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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Brinie said:
Well there was a roleplay I made awhile ago about a spirit called Akuma. Except it was after the war, and the spirit basically incited the earth nation to violence, which caused them to wage war on the fire nation in a twist of events. Except this happened after the events of the legend of korra... That's sort of impossible on this timeline, but maybe he can serve as a sort of antagonist some how. The spirit is similar to koh, except instead of stealing faces, he causes people to have visions that make them inherently more violent.
Perhaps that's what the spirit is doing? Maybe there is some sort of disease going around in the world that is making people behave more violently, and unbeknownst to everyone else, it is actually a spirit that is causing these sort of events/inciting anger.

We can even go forward and say that it is somehow what made the fire nation decided that they want to start a conquest against the world? I don't think that approach would work, just another idea.

I do think the original idea about the rogue group of benders would be better in this setting, just wanted to maybe provide an alternative.
I'm not the best as I need to refresh on my knowledge of the show. That sounds kind of interesting, and well.. bad if certain characters/people are infected. That's kind of sad, a war started because of spirits causing the Hundred Years War.

It's good to have alternative ideas as the first one or few might not work.
Brinie said:
Well there was a roleplay I made awhile ago about a spirit called Akuma. Except it was after the war, and the spirit basically incited the earth nation to violence, which caused them to wage war on the fire nation in a twist of events. Except this happened after the events of the legend of korra... That's sort of impossible on this timeline, but maybe he can serve as a sort of antagonist some how. The spirit is similar to koh, except instead of stealing faces, he causes people to have visions that make them inherently more violent.
Perhaps that's what the spirit is doing? Maybe there is some sort of disease going around in the world that is making people behave more violently, and unbeknownst to everyone else, it is actually a spirit that is causing these sort of events/inciting anger.

We can even go forward and say that it is somehow what made the fire nation decide that they wanted to start a conquest against the world? I don't think that approach would work, just another idea.

I do think the original idea about the rogue group of benders would be better in this setting, just wanted to maybe provide an alternative.
@Brinie , Ok first of all, LOVE THE NEW PROFILE PIC!!! (<3.<3)(<3.<3)(<3.<3) (Flowey gives me the hibbi jebbies, but he's awesome)

Second, it's a pretty well thought out idea, and the others might like it. However, I do see one major flaw: it is awefully similar to the take over of Vatu, with controlling spirits and all. And while you are segesting a spirit taking over humans is more original, it's still pretty close. I don't know for sure though, it could still work in the long run, we'll just have to see what the others say! (^.^)
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I think I wanna put Shio in the Earth Kingdom...are any other characters there right now? Specifically Ba Sing Se.
Brinie said:
I think I wanna put Shio in the Earth Kingdom...are any other characters there right now? Specifically Ba Sing Se.
Well, Ulva and Yula are heading towards the Earth Kingdom. Amita is with them currently so I'm assuming that she's going to join them. Hikaru is in the village they're heading to because his uncle's traveling circus is stopping to restock on supplies. The leader of the RP's character (forgot her name) is a resident of the Earth Kingdom. Yagari is a resident of the Earth Kingdom as well.

So, all the characters are either already in the Earth Kingdom (residents) or heading there.

As for Ba Sing Se, I think it's safe to say they'll be arrive there, eventually.
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Yep Amita is going to join Ulva and Yula for whatever reason hahaha

So I was thinking she'll help them with whatever their problem is right now but she plans on gettinf back home. However, if a bigger problem arise, of course she'd be glad to help and participate
[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Oh mi shocks. Due to bad internet, map wont load in my phone. But I'll post anyways to keep things going

Well, at least you know where your character is. I have no idea where exactly Yagari's at other than he's nearby to then.

Good luck though.
Leo296 said:
Well, at least you know where your character is. I have no idea where exactly Yagari's at other than he's nearby to then.
Good luck though.
Haha good luck ^_^/

Hope to met your char soon. He reminds me of Jeht haha
[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Haha good luck ^_^/
Hope to met your char soon. He reminds me of Jeht haha

Yeah, just add some snark, sarcasm, bluntness, disliking others and make him an assassin. I had him be nearby to make meeting up easier. Though, he wouldn't join unless he's paid.
Leo296 said:
Yeah, just add some snark, sarcasm, bluntness, disliking others and make him an assassin. I had him be nearby to make meeting up easier. Though, he wouldn't join unless he's paid.
I'm kind of interested in seeing how he and Amita react to each other. Polar opposites in some ways.
Leo296 said:
I'm kind of interested in seeing how he and Amita react to each other. Polar opposites in some ways.
Leo296 said:
I'm kind of interested in seeing how he and Amita react to each other. Polar opposites in some ways.
Yep polar opposites indeed. I'm getting excited to have them meet soon


Wait money? OwO but... We dont have money. Oh wait, Ulva has hahahaha jk
So what town is everyone heading to specifically? Is it a canon town or an original one? We should give it a name to make it less confusing. :3
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[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Yep polar opposites indeed. I'm getting excited to have them meet soon

Wait money? OwO but... We dont have money. Oh wait, Ulva has hahahaha jk

Brinie said:
So what town is everyone heading to specifically? Is it a canon town or an original one? We should give it a name to make it less confusing. :3
I have no idea what it's called. So far, it's a random town unless someone wants to name it.
[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Yep polar opposites indeed. I'm getting excited to have them meet soon

Wait money? OwO but... We dont have money. Oh wait, Ulva has hahahaha jk

Yep, he's an assassin but he can server as other roles. Hopefully, Ulva has enough to satisfy him if she's the one who pays him.
Yeah idk where Amita is takin them since I cant see the map. We can just name something random

Does airbenders have airbender money? O.o

Yeah i dont think Amita has any with her right now

Lol assassin meets peace maker nomad
[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Yeah idk where Amita is takin them since I cant see the map. We can just name something random
Does airbenders have airbender money? O.o

Yeah i dont think Amita has any with her right now

Lol assassin meets peace maker nomad

I don't think they do though. Yep, they'll like each other very much.
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that my friend @SN0RKY will be joining us in our RP, the problem is is that she has no idea what to do for an OC. If anyone has any well thought out suggestions, feel free to let her know! Also, she does have this OC named Snorky, who is a grey-furred pig fox, who she might want to add in somehow. It is her profile picture. If anyone who wants an animal companion is interested in this sort of animal, then please let her know! Thanks guys!!!
Oooh chi blocker :D

Amita wants to have an animal companion too hahaha mebe next time

@Leo296 yeah interesting relationship we'll be having I hope haha. Too bad airbenders dont have airbender money xD oh well
Koi Miazaki]Oooh chi blocker :D Amita wants to have an animal companion too hahaha mebe next time [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25272-leo296/ said:
@Leo296[/URL] yeah interesting relationship we'll be having I hope haha. Too bad airbenders dont have airbender money xD oh well
I'm pretty sure they don't have a currency. But if you want to be sure, you could always look it up.

I think that he would get along better with her than bounty hunter (Shio).
Leo296 said:
I'm pretty sure they don't have a currency. But if you want to be sure, you could always look it up.
I think that he would get along better with her than bounty hunter (Shio).
Lol why? xD coz theyre both kinda cold?

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