Urijah came from a world where fighting for survival was key. Well, all of them did when it came to the Titans, but Urijah grew up in the lowest neighborhoods. Hand-to-hand combat was his forte, and he lived to fight in such a ravenous way.

Michael had been angry and depressed. The other cadet couldn't find him at a worse time. Because of all the emotions flowing through him, Michael wasn't thinking clearly. Taking a few shots to the face didn't help the situation. As the cadet tried to shift his position and knock Michael off or slam him, Michael wrapped an arm around his throat.
Coal would get up as he sees what happend at it wasent his problem but why are they fighting in times like this? it was odd for him tow fight like that maybe they started too insult one a nother or somthing but it was better not too interfier as it was his first day and dint whant too get his first problem,as he would get his plate as he finishe his meal and had nothing too do but look but he dint whant too stay there and do nothing and yells "Can you two stop Fighting dam why you fight in a time like this"

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