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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Brinie said:
Would a bounty hunter notice Yagari's face or not? I noticed you mentioned it in your first post.
I think in this scene, he would not be wearing a mask to blend in more. When he doesn't need to blend in or on a mission he would wear a mask to conceal his identity.
Leo296 said:
I think in this scene, he would not be wearing a mask to blend in more. When he doesn't need to blend in or on a mission he would wear a mask to conceal his identity.
I wanna rephrase this question to make sure it's okay before I post.

Shio basically recognized Yagari as having a bounty on his head, but he can't remember the crime or how much he was worth.
Brinie said:
I wanna rephrase this question to make sure it's okay before I post.
Shio basically recognized Yagari as having a bounty on his head, but he can't remember the crime or how much he was worth.
Oh… Alright then…
Brinie said:
I wanna rephrase this question to make sure it's okay before I post.
Shio basically recognized Yagari as having a bounty on his head, but he can't remember the crime or how much he was worth.
Wait, is Yagari fighting him? I got a bit confused…

Leo296 said:
Wait, is Yagari fighting him? I got a bit confused…
NOnononono he's fighting a random guy that's upset about the fertilizer comment. Then he walks over to Yagari to talk. Sorry bout' that. What was confusing about my wording? Just so I can make sure I don't do anything similar in the future.
Brinie said:
NOnononono he's fighting a random guy that's upset about the fertilizer comment. Then he walks over to Yagari to talk. Sorry bout' that. What was confusing about my wording? Just so I can make sure I don't do anything similar in the future.
Sorry, I just got a little bit confused. That's all.

Lepolarleopard said:
No leo, hes suggesting what will be be going through Shio's head when he takes a closer look at Yagari, duh. ( :P )
No, not even that. I'm rereading it and I don't see where people are misinterpreting. HELP ME. It's drivin me crazy.
Brinie said:
No, not even that. I'm rereading it and I don't see where people are misinterpreting. HELP ME. It's drivin me crazy.
Depends on who reads it? Maybe you didn't specify the man who was fighting him? (Sorry, I'm not doing a good job answering this)

There, I made the person he was fighting a farmer. After this encounter, I'm probably gonna have him search around for more stores to fuel up at and end up finding the fish shop.
Brinie said:
There, I made the person he was fighting a farmer. After this encounter, I'm probably gonna have him search around for more stores to fuel up at and end up finding the fish shop.
Alright then.

Artemistel said:
UPDATE: I was thinking of requesting a new tab for something a little more immature: Q&A [like a would you rather and other mini games for our OCs and for ourselves to further their character development] and possibly even a shipping poll. Like/respond if you think I should go through with it and you might want to participate. (music) I will only request a new tab if everyone wants to take part in this, so please let me know.
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296 @Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki @Brinie
Ahi! @Koi Miazaki and @Brinie !!! Just a reminder that you should like this post, or else we won't get this new tab! It'll be fun!!! (*U*)(*U*)(*U*)
Artemistel said:
UPDATE: I was thinking of requesting a new tab for something a little more immature: Q&A [like a would you rather and other mini games for our OCs and for ourselves to further their character development] and possibly even a shipping poll. Like/respond if you think I should go through with it and you might want to participate. (music) I will only request a new tab if everyone wants to take part in this, so please let me know.
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296 @Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki @Brinie
Ooh yeah that'd be fun. And I think shippong polls are cute although it's a bit early since they havent met yet. But it's going to.be a great idea ^_^
@Gabriel Leko

Hey dude! (@V@) Welcome to the club! (^U^) Read your bio, your OC is super unique! (':3) Just in case you didn't know, you can always chat with us in here, and figure out where your oc is going to show up for the RP! (OuO) We also don't have a permanent plot as of now, but we have a general idea, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to lay it on us in here! (OUO)

P.S. Dose your dude always bend black flames? Or can they look like normal fire as well? (*U*)

P.P.S. If you haven't read MY bio yet, (which is the polarleopard), just an fyi that I have a special fire too, except it only can be breathed during a new moon at night. I would think that this fire would be similar to yours, so I thought that was cool! (He might also be the only one who could properly bend it!) (:3)

Have fun, and don't forget to ask questions! (^.^)
Artemistel said:
UPDATE: Welcome our new RP moderator @Lepolarleopard! She will help regulate rules, answer questions, etc.
Thank you thank you no hold your applause until the end of the speech plz! (8))

Im JK everyone! ( :D )

All I wanted to say is that, yep IM THE NEW MODERATOR! So have any questions, (in which I'm sssuuuurrrreeeee you do), Feel free to ask meh! Unsure of something? Ask Meh! Want to just hang? TALK TO MMMEEEHHHH (@V@)

And remember... (read bellow)


You flatter me honestly. Does this mean my character is accepted?

And yes, his flames remain black until they are put out. After reading up on your character the flames would only be similar in color and hue unless they also have spiritual properties.

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